Unseen, Pt 6/?

Sep 25, 2008 01:13

ok its crazy that i havent posted on lj in it seems like forever... i need to start posting again. damn fanfiction.net just sucks me in with all the awesome Twilight fics :P

here's the next chapter of my twilight fic, Unseen. hope you enjoy it if you read it.

Title: Unseen 6/?
Author: zeppogrl7
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, Stephenie Meyers owns all.
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Bella/Edward, Alice/Jasper, Rosalie/Emmett
Spoilers: None I think
Ratings: R eventually
Summary: Bella, Alice and Rosalie move into a house that Bella inherited from her grandmother. Bella soon finds out that the strange stories her grandmother used to tell her might not have been so strange after all. ALL HUMAN, except Edward...?

Wednesday and Thursday dragged by slowly, causing me to remember why I liked the idea of going to school better than actually going. I had chosen some random writing prompt for Creative Writing class, trying to pick something that didn't remind me of Edward. In History class, instead of feeling like a student, I felt more like a babysitter. It seemed that Jacob had a hard time staying awake in class.

“Class can't be that boring to you, can it?” I asked him when we left History that Thursday. “I thought you liked history.”

“I do,” Jacob replied through a yawn. “I haven't been sleeping that well lately.”


He shrugged. “Beats me. I wake up feeling exhausted, like I ran ten miles over night.”

I smirked. “You have no idea what running ten miles feels like, Jake.”

“That's not the point.” He smiled and rolled his eyes at me. We stopped by the cafeteria. “I guess you're leaving for the day, huh?”

“Yep,” I smiled. “I'm going to go home and relax.” 'And hopefully Edward will be there,' I thought; I hadn't seen him since Tuesday.

“Well, I'll see you at the party tomorrow.” He said cheerfully. “I know you hate parties, Bella, but we'll have fun.”

I nodded. How was I supposed to have fun when I knew I would just be thinking about Edward the whole time?

Jacob and I said goodbye and I met Alice at her car.

“Are you ready?” She asked excitedly.

“To go home?” I asked.

“No, silly! To go shopping for the party!” She laughed and tossed her bag into the backseat.

Oh god, no. I already didn't care for shopping, but shopping with Alice was a whole other story.

“Maybe I'll catch a ride home with Rosalie.” I stepped back from the car.

“She already left with Emmett.” Alice said as she slid into the driver's seat.

“I can just walk home, then.”

She leaned across the seat and pushed the passenger side door open. “If you walk home, I'll be able to go shopping and still get home before you. Now get in.”

Groaning, I slid into the car and shut the door.

Apparently, the whole idea for this shopping trip was to get a new outfit for the party, even though Alice had enough clothing to dress a small country. It was painful going shopping with her; she used me as her personal Barbie doll.

She started the car and I was dragged off into my own personal hell.


I was definitely not in the mood for a party.

It was Friday night and people were starting to arrive. I was in my room, pretending to do homework, or as better phrased: hiding.

Thursday night had been another night without seeing Edward. For a better part of the night I had heard howls and snarls coming from the woods and, instead of being angry with him for completely ditching me, I had wanted nothing more than to have him there to help me feel safe.

And now I was wallowing; it was 'pity party' time. Why couldn't I have fallen for one of the guys I'd gone to high school with? Or even - dare I think it - Jacob? Why did I have to go and fall for a vampire? Because, apparently, I'm a masochist. I just love to torture myself.

A loud banging on my bedroom door startled me.

“Come on, Bella!” Emmett yelled through the door. “It's time to party hardy!”

I groaned.

“And Alice said I can drag you downstairs if you don't cooperate.” He added and I knew he wanted so badly for me not to cooperate.

“Fine! I'm coming!” I wrenched the door open and he immediately pouted. Poor guy; maybe I should have put up some sort of fight to let him have his fun. “Sorry, Em. I don't feel like being manhandled tonight.”

“You're no fun.” He grumbled and headed back downstairs.

I didn't feel that bad for him. I knew that if he'd had to use force, he would have thrown me over his shoulder and I'm sure many a party goer would have been able to see up my skirt.

Yes, I was wearing a skirt. Alice had let me choose my outfit after about an hour of my whining that I hated shopping. I was wearing a pale blue top that dipped down in the front, and a jean skirt that came down to just above my knees. Alice almost had a stroke when I picked out the skirt, begging me to put it back, but I liked it.

I felt her eyes on me now as I walked down the stairs and when I looked over I caught her glaring at my skirt. I had to keep myself from laughing.

There was a lot of people at the party. Alice and Rosalie had apparently decided to invite everyone we ever went to school with. Okay, maybe that was being a bit dramatic, but there were a lot of people.


I was immediately approached by a guy I had graduated from high school with: Mike Newton. He had hung around with some of the girls in my classes - Jessica, Lauren and Angela - and had asked me out a few times. He was a nice guy, but very annoying if he liked you. Well, this party was off to a great start so far.

“Hey, Mike.” I greeted him, trying to smile convincingly. “How are you?”

“I'm good.” He nodded. “You look great!”

“Um, thanks.” I blushed, embarrassed, and glanced around quickly. “I gotta go say hi to some people so I'll see you later on, okay?” I didn't really give him a chance to respond before I took off to find Alice.

I was only half way across the room when an arm wrapped around me from behind and I was lifted off of my feet.

“Hey, Bella!” Jacob bellowed happily, spinning me around once.

“Whoa. Easy there, Jake!”

Laughing, he set me back down. “Great party.”

“I'm glad you think so.” I replied, smoothing my skirt out.

“You need to loosen up.” He shook his head, still smiling, and drank what I figured was beer from a plastic cup.

“I do not. I'm plenty loose.”

Jacob snorted into his beer and I gave him a dirty look.

“Oh, grow up, you pervert.” I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh with him at my stupid comment.

Someone grabbed my arm and spun me around to face them.

“Ohmigod, Bella! How are you!” Jessica Stanley gushed, embracing me in a tight hug before I even fully realized it was her.

“Good, how are you?”

Lauren and Angela were there with her. In high school, we had all been friends, but Lauren had never really liked me and Jessica had been a fair weather friend. Angela had always been a great friend and I was glad she came to the party.

“Good,” Jessica replied quickly and I could tell she had something she wanted to say. “So, what's your friend's name?” She asked, nodding over my shoulder with a flirty grin tugging at her lips.

“Who? Jacob?” I asked and turned to see who she had been asking about.

Jacob was standing a little ways away, talking to a couple of guys I didn't know. A girl that I'd had a class with last semester squeezed by him, through the crowd, and when Jacob moved to the side, a pair of piercing golden eyes connected with mine.

“Is that his name?” Jessica giggled with Lauren behind me but I barely heard them.

“Excuse me for a second.” I mumbled and went straight to Edward, who was standing by the wall near the kitchen doorway.

Edward smirked at me when I tried not to pay direct attention to him. I didn't want it to look as though I was talking to myself.

“What're you doing here?” I asked, thoroughly annoyed with him.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He replied, his velvet voice music to my ears.

“Right,” I said sarcastically, “because there's the possibility of my being hurt over the last two days.”

“Yes,” he frowned deeply. “With a werewolf running around.”

Oh, yeah. Well, I was still mad; he couldn't ditch me for two days and expect me to be delirious when he showed back up... even though part of me was.

“Well, as you can see, I'm fine, so you can run off now like you usually do.” I folded my arms across my chest and tried not to look like I was pouting.

“I can understand if you're angry with me, Bella, but I'm just trying to keep you safe.”

“I can take care of myself, Edward.” I sighed. “I can't talk anymore right now. People probably think I'm talking to myself.”

“No, they don't.” Edward shook his head. “They think you're fighting with a guy they've never seen around before.”

I looked quickly around and saw Alice eyeing us, Jacob watching us out of the corner of his eye and Jessica and Lauren whispering and staring shamelessly.

“I figured it would be easier to keep an eye on you if I was visible.” He explained.

“Um, okay...” I said slowly.

Edward and his weird vampire logic.

“Am I forgiven?” He asked with a smile.

I bit my lip. Damn him for being so gorgeous. How could I say no to him when he wore that dazzling smile of his?

“I'll think about it.” I replied, trying to sound as though I really was still mad at him.

His smile widened.

“Bella,” Jessica and Lauren appeared behind me. “So, this is your friend Jacob you told us about?”

“No,” I replied coolly. Their flirty smiles made me want to tell them to back off.

“I'm Edward. Nice to meet you.” Edward said politely.

“It's so nice to meet you, Edward. I'm Jessica.” Jessica giggled. She leaned forward and brushed her hand on his arm.

“And I'm Lauren.” Lauren said with a wink.

A wave of jealousy and possessiveness rolled through me and I slipped my hand into Edward's. His cool skin startled me once again, but I made no show of it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edward glance down at me, probably wondering why I had grabbed onto him.

He made no move to let go.

Lauren saw our hands first, frowned and nudged Jessica with her elbow. Jessica noticed our hands then and frowned along with Lauren.

“Well, maybe we'll see you around, Edward.” Jessica shot him one last smile and walked off, Lauren following her quickly.

I grumbled to myself, deeply annoyed by what had just happened. I looked up to find Edward smirking. “What's so funny?”

He shook his head and his smirk faded a little. “What were you thinking just now?”

“That strangling someone is a bad thing to do.” I replied grumpily.

A corner of his mouth dipped down into a half-frown. “Would you like a drink?” He asked, trying to lighten my mood. He held out the hand that I wasn't holding and I saw that he was holding a plastic cup; I hadn't noticed it in his hand before now.

I took the cup and looked into it. “Were you drinking this?” I asked. The cup had beer in it.

“No,” he smirked again, “but I can't just stand here. I need to look like a normal guy.”

“You're a normal guy to me.” I murmured and took a sip from the cup.

He frowned again and I ignored it.

“Hey Bells,” Jacob said as he approached us. “Great party.”

He'd already told me that. I could tell he just wanted me to introduce him to Edward.

“Thanks, Jake.” I replied and glanced up at Edward quickly. “This is Edward. Edward, this is my friend Jacob.”

Edward nodded stiffly, a strange look in his eyes, and I felt his hand tighten around mine.

Jacob glanced at our entwined fingers and then looked back at me. “So where do you know each other from?”

“From school.” Edward answered before I could come up with some kind of lie.

“Creative Writing class.” I added lamely.

Jacob nodded slowly, pursing his lips while he thought. He seemed to be sizing Edward up.

I heard a low growl come from Edward; thankfully it wasn't loud enough for Jacob to hear.

“Well, that's cool.” Jacob said finally. His smile didn't reach his eyes; he was definitely unhappy about something. “I'm going to get another drink. Do you want anything, Bella?”

“No, thanks. Edward got me one.” I replied, holding up my plastic cup.

“Right.” Jacob muttered. He turned and stalked off toward the kitchen.

I smirked up at Edward; now he knew how I had felt when Jessica and Lauren had been drooling over him.

Sensing my train of thought, he let go of my hand and ran his fingers through his hair. “It's not the same,” he huffed out.

My smirk grew into a smile and I tried to hide it by drinking from my cup. Was it possible that he didn't like the kind of attention Jacob gave me? If that was the case then maybe Edward did have some kind of feelings for me. Butterflies swirled in my stomach at the thought.

Edward suddenly growled again and I looked up to see his furious expression. His hands were clenched into tight fists.

“What's wrong?”

“He thinks I put some kind of drug in your drink,” he said angrily. “As if I would ever do such a thing!”

“What?!” I almost laughed at the absurdity of it all. Looking toward the kitchen, I saw Jacob glaring daggers at Edward. I sighed; Jacob could be so stupid sometimes. “I'm sorry about him.” I said to Edward, placing my hand gently on his arm.

He didn't seem to relax at all.

I sighed again. I hated parties; there was always bound to be drama. “I'm going back to my room,” I told him. “You can stay, leave, do whatever you want.” I wanted him to stay - to come to my room with me - but after the two days without him, I wasn't going to hope too strongly for anything.

He didn't follow me when I walked away. I threw my empty cup in the garbage on my way to the stairs. Alice was standing by the foot of the stairs, waiting to talk to me.

“Bella, where'd you hot friend go?” She asked with a smile.

I looked over my shoulder to see Edward standing where I had left him. He must have made himself invisible again.

I shrugged. “I don't know. I've had enough partying. I'm going to my room.” I said and walked away before she could protest.

When I reached my room I collapsed onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. I was starting to wish I had never moved into my grandmother's house. I sighed. 'No way to undo what's already done,' I thought, defeated.

I was still incredibly curious about Edward. I wanted to know what happened to him - how he became a vampire, how life had been before he was changed and what it was like to be a vampire. I was definitely going to ask him the next chance I got.

“Hey, Bella.”

I sat up to see Jacob standing in the doorway.

“Hey, Jake. What's up?”

He came into the room and sat down next to me. “Nothing.”

He had something on his mind and, just as I was about to ask him what was wrong, he spoke again.

“So what, are you seeing that guy? 'Cause I gotta say, he seems like a tool.”

I rolled my eyes. “You don't know anything about him, Jacob, and he's not a tool. He's a really great guy.”

“How do you know?” He asked gruffly. “You've only known him for about a week!”

My jaw clenched and I tried not to say anything I might regret.

He sighed and looked down at his hands. “I just don't like the idea of you being with someone else.”

Not this again! If he had been any other guy, I would have stopped being his friend a long time ago because of this crush, but we had grown up together and I didn't want to hurt him.

“Jake,” I began gently, trying to remind him that I didn't feel for him that way, but he cut me off by pressing his mouth to mine.

A squeak of surprise left me and he must have thought that was a good thing because he wrapped his arm around me and tried to lean over me.

“Jacob, no.” I said against his persistent lips, trying to push him away. I was extremely annoyed; would he never understand that I didn't have feelings for him?! I tried to shove him back but he was too strong.

Three things seemed to happen all at once: a loud snarl ripped through the silent room, Jacob's lips left mine and there was a loud thud on the floor.

When I realized that Jacob was no longer on me, I sat up straight. Edward was at the foot of the bed, glaring down at where Jacob had been thrown to the floor.

“What the hell!” Jacob yelled when he realized what Edward had done.

“She said no.” Edward said in a dangerously calm voice; it sent a chill up my spine.

Jacob got to his feet and, even though he was taller than Edward, I knew who the clear winner would be if they fought.

“Edward.” I said, trying to get their attention. “Jacob.”

They ignored me for the moment.

“Who the fuck are you, anyway?!” Jacob asked angrily. “You've only known Bella for a week! I'm her best friend!”

I put my head in my hand. Jacob's childish arguments always annoyed me.

“I've only known her for a week and yet I respect her more than you do.” Edward replied with a growl. “And if you ever touch her again, I'll break whatever body part you touched her with.”

“Edward,” I gasped.

He glanced at me while Jacob continued to glare at him.

“What makes you think you can-” Jacob began but I cut him off.

“Jacob, just go.”

He looked at me sadly. I knew he wanted to argue until I gave up and let him stay, but it wasn't going to happen. Shooting one last look at Edward, he turned and stalked out of the room. As soon as he was gone, I got up and walked over to Edward.

“Are you okay?” I asked. I hated to see him so upset.

His eyes shut and he pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “I should be asked you that question.”

I let out a short laugh. “I've known Jacob my whole life. I can handle him.”

Edward shook his head. He let his hand drop to his side and looked at me seriously. “You didn't hear-...” he cut himself off and I saw his jaw clench. “'I'll show her,'” he said in a strange tone. “'I'll make her love me the way I love her.'”

I realized he was reciting what he had heard in Jacob's mind. Sighing, I sat down on the edge of my bed and stared down at my hands.

“Jacob's harmless.” I told him, though I was bothered by what Jacob had been thinking. “He would never hurt me.”

“You fail to see the seriousness of the matter, Bella.” Edward sat down next to me. “He's the-”

“No, Edward.” I cut him off. “The only things I fail to see are the things that you hide from me.”

His eyebrows dipped down in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

I didn't want to talk about Jacob anymore and this seemed like the perfect chance to change the subject. I had wanted to know about him and his life. After two days, I finally had him alone again and I was going to take advantage of that.

“I'm talking about you.”


fiction, twilight, unseen

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