Wed, 13:01: RT @ WillMcAvoyACN: This is the second time in the last three months a GOP Senate candidate has called a press conference to clarify thei ...
Wed, 13:30: RT @ allenstenhaus: @ johncheese Do you support small business? If so, can I get a RT? Need a little help to open my first store. Thanks! ...
Wed, 20:37: #Hurricane Sandy now in the Caribbean headed for Miami. "Sandy" is just not a scary enough name. When will they name a hurricane Maleficent?
Wed, 23:11: "It's amazing what soup can do!" Yeah, it can leave you still hungry because it's mostly just water. I'm gonna make an omelette. #Campbells
Wed, 23:16: These military medics on the Daily Show right now are heroes. Fucking heroes. Saving lives. And they can't get a goddam job. #USAUSA
Wed, 23:45: Come on, Donald. Put your money where Colbert's balls wanna be. #DoItTrump
Wed, 23:54: RT @ Disalmanac: Today in 1940, 40-hour work week went into effect, thanks to evil labor unions & a no-good liberal president. You're welcome
Wed, 23:57: The crap I eat when I'm not drinking cancels out any good from the not-drinking. Better off having a beer than a whole sleeve of crackers.
Wed, 23:59: When I say beer, I usually mean hard cider. Fewer characters, you know.
Thu, 00:06: I wanna go ghost hunting. I'd be an awesome ghost hunter. 'Cause I ain't afraid of no ghosts. #Ghosthunters