7.56 PM
today i went for a chiropractor!
i was baki baki (laughs) *
the doctors apparently dont know about the phrase 'to show mercy'
it was really extremely painful
so painful that i laughed (laughs)
there were many times midway through it that i thought of giving up
at that time the thing that was supporting me was, to suddenly have flashes of Shige's smiling face in my mind (laughs)
now im still in aching shi!
even after sleeping for the whole day i still feel it!
however my back muscles feel much better
sugee/thats really amazing (laughs)
* its not exactly like that... i just have, no idea how to translate this.
this was translated based on baidu's mandarin translations, and to me (maybe just me) it sounds a little.. i dont understand it, well actually i do.
BUT ANYWAY, when i get access to the japenese text i'll see if this needs fixing up :3
edit: okay guys,changed it a little.. and added emojis xD
- i was baki baki: the sound from his body when they treated him (as opposed to the mandarin ka ka ka which some of you have read previously)