¡Viva la España!

May 31, 2005 17:36

Allright kids, I know I said I wouldn´t use this damn thing anymore, but I feel the need to use it now in order to keep all of my memories straight about what´s going on in Spain. So, without further ado, let me give you a nice, long review of what the hell I´ve been doing here in the country for my first week!

Well, after roughly twenty straight hours of travel (including layovers and what-not), we arrived in Madrid at 8:30 Tuesday morning (2:30 in the morning U.S. time). Me, Holly and Laura were all so burned out and exhausted that none of us could even see straight, let alone carry our bags. I was.....bitchy, to say the least. Right away the language barrier was formidable, but we managed to get to the train station in one piece and with all of our luggage. Definitely not an easy task carrying all of our luggage across town on the subway, but it worked out allright. FINALLY managed to catch a couple hours of sleep in the train station (and by a couple, I mean two). Arrived in Valencia about 5:30, and got to meet my host family. They´re all very nice, but sometimes it´s extremely difficult to understand the accent.

We spent our first couple of days hunting around the city, figuring out where all of our group is living (there´s 8 of us from U of M), and just generally getting used to the place.

However, come Friday and Saturday night.....

Dear god in heaven, these spaniards can PARTY. Nothing in this country gets under way until almost midnight, and these motherfuckers can stay out till 5 a.m. every freakin´night! I got to try this really wicked drink called orujo, it´s basically to them what absinthe is to us, though not as powerful. And I did do a couple shots of the REAL absinthe.....yikes. Holly had.....a little too much of it, so me and my roommate got to play babysitter, but it´s all good.

A few things about Spain:

They eat A LOT!!! Main meal is around 3 in the afternoon, and it´s like a four course meal everytime. I think our host family thinks we´re either pussies or just don´t like their food (neither of which is true).

Coffee is STRONG. We´ve dubbed it ¨Folgers: with crack!¨ Stuff is so incredibly strong, but damn is it good.

Pot is more or less accepted here. Still illegal in public, but there are a lot of people who smoke it in public. Fucking crazy.

And the beaches.....are......TOPLESS. Wow, oh wow, there are some gorgeous titties flying around this country. But, of course, there are always some really really really nasty ones that no one should ever see.

And finally......the women here are PHENOMENAL. They´re all tan, and fit, and smokin´ hot, and they come in blonde, brunette, redhead.....wow.

But that´s all for now, I´ll have to update later as I remember more. Until later, kids!
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