Wed, 13:21: RT @ helenlewis: GQ neatly demonstrate their differing ways of valuing men and women. Spot the odd one out in these covers: ...
Wed, 13:41: RT @ RachelFersh: Now let's try to imagine a room full of men being commended because being a dad is the most important thing anyone does.
Wed, 21:02: RT @ DietHeartNews: 1986: National Cholesterol Eduction Program supported financially by trans fat vegetable oil & box cereal industries
Wed, 22:29: RT @ pourmecoffee: It's okay, your're feeling radicalized. There's nothing physically wrong with you. Ride it out in a safe place with fr ...
Wed, 23:02: RT @ thinkprogress: "No President - not me or any of my predecessors - no one could have repaired all the damage that he found in just fo ...
Wed, 23:28: RT @ ezraklein: A longtime hallmark of Clinton's speeches is believing that voters want to hear more about policy than they usually get t ...
Thu, 00:27: RT @ thinkprogress: GOP consultant (and former Romney aide) Alex Castellanos on CNN: "This will be the moment that probably reelected Bar ...
Thu, 00:43: @ howardtayler OH NO, Ventura, talk about burying the lede! Somebody rescue poor Tagii!