weekend, fun stuff, Carl Kasell

May 04, 2010 14:43

So yesterday I went to a luncheon for corporate and non-profit supporters of a local public radio station (the office lotto for tickets fell to me this time), and the result was that I got to hear a great speech, see a funny magic show, and meet Carl Kasell.  He is a lovely man. No, I didn't ask him to record a message for me on my phone.  Hahaha.

I did some fun art stuff this weekend, and started organizing my books (including the new acquisitions from the Library Sale). To that end I ended up at IKEA twice getting shelves and bookcases. Construction is ongoing. I also caught up on Doctor Who, and now desperately await the catching-up of my known Doctor fans. I really want to discuss, dissect, rant, and speculate about the Weeping Angels two-parter!

I have been expanding my Reading List on DW and enjoying a catch-up at times on IJ for various fests.

I finished Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder, which was excellent, but made me realize that I don't think I've actually read Fire Study yet.  I thought I had, but I may be wrong.  Oops! More to read, oh, woe!
I also reread Prince Caspian (Vol. 2, dangit! 2!) because I watched the movie and it was so weird. Nice, and fun, and full of great music, but it seemed unbalanced to me and rereading the book showed why. Oh, well. Rumor has it that Dawn Treader will be truer to the source material with fewer romantic shenanigans.
Now I'm well into The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin, which I am enjoying very much. It's unfolding into something epic, but I'm still just in the very beginnings of it, so nobody spoil me, please. I'm already avoiding squee about it.

And just to keep everybody enthusiastic, today is Star Wars Day, tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo, and Saturday is the Art Car Parade! Celebrate something!

This entry was originally posted at http://zephre.dreamwidth.org/444300.html.
comments posted to original post.

star wars, houston, geektastic, books, doctor who, photos, library, fangirl!, fandom, tv, sff, flickr, blogging, life as we know it

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