...It has just occurred to me for the first time in my life that, while we are wont to slap an X and an S next to each other on clothing tags and expect other people to look at it and say "extra-small" in their minds, if you pronounce the letters themselves it clearly means "excess."
Anyhoo, what was I actually gonna post about? Oh yes CHICAGO ♥ ♥ ♥ My luverly city by the lake, my sphinx in cat's clothing. It gave me these things, among others:
Amusing, but it kind of shot itself in the foot by having such an epic cover; I really wish the art style of the actual comic had been more like this and less like, well, blah. The writing was pretty uninspired, too, so I probably won't hang onto this one for long.
THIS one, though, was an excellent decision all around.
I almost feel guilty for loving this illustration and planning to get it in poster form for my wall. Almost.
Bobbin' My Head To: "Hustle Beach" ~Baby Teeth