star trek etc

May 11, 2009 09:43

I love going to see movies with my parents. They are a riot.

So Kirk and Sulu and the other guy (Olson or something?) are in the shuttle getting ready to drop on the planet, and Mom leans over and says, "I can't understand anything he's saying. Is that Scotty?" and I leaned back and said, "Mom. He's wearing the red suit." and she just about fell over laughing.

Also, she thinks Sulu is totally hot. (And really, who doesn't?)

We got into an interesting discussion about ship protocol and the officer corps, and the train of barely-glued logic that ended up with all our fresh-faced cadets ending up as bridge crew within the first few hours of their maiden voyage.

Everybody liked Nero as a villain, loved his backstory, and enjoyed the dramatic tension as we learn just what happened.

There was a collective gasp (from the three of us, if not the entire theater) when Spock Prime appeared, because I had somehow managed to remain totally ignorant of the fact that Nimoy actually has a significant speaking part, and my parents don't really follow the reviews.

I loved the Spock/Uhura romance, it had so many interesting implications for Spock and their time at the Academy. And of course, I loved that Kirk spent the entire film trying to find out her name. I loved the moments of conflict and understanding between Spock and Kirk - it really was like this was a new establishment of their friendship. That said, I do wish that we had gotten to see more of Uhura just being her awesome Starfleet officer cadet self, instead of the female sex object for whom Kirk and Spock both now lust.

The fact of the alternate universe really intrigued me, especially given how quickly the "old team" got together as mere youths. Even Scotty joined by the end, and is poised to change the way Starfleet thinks about transport. I would love to see the next few incarnations of these characters.

Mom and Dad loved all the throw-back lines quoting the previous shows. They caught more of them than I did, I think.

And Dad's comment on the much-hyped and maligned bridge design was that in the 60s, the Enterprise bridge was a logical extension of then-available technology. This new bridge is no different, and probably looked familiar to anyone who studies military history or modern warfare. I thought that was a pretty enlightening comment, although I already liked the new bridge design.

I just don't understand why they don't have banks of pressure suits at every door, and seat belts or straps at least available if not in constant use. The fact that the bridge glass / screen actually cracked in the gravitational pull of the black hole brought that home - they just give up the entire bridge crew for dead if there's a hull breach in the area.  Just a thought.  Maybe in whatever century it was those jumpsuits are actually nanotechnology-fueled pressure suits in their dormant states.

That segues nicely into my only continuing Classic Star Trek costume quibble, and that is of course the miniskirts. Cute, sure. Sexy on fit cadet bodies, absolutely. Possibly acceptable as formal presentation wear while planetside, sure.  But as a working uniform?  Jumpsuits at least have the advantage of being easy to load into a pressure suit, see above re: emergency evac. I admit, they're part of the classic Trek canon so not exactly easy to get rid of, but they just aren't very practical.

So. You can tell that at the point I am reduced to ranting about costumes, the movie must have blown me away. I want to go see it again.

Also, there was a preview for G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra and I squealed in excitement in the first three seconds, which made everybody look at me funny. Sorry, but I recognized it immediately by the menacing Christopher Eccleston surrounded by evil types. Yay!

Mom did comment that so many of the movies we saw previews for were dark and violent. I was horrified by the preview for the new Tarantino film, and the ones for Transformers and Terminator both involved a bit of robot apocalypse so they were also really dark. Terminator moreso than Transformers in terms of actually being almost always dark and dreary with guts and explosions, but... can we maybe make a few good SF movies that aren't marketed solely to video gamers?

geektastic, fangirl!, fandom, costumes, star trek, sff, film, family, space

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