Unseen, Pt 5/?

Sep 09, 2008 22:43

chapter 5 of Unseen. i dont think many people read this here on lj... more on fanfiction.net so i'll just post it here without too much of my rambling beforehand...

Title: Unseen 5/?
Author: zeppogrl7
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, Stephenie Meyers owns all.
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Bella/Edward, Alice/Jasper, Rosalie/Emmett
Spoilers: None I think
Ratings: R eventually
Summary: Bella, Alice and Rosalie move into a house that Bella inherited from her grandmother. Bella soon finds out that the strange stories her grandmother used to tell her might not have been so strange after all. ALL HUMAN, except for Edward.

The next day was Tuesday, which meant two new classes: Children's Literature and History.

As I sat in my first class, I thought about that morning. I had woken up, hoping to find Edward or some kind of sign that he had been there overnight. He hadn't been waiting for me when I opened my eyes and, as far as I could tell, he hadn't stopped by at all.

This was getting to be a bit ridiculous. It was so hard to concentrate on school when all I wanted to do was spend my time with a vampire...

Edward's reaction to my thoughts on what he was pretty much confirmed that he was a vampire. I wanted so much to ask him a million questions about his life before, and what it was like to be a vampire. I could tell that my lack of fear at what he was unnerved him but I couldn't help how I felt about things... how I felt about him.

Dear lord, I had a thing for a vampire.

I wandered off to my History class and sat down in a desk near the middle of the room. I was so consumed by my thoughts of Edward that I didn't notice the person who sat down next to me until they kicked my foot.

“Jake, I didn't know you were taking this class.” I said, smiling.

Jacob shrugged and slouched in his chair. “I needed a history credit and this class seemed like it would be the least boring.”

I laughed and shook my head at him.

Jacob had graduated high school a year after I did, so this year was his first in college. He didn't seem too thrilled.

The professor came in and started his 'first day' spiel. Once again, I didn't pay too much attention and, when I looked over, I saw that Jacob wasn't either.

He was asleep.

I tried to discretely kick his foot but it had no affect on him. As soon as the professor turned his back on the class, I reached over and punched Jacob in the arm. I think it hurt me more than it hurt him.

“Ow!” I gasped and when I looked up, the whole class was staring at me.

“Is there a problem?” The professor asked, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

“No sir, I'm sorry.” I mumbled and was grateful when he went back to what he had been doing. Rubbing my aching fingers, I glared at Jacob.

“You punched me.” He whispered with a grin. “It's your own fault that your fingers hurt.”

I rolled my eyes and ignored him for the rest of the class.

“I can't wait for the party this Friday.” He said as we left History class about a half an hour later.

“Who's having a party?” I asked. We walked through the school's huge cafeteria and I looked around, searching for my friends.

“Um, you are.” He replied. “It's at your house.”

“What?!” I half yelled.

He frowned. “Rosalie told me about it...”

Now I was confused. I knew Alice and Rosalie loved parties, but they hated Jacob, so why would they invite him?

He must have guessed what I was thinking because he added, “I think she was just trying to be nice.”

Sighing, I resigned to ask the girls about the party and try not to go crazy on them.

“So, what's your next class?” He asked, trying to change the subject.

“I'm done for the day.” I said, causing him to pout. Ugh, I hated that pout; it reminded me of how he wanted me around him in a more-than-friendly way. “I'm going to head home.” I added, starting to turn away from him.

“See yah later, Bells.” He said sullenly.

I waved back to him and rushed to my car. When Alice and Rosalie got home they were so going to get an earful from me. How could they plan a party in my grandmother's house and not tell me? Well, I guess it wasn't really my grandmother's house anymore - it was our house - but to me it would always be her house.

Pulling up the long driveway in my ancient red truck, I scanned the yard and windows of the house for any sign of Edward. I was getting sick of this little game we seemed to have. The game where I look all over for him and then he shows up when I least expect him to.

I parked the truck and went inside. I knew I had a lot of homework to do so I decided to go up to my bedroom and do it there. Isis greeted me at the top of the stairs and followed me to my room, purring the whole way. I sat down at my small desk that faced the wall by my closet with Isis laid down on my bed.

Creative Writing was the first assignment I tackled. This particular assignment would last all semester. The professor had given us a long list of writing prompts and we had to complete one prompt a week, along with any other assignments that were given out. I scanned the list for a prompt that caught my interest.

Moving from one place to another, from one house to another, is a big task. Write about one of your most memorable moves.

Ok, not doing that one. What would I write? 'My last move was memorable because I met a vampire.' Yeah, right.

Write about how it felt when you discovered you were lied to.

I doubted the professor would want to read my bitching about Alice and Rosalie not telling me about a party.

Weave a story based on a 60+ year old photograph.

I dropped my head onto the desk and groaned inwardly. Would everything remind me of Edward from now on? I didn't think I could take that. I sat back up and skipped to my English homework. The assignment was to read the first chapter of our text book; easy enough.

Propping my head up with my forehead resting on my hand, I began to read the boring chapter. It explained the basic points of writing and how to put sentences together correctly. I was tempted to hit my head on the desk again.

I let my mind wander, not feeling the least bit guilty about procrastinating. I wondered if Edward came into the house when I wasn't there, but then quickly remembered the state I had found my library in.

'Stupid vampire,' I thought. If he had been looking for something, couldn't he have done it neatly?

All day it had been difficult for me to ignore the desire to go home and look for him. I kept hoping he would be there when I got home, but I knew he wouldn't be. He thought he was too dangerous to be around me. Didn't my opinion matter when it came to that? I wanted him around; I was selfish that way.

I sighed loudly, frustrated, and sat back in the uncomfortable wooden chair. “Maybe if I go back I can find him this time.” I mumbled to myself and glanced out the balcony doors at the woods.

“If you're foolish enough to willingly go back into the woods, then I may as well let that beast have you.”

I turned quickly and tried to suppress a smile when I saw Edward sitting at the end of my bed. His bronze hair was perfectly tossled and the beautiful angles of his face made it hard for me not to stare.

“You would do that?” I asked, feeling calmer than I knew he wished I did.

He looked away with a frown. Isis got up and happily rubbed up against Edward's arm; I could hear her purring from across the room.

“I apologize. That was rude of me to say.” He said after a moment.

I nodded.

“You truly have no idea how much danger you put yourself in.”

“It was just a wolf,” I said, trying not to remember how scared I had been when the wolf was stalking me. “I could have gotten away.”

“It wasn't a regular wolf. It was a werewolf.”

I rolled my eyes. “There's no such thing.”

His eyebrows rose.

Oh, right. I was talking to a vampire.

Realizing that I believed what he had said, he continued. “It just recently came into the area. Be cautious outside; it won't keep to the woods.”

I watched Isis push her head against Edward's arm as I thought about what he had told me. Vampires, werewolves... it was all so bizarre.

“She really likes you,” I commented.

Edward looked down at Isis for a moment and then looked back at me. It felt as though his eyes could pierce right through me.

“She shouldn't.” He said meaningfully.

I stared right back at him. My heart was beating so fast and I knew he could hear it. How embarrassing.

“Maybe she can't help it.” I said quietly.

His eyebrows knit together at my reply. He stood up and walked across the room, towards the balcony. I held my breath as he neared the double doors; I didn't want him to go... ever.

“This is all very frustrating.” He shook his head, stopping at the doors. There was no indication that he was going to leave at that moment, if he had wanted to, he would have left already. Maybe he didn't want to go.

I could only hope.

I nodded my head at his comment and he turned to face me.

“I'm not used to this...” Edward shook his head again, trying to understand something. I wished I knew what. “Why can't I hear you? How can you see me?”

I groaned in frustration. “What are you talking about?!”

He wouldn't make eye contact with me. His eyes were cast down but I could tell he wasn't really looking at anything, he was deep in thought.

“I can't hear you... your mind. I'm not used to that! I don't like it.” He went to sit on the side of the bed, his body turned away from me. Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees.

“I'm sorry...?” I wasn't sure how to respond to something like that.

The corner of his mouth lifted into a crooked smile for a moment before he became serious again.

“And you can see me.” He said softly.

“Yes,” I replied.

“All the time.”


“You're not supposed to.” He sighed heavily. “Not unless I want you to.”

“What, you can make yourself invisible?” I asked, smiling.

He huffed out a breath. “Why aren't you scared?”

“I feel safe with you.” I shrugged. “You did save me, after all.”

His eyes met mine. “What if I only saved you because I wanted to be the one to kill you?”

Now it was my turn to wonder why I wasn't afraid. I knew I should have been.

He stood and walked toward me slowly. “You smell... delicious.”

He stopped in front of me and I stood up to face him. Breaking our eye contact, he focused his eyes a little lower and I watched as he slowly reached out his hand. His fingers felt ice cold as he traced them very slowly down the side of my neck... along my jugular vein. A shiver ran through me at his touch and he tilted his head slightly to the side.

“Do you know how easy it would be for me to kill you right now?” He asked quietly, a menacing edge to his voice. His hand slipped around to grip the back of my neck. “You wouldn't put up much of a fight.”

I was breathing too hard and my heart was beating too fast; he was bound to think I really was afraid of him. I could see the dangerous curiosity in his eyes when I met them again.

“Are you scared?” He asked.

It took me a moment to gather my thoughts together to answer his simple question. “No,” I breathed out.

Dropping his hand from my neck, he growled angrily and paced across the room.

I missed his touch almost instantly.

“Why do you want me to be so afraid?” I asked stubbornly. “Why can't you just deal with the fact that you don't scare me?!”

“Because I'm dangerous, Bella!” He snapped back.

“Well, it's not your job to protect me.” I put my hands on my hips.

He opened his mouth to comment back but stopped at the sound of voices in the hallway.


Rosalie and Alice were home.

Edward turned and headed for the balcony.

“I don't want you to go.” I frowned, hoping I could get him to stay.

“I know.” He said but he kept walking. He was gone only a moment before Alice and Rosalie came in.

“There you are, Bella!” Alice skipped gracefully into the room.

“We were thinking of having a girls' night.” Rosalie said, leaning against the door frame.

“Dinner and a movie.” Alice smiled brightly. “We'll have our own little party without the guys.”

That last part reminded me of the bone I had to pick with them.

“I heard about the party this Friday.” I said evenly.

Alice's eyebrows shot up and Rosalie frowned a little.

“Relax, Bella. It's not going to be a big party.” Rosalie said.

“Just a few people.” Alice added.

“And you thought inviting Jacob would make me feel better about having a bunch of strangers in my house?” I raised an eyebrow at them.

Rosalie shrugged. “I figured you might want him there,” she sighed, “since he's your friend.” Her mouth twisted at the word 'friend' as though she had tasted something sour.

I sighed again. It was true that I would feel better having Jacob there - I didn't want to feel like the fifth wheel of the group, while surrounded by strangers. At the same time, it didn't really matter to me who would be at the party. I only cared about the one person that wouldn't be there.

Why did Edward have to be a vampire? Why couldn't he be a normal guy that I met at school? That would have made things so much simpler, though I doubted he would have noticed me if we went to school together. I could have suffered quietly through my crush on him and that would have been that.

“You're not mad, are you?” Alice asked, pouting.

I shook my head. “No, I guess not.”

Her smile instantly reappeared and she looped her arm through mine.

“Good, because we're gonna have so much fun that you'll forget all about being such a party pooper!” She said happily as we all left my room.

I laughed. “Thanks a lot, Alice.”

“Anytime, Bella.”


fiction, twilight, unseen

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