Lots of stuff trying to all jam into the same 6 days.
Getting my first in-person look at the Bank of Ideas tomorry with an activity that looks fairly straightforward and relaxed and groovy. Apparently
the City of London police force considers them terrorists now, so, yanno, CAN'T BE TOO CAREFUL NOWADAYS. 8|
Tomorrow also begins what I think might be a way-upward trend in wenching hours, as not one but TWO of my favorite co-workers are hanging up their aprons & leaving this week, and it'll take some time to replace them. Got five days at the Galley, including both weekend lunch shifts (@o@); Hooray more monies, but still, I am gonna be a bit dead come Sunday evening.
Which of course is the night of my uni's sci-fi society end-of-term / Yuletide party. And some other friends are throwing a shindig on Friday evening. And maybe movies on Thursday, as it's my one day "off," altho I got my usual afternoon helper job hoovering & changing bed sheets & taking tea with E.
And on Monday morning I interview for a really, really sweet internship that is actually paid, and paid QUITE well at that. It's short term, but full-time, regular predictable hours, close to where "home" is right now, and relevant to my volunteer activities now as well as the kind of things I'd like to do in teh futurz. All my fingers & toes are crossed that it goes well, & any positive vibes directed toward central London would be appreciated on the morning of the 12th :3 If I don't make the cut, tho, at least I know I am an attractive candidate for something other than wenchery or office-monkeying.
And there will be world music choir in the evening with which to boost my spirits. Tonight was my first joint session with the boycreature since signing us both up for it, and the first night I've actually been able to attend for like a month and a half. Stupid flu-bugs and wenchery... I have been urged by significant others and co-workers alike to just ask Bosslady for Monday nights free from now on, as apparently it is silly of me to worry over being a scheduling nuisance because of just two weekly commitments. Sometimes I need other people to point this stuff out to me, or I would just meekly go along hampering my own efforts to do fulfilling things (-.-);
Got three things on my To Do list for this week checked already, so it is off to a good start. I don't know how much I'll be able to work on the NaNo, but my goal is an additional 10,000-ish words of plot and/or outlining and/or character fleshing-out. We'll see where I'm at by Sunday.