Jul 29, 2009 22:20
is a smorgasbord of building styles. Downtown they're fitted with reflective blue glass above tawny foundations to mirror the beaches and sky. Public transit is satisfyingly intuitive - I got in and around and out of downtown quite handily - and the trees. My god, the trees. These are the trees I TRY to draw whenever I attempt arboreal art.
Update with pics later when my camera and laptop aren't both dying from want of an outlet. Which is really my only criticism of the airport. It reminds me a lot of Minneapolis', actually, only there is an openness which seems to characterize a lot of Hawaiian architecture, both native and modern. Quite literally, there are as many open spaces in the walls as load-bearing will allow for. I'm sitting in front of my gate in a great cross-breeze blowing directly through the terminal, and in front of me are plants and a railing and an airplane that's been docked at gate 14 for a while. Oh, and a garden on the ground floor. And an adorabibble little turtledove struttin' in front of me like it thinks I'm gonna give it somepin'. Which I totally would if I had anything crumbly.
Looks like I probably won't make my intended flight out, once again, but that's okay - there are far worse fates than being condemned to lounge in an open-air seating area cooled by the Pacific breezes on a warm, but not too warm, sunny day. Hawaii, I think next time I visit you it will be planned, and I will definitely stay longer than 8 - 13 hours.