My tweets

Sep 07, 2012 12:01

  • Thu, 12:10: Excuse me, I need to take a break from politics now and go buy shoes. #fb
  • Thu, 13:30: Seriously, though, anyone who thinks Jon Stewart is just a liberal mouthpiece ought to watch last night's show.
  • Thu, 13:47: @ wolfluznicky What was the hotel where we had those delightful alcoholic beverages made with Sierra Mist and grenadine? I am old.
  • Thu, 14:36: RT @ YahooNews: Tests confirm oil found on La. beaches after Hurricane Isaac came from 2010 BP spill
  • Thu, 14:38: RT @ HonestToddler: If you're not meant to open a box of cereal at both ends why is it possible.
  • Thu, 20:49: Caroline Kennedy has a pretty good speech, but is not a particularly engaging speaker.
  • Thu, 21:17: "Ask Osama bin Ladin if he's better off than he was four years ago." -John Kerry
  • Thu, 21:17: I AM NOT CRYING Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords leads Pledge of Allegiance
  • Thu, 21:18: John Lewis made me cry too. That's twice already and the shenanigans have barely begun. #DNC
  • Thu, 21:22: Where was this impassioned John Kerry when he was running for office? #DNC
  • Thu, 21:24: I'm still about 20 minutes behind in the convention. Who else can I fast-forward through?
  • Thu, 22:04: "The Bain way may bring your firm the highest profits, but it's not the way to lead our country from the highest office" -Joe Biden #DNC2012
  • Thu, 22:08: "If you attack innocent Americans, we will follow you to the end of the earth!" -Biden (And kill you. That was implied. Very Roman Empire.)
  • Thu, 22:44: Yes, but, Mr. President, you let Shell drill for oil in the Arctic.
  • Thu, 22:45: "Education is the gateway to a middle-class life." -Obama
  • Thu, 22:51: “You might not be ready for diplomacy with Beijing if you can’t visit the Olympics without insulting our closest ally.” -Obama
  • Thu, 22:51: RT @ delrayser: Never thought I'd see a Dem nominee beating the crap out of the Republican on foreign policy, but this is amazing. #DNC2012
  • Thu, 22:53: "I will never turn Medicare into a voucher." -Obama (Yes, I can keep tweeting Obama quotes for a long damn time.)
  • Thu, 22:54: RT @ CullyHamner: Obama just brushed Romney & Ryan off his suit. #foreignpolicy #DNC2012 #fb
  • Thu, 22:58: "As citizens, we understand that America is not about what can be done for us, it’s about what can be done by us, together."-Obama #DNC2012
  • Thu, 23:00: Obama has referred continually to "my opponent". I think he's said Romney's name once. #DNC2012
  • Thu, 23:00: RT @ VaGentlenerd: Obama acknowledges I control my own uterus & that climate change is a thing. #DNC2012: stating the obvious bc appa ...
  • Thu, 23:06: RT @ VaGentlenerd: Obama 2012: Real Talk #DNC2012
  • Thu, 23:36: Trying to remember Mitt Romney's speech. Or any speech from the RNC. All I can recall now is Ann R. yelling that she loves women. #DNC2012
  • Fri, 00:55: .@ javachik I shall adopt Shazam as my new non-curse word. Gonna say it like Gomer Pyle. sha-ZAYUHM.


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