Thu, 15:21: RT @ howardtayler: Combining Chinese and Polish idioms, "whatever, it's not my problem" becomes "horse, horse, tiger, tiger, not my circus, not my monkey".
Thu, 15:29: I'm interested in watching Hunted, but I'm not subscribing to CineMax just for one show. I'll wait for it to hit Netflix.
Thu, 16:27: One 24-ounce cup of soda with ice will give you less soda than two 12-ounce cans. The ice displaces and dilutes the soda as it melts. PSA
Thu, 16:27: RT @ GhettoHikesBack: "And on the 8th day, God drug his hand along the ground and made this deep-ass canyon."
Thu, 16:31: RT @ Disalmanac: UPDATE: Yes, America is arguing about what rape is, because apparently it's the year 1150 or some shit.
Thu, 20:48: RT @ KyllaCustomWear: Custom chaos pants for Steve Miller, on tour with Epica, Alestorm, and Insomnium playing live guitar for System Div ...
Thu, 20:49: RT @ DietHeartNews: Outdoor-raised pigs are a good source of Natural Vitamin D; factory-farmed pigs kept indoors are not.
Thu, 20:52: Pleased with my Iron Man t-shirt. Tomorrow, Hulk t-shirt.
Thu, 20:55: “Under this mask,/another mask. I will never be/finished removing/all these faces.”--Claude Cahun.
Fri, 00:43: Maybe I'll start playing WoW. At least then I'll have an excuse for spending hours staring uselessly at a monitor. It's an addiction, right?
Fri, 10:07: RT @ goulcher: Squirrel gets head stuck in halloween skull. Immediately becomes most horrifying thing man has ever seen. KILL IT http://t ...
Fri, 10:08: All right, Internet, I have to focus and get a lot of work done today. Stop being entertaining for a few hours, mmmkay?