Jun 05, 2010 01:30
I hate being so mood swingy. Last night I was loling about stuff and crying the next minute. Today it's a little less intense but I'm still finding myself tear up. I'm trying to keep my mind off of it, though. I'm pretty focused on the "she cried when she was poked" but really i just can't let myself think about that... I was there for her the whole time...
I'm about to take the cat box out of my room and into the basement, and after all the new litter is used from it I'll put it away. No use having 3 cat boxes if we only have 2 cats. Jojo mostly does his business outside anyway. It kinda sucked having a cat box in my room but it was well worth it. Last year, in Feb of 09, my mom wanted to put Silver down because she pooped on her bed. I understand how angry she was, but like.. really? killing the cat? she only did it because she couldn't walk downstairs anymore, it probably hurt her feet. Once I put a cat box in my room she never went anywhere else ever again. So even though it made my room stinky, Silver got another year and 3 months to her lifespan.
Well, either keeping my mind off it entirely or talking about it helps, but really nothing makes me feel better. DX it's just something I'm gonna have to wait out, i guess. each day will be easier than the last.
My couch is still covered in her hair though. fffffff.
Edit: I'm sorry for all the silver-related journals asfkljaskjg sorry x_x