gay penguins

Jun 09, 2006 08:58

I am not even going to say that woman's name today; never mind that I'm actually sitting here shaking with rage, holding the newspaper in my hand and watching it violently wave back and forth. I'm not going to shriek, or pull my hair (though I may rip up the newspaper later). I am in fact going to ignore her, because she makes money off of people like me losing their shit. Fuck Conservative Barbie. She will prove herself mean, pointless, and ugly without any help from me.

Besides, Cuteness will overcome all. So instead of pitching a fit, I'm going to pitch a book! Today's book recommendation is entitled And Tango Makes Three.

This picture book tells the true story of two male penguins in the Central Park Zoo who "fall in love." When all the other penguins are pairing off into mates, Roy and Silo become attached (one fact not included in the children's book, is that the zookeepers decided to test Roy and Silo's attachment by exposing them specifically to different male and female penguins, to see if they could tell the difference. They could in fact tell the difference, and they in fact did not care.). Roy and Silo find a rock that is vaguely egg-shaped, and while the other penguins lay eggs and trade them back and forth on their little penguin feet, Roy and Silo attempt to hatch their rock. (By the way, cuteologists, how great an image is that?)

Intrigued, the zookeepers decide to give the lovebirds an egg that had been abandoned. The penguins care for the egg together and hatch it. They enact the same family drama that the other penguin pairs do. The baby is born, and the zookeepers name it Tango. Both daddy penguins take turns caring for baby, effectively nurturing the little tyke into adolescence and then adulthood.

This is the cutest book ever. The art is great, and the story is told simply and lovingly. In addition to being adorable it contradicts the stupidity surrounding March of the Penguins. You know, all the Focus-on-the-Family "God's will is the bond between a man and woman" hype. I've said it before and I'll say it again: it amuses me to no end that the same people who refuse to believe themselves descended from monkeys are willing to find proof of family values in a waddling flightless bird. How selective we are. (My other issue with this movie is that it's one of the worst nature documentaries I've ever seen--the penguins are very cute and fun to watch, but the science is bad. The documentarians are more interested in the noble struggles of the penguin as a story than they are in the identifiable and measurable facts, but that's besides the point here.) So anyway, if you are in the market for a picture book that will make you smile, And Tango Makes Three kicks the total shit out of lesser picture books. But you don't have to take my word for it...

books, children's literature

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