Aug 18, 2011 11:06
As much as I have been thinking I need a new job lately, kitchen-wenching has been going well of late and yesterday was very positive. If only it paid about 60% more than it does, I would be golden.
Case in point: Tuesday evening an ad went up on the model site where I'm registered, needing a female model for a Wednesday night class. Well I sent off an e-mail, and yussterday I was on day-shift with kitchen-boss Papa and favorite co-wench (who is leaving in a week, booooo :C). We opened late due to the Galley's security key being misplaced at the Poop Deck, recovered well, escaped corporate lunch hour without a huge rush, and leisurely did prep for the last three hours with good feeling all around. Bossman caught me up on wages from last month before I left for the States, and I checked my phone when leaving the Galley to see I'd gotten the model gig.
Went home, changed out of stinky wench clothes, and booked it to the venue for the art class where, in two hours, I made 20% of my last month's pay.
Yesterday was super-busy and long, but overall pretty good and making me feel better and better about the coming months, where before I tended to feel only increasing anxiety. Right now I am kinda thinking forget wenching 4-5 full days a week; if I can get one or two regular art classes booked for the fall term, I can make just as much in far less time. This is contingent on Bosslady being okay with me having a regular weekly commitment outside of work, tho, which actually I think she wouldn't mind as long as it's not a weekend when people are wont to call off & need replacing.
Today in looking-towards-the-future, am battering away again at my dissertation (30% done and counting) & attempting not to let the cold I can feel creeping into my nasal passages get a foothold.
Tomorrow got an interview with volunteer coordinators for the Museum of Everything ~/o/ Assuming that goes well, I will then have a foot in the door of the museums & culture scene AND get to spend my soon-to-be-heaps o' free time with awesome-sauce peoples. Got the old-folks' neighborhood circle party tomorrow night, Saturday's another study-day, and Sunday am off to a small medieval fair a bit west of my town with the boycreature for funtiems, merchants' alleys, jousting, and hopefully mutton-on-sticks.
What are you all up to these days, flist?
money it's a gas,
hey internet,
what will happen next