Reposted from phred1973I'm not one for surveys, usually, but I've seen this one around, actually filled it out, and think it has some redeeming qualities. It would be SO AWESOME if you all are able to participate. I thought it was an especially good idea since I was away from LJ-land for some time and may not remember how we met
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This list probably isn't nearly as long as the last and includes more than just downloads...Also contains some Cds I have been priviliged enough to dump into itunes. I don't think I can ever truly explain the extent to which music defines my life. Just so you know. Downloaded
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As duly promised, here is my last update about fall semester 2005 at Middle Tennessee State University. It was an arduous semester but ultimately a successful one. I'll begin with my last paper in Law & The Legal System (I decided to skip the one on Colonel Chabert as it wouldn't probably make a whole lot of sense if you've never read it.) Legal
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