Think You Live in a Free Country?

Sep 19, 2007 10:02

Do you think you live in a country where law enforcement is on the side of angels, defending good citizens from bad guys?

Do you think your political process is one of the best in the world in terms of your ability to question and criticize the government without fear for your safety?

Do you think you're not a a terrorist until proven guilty?

You're completely wrong.

Read this, and really read this closely. We are not free. Not at all. They can do whatever they want to you, and you can do nothing to stop them. If they want to arrest you for no reason at all without telling you what you're under arrest for, they will. If they don't feel like reading you your rights, they won't. If they want to taser your ass in a situation where you haven't presented force to them, they can. This shit keeps happening, and it isn't going to stop. Temporarily suspending these people "pending investigation" hasn't worked before and it won't do make any difference now.
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