Entirely too much Merlin-oriented snark

Jan 13, 2009 22:51

Here are the caveats:
I don't tend to watch TV, so I have seen neither the show nor any clips.
The web site video doesn't work if you're logging in outside the UK, so all I had to go on were the character descriptions and stills.

Transcript of chat below:

[22:15] so what is this merlin that everyone is drawing and writing for? is there a new show I don't know about?
[22:15] (by everyone, of course, I mean, like, three people)
[22:16] it's everywhere on my flist
[22:16] first season recently ended in england
[22:16] um... i wasn't too impressd by the first ep
[22:16] i have the others and just haven't botthered to watch it
[22:16] reeeeeally? because ditzy horrible but beautiful british legend on TV makes me happy most of the time.  I'm easy.
[22:16] sometimes I have beautiful nostalgic flashbacks to Roar.  :D
[22:17] i thought it was about the young adventures of merlin
[22:17] mmmroar
[22:17] and it still is but...
[22:17] arthur's the same age as him and acts like an arrogant jackass
[22:17] young adventures... but wasn't he aging backwards or something?
[22:17] along with half sister morgana
[22:17] and a very ugly servant being gwen
[22:17] obviously a very loose interpretation.  Malory who?
[22:17] lol
[22:17] this is fun
[22:18] i think she's ugly, i think they were trying for variety... believe she's indian
[22:18] morgana's gorgeous looking but acts like a spoilt princess
[22:18] and this all from the first ep
[22:18] supposedly it gets extremely slashy (though with our flists... that could be just their goggles on overdrive)
[22:18] they're pulling another Robin Hood trick, are they, trying for a multicultural ancient culture?
[22:18] as i guess merlin becomes arthur's bodyguard
[22:19] mmmm.  are they cute, at least?
[22:19] well from the first ep, gwen's the only one
[22:19] oh yeah
[22:19] arthur looks like a good looking jock
[22:19] and merlin's this thin scrappy thing with a great smile
[22:19] I was thinking the recent robin hood series, with the young woman of color who is disguised as a merry man.
[22:19] bwahahaha
[22:19] *nod*
[22:20] yeah i love that robinhood series .... Much/Robin otp XD
[22:20] sometimes I do wish I watched a bit more TV
[22:20] and iknow that's loose too but still
[22:20] but I can't be arsed to recall when things are on
[22:20] i dunno. when i was a kid, i was a big arthurian legend fan
[22:20] if Merlin is Arthur's age, there's something weird going on.
[22:20] I wonder if my buddyvermilionsun has seen it...
[22:20] i don't remember everything nowadays like a good fan would but... just how wacky they did it bothers me too much
[22:21] and apparently it's rather anachronistic? (i think that's the right word)
[22:22] i thought i'd get used to Merlin being arthur's age but what really killed me was Arthur doesn't act at all like the Arthur we know and love
[22:22] he acts like the people who used to bully him
[22:22] and i guess it's supposed to be about how merlin's good nature turns him against his father and makes him a good person but  BLEH
[22:23] it feels like a highschool au lol
[22:23] well, LOL, if there are kids acting like teenagers it's anachronistic. 
[22:24] oh, yeah, wow, look at that armor, that's centuries too late.
[22:24] so that is the right word XD
[22:25] yeah all around there's stuff that's before or after the time period
[22:26] omg, the Merlin kid looks like an old west rider.
[22:26] wtf is the costume designer on? ;)
[22:26] hehe
[22:26] XD
[22:26] omg wait till ou see what morgana wears
[22:26] I like this Gaius fellow, though.
[22:26] oh yeah love gaius
[22:26] and not just cause of his name XD
[22:27] he's wearing clothes appropriate for the period, too. ;D
[22:27] cause he's old, he's  supposed =P
[22:27] *supposed to
[22:28] holy cow, she's got a MEASURING TAPE in an IC moment. 
[22:28] an actual measuring tape!
[22:28] LOL
[22:29] ok, gonna stop the winge now
[22:29] lol keep going, i don't mind XD
[22:30] omg, there's a talking dragon! awesome.
[22:31] everyone loves the dragon
[22:31] some people even think he even ships merlin/arthur XD
[22:31] ... Guinevere is a dark-skinned servant girl, and Lancelot is a commoner longing to be a knight.  Somebody with serious Arthurian issues wrote this script
[22:32] LOL yeah
[22:32] ahahahahahahahahah.  the sorceress has a voodoo doll!  does that even make sense? 
[22:32] (the term, not the magic - the magical theory is perfectly sound.)
[22:32] i forgot about lancelot being there haha
[22:33] *nod*
[22:33] they have a really long list of Villains.  gee, it's only 13 episodes.
[22:33] OMG is that Torchwood Gwen???
[22:33] lol
[22:34] i dun watch tw so wouldn't know XD
[22:34] this is like the funniest stuff ever.
[22:35] omg, exiled Sidhe who have to sacrifice Arthur to regain their immortality!
[22:35] DUDE, this is like every game of D&D EVAR.
[22:35] hahaha, you know? that didn't even occur to me XD
[22:36] you know what this show lacks?  in a very serious WTF is Arthur doing in this show without them sort of way?
[22:37] (at least, from the descriptions on the website which are limited because I can't make all teh magic work - it's UK only)
[22:37] this show lacks SAXONS.
[22:40] evil knights, evil sorcerors, magical monsters, but no saxons.  I mean, hello, reason for Arthur's existence in the first place? ROFL.
[22:45] I have got to see this show. ;)

chat, geektastic, humor, whisky tango foxtrot, costumes, tv

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