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Aug 23, 2009 21:49

  • my best friend really really really wants me to read Twilight.  sigh. I probably should read it just so I'll have a point of conversation with my younger cousins, who aren't readers but have apparently all finished the series.
  • she also spent some time discussing the ways that she thought my characterization of Draco Malfoy in Far Away as Moonshine echoed that of Michael Corleone in The Godfather series.
  • and we spent our lunch talking racebending and white-washing in film, something she's been aware of and talking about for longer than I.
  • good times, despite the sparkly vampire complication.
  • Friday evening I actually went out. Yes, really. Had dinner and then drinks with friends. I visited a new bar I'd never been to, and had some lovely Scotch.
  • The lightning on Friday was apocalyptic.  Made me wish I had a camera with instant shutter speed, to capture it.
  • Saturday morning at the gas station, a lady saw my "I'm blogging this" t-shirt and said, "Hey, can I ask you about blogging?"  So we ended up having a conversation about social media while my tank filled. Bizarre.
  • Spent Saturday evening at my aunt's house. We had dinner and conversation and played two rounds of Scrabble.  Fun times.
  • Today Mom and I made a HUGE dent in my cleaning. We moved the sewing cabinet, and put away almost all the books, although actually really they're all thrown willy-nilly onto shelves, not actually organized.  It'll take me weeks to get them organized.
  • I hung two more pictures on the walls, too.
  • Baking soda really is a miracle cleaner.
  • I have two more bigbang arts to do, and then a fest to illustrate before Snupin Santa hits.
  • I'm working on a concept for a series of fairy tale illustrations in Prismacolor and ink, for my Advanced Visual Arts studio class this semester.

fanfiction, books, home, donna, schoolin', film, family, art, blogging, life as we know it, weather

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