For some reason today I tortured myself by listening to a conservative evangelical sermon on "Biblical Manhood" from a church here in Texas that seems to have its finger on the pulse of Christian youth today.
And you know, if I could somehow get past the implicit misogyny and supremacy language, there were some great points about being a person in society. But I couldn't really get past the misogyny, so it was mostly horrible. But I can see the appeal, especially to youth who are looking for a place to anchor themselves and get direction from something that isn't Reality TV. And isn't that depressing, that there's this whole worldview being groomed in the lacunae of pop culture, with which the interfaith movement seems completely out of touch? Things to ponder on a day when my brain can take it. (Also, did I mention the implicit misogyny? AAARGH.)
I felt like I needed a drink and some conversation with compassionate fellows after that, but I will settle for coming home and drawing porn.
This morning I went to my new doctor's office.
(Long story short: my insurance had a dispute with my previous place, where my PCP, allergist, gastroenterologist, and gynecologist all practiced, so they were dropped from coverage. I got a letter telling me that after a certain date in October, all care through those docs would be subject to out-of-network fees. (Taking a moment here to be thankful that I have health insurance of a decent portion at all...) So I had to find a new place.) This office is much farther away, but seemed very good, and came recommended by a coworker. They did an EKG and a chest x-ray as part of a standard physical, which I found totally bizarre, but I am happy to accept it. Yay thoroughness. I also visited the vampire, so there should be test results soon.
In all, I am hopeful. The doc seemed really nice and receptive when we talked, and the nurses were all top-notch.
In other other news, I am now reading the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger, in anticipation of meeting Gail at
FenCon this weekend. I loved the first book, but did not keep up with the new ones, so now I am speed-reading through them. They are like weird cousins to the Aubrey-Maturin novels. Later in time, entirely Victorian, steampunk flavored, and with magic a part of society, but still with that particular English flavor. What I really like in these books is the way that she has examined the customs of the time and incorporated them into the supernatural reality she has created. Clever stuff. She's funny, too.
Now I suppose I should make dinner.
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