Dec 09, 2011 21:32
Okay so the NaNo is probably not getting worked on AT ALL until I get on the plane to Greece for New Year's. Oh yeah, I forgot whether I mentioned before, but GREECE FOR NEW YEAR'S YUSS YUSS Y'ALL. Excitement, I have it.
And First World Problems, I have those, too, but they have gradually exhausted my previously ever-so-well-managed stores of self loathing and resentment that the shucked husks of my now mostly impotent guilt-bombs have formed sort of a protective layer over me, so despite being gently reprimanded today for being too much of a "specialist" at work (i.e. not learning prep & recipes half as fast as the other wenches in my hireling cohort, thereby unfairly shifting some sections of the menu onto my co-workers), and despite being down to the wire on two Christmas letters / packages, and despite being vaguely aware that I am terrified the presentation I have to give for Monday's job interview will suck and look amateurish and stupid, I...
...actually feel pretty okay and like I could stay up all night papercrafting. Maybe I'll do that. I found the torn-out segments of two or three novellas on a street corner in Islington, and a web site or two what tolds me stuff you can do with abused & unloved books (lost the links, unfortunately, but some webbernets sleuthing will surely turn up some gems, such as lamp shades and book-page Yuletide wreaths.)
How are you, internet?
eff bad moods,
hey internet,