I'm an aunt again!!!!
Kristine Angelica was born at 16:48 this afternoon. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and is 20" long. SO CUTE! I was there, as I was for the Billy. I even cut the cord this time! Which is kinda gross, but not really. Kris, as they intend to call her, was born really fast, so there was still a little fluid in her lungs when she came out. She was having some trouble breathing (but not serious trouble) so they have her under an oxygen hood for a little while trying to help her out. She will be fine though, and she was breathing MUCH better by the time I left the hospital around 21:30. So yes, much cuteness! And now I get to buy lots of cute little girl clothes again! Yay!!!! I have tons of pictures of course, but for now I will only post a couple. The others will be up on my grovestreet site at some point in the very near future. Because the cuteness has to be shared.
I'll be nice and cut the rest...
At any rate, I'm feeling pretty damn good about life today.