Dec 04, 2003 07:03
well it's time for the sandman to collect his due.I spend the whole night packing and sucking down cigarettes and hytop soda,cleaning up and downloading music.NOW,now is the time where i sleep wrong my sleep cycle is fucked up.I wish it wasnt but oh well
Well i packed;I have no earthly idea why besides i put in my notice to move somewhere near the end of november and the lady from the other apartments still hasn't called me back.I also called my aunt for info about back child support and she could stay at my old old home even though it has no electricity or water,but if nothing else i guess i could rough it till things get better.That is if i cant get this apartment,lance said he would take me there today but i cant fall asleep.So i lie here thinking,thinking of her trying to think of her but my brain is fried broken heart broken mind i must exist simultaniously in the fourth dimension out of time!