Holy Cow

Feb 25, 2008 14:42

I hadn't checked LJ for so long O.O"""
Spent 2hours reading old LJ entries ftw lol

Well, anyway, LJ messages still get delivered to my email. I have returned emails to everyone yesterday who have their doll heads with me(well, kag you talk to me already so no mail for you)

Apperantly I was told that I my mail didn't go through from an sms yesterday so let me know if you didn't get a reply >_<""
I'll prolly try to mail those who responded here again with my gmail or something. Bloody hotmail sucks so bad but I don't want to change it now that most of my contacts sends me mail there all the time :(




Tinies...soon. >:D

On a diff note, its funny how it seems like I am on the straight path to being a tankadin. Was asked to tank every raid this week.  Maybe cos the few regular tanks have alot of RL issues these few days O.o

TBH, its actually much more fun tanking than healing

How are you now leeda? Hadn't talked to you since you transfered :(
At least I saw shiny and kyouh online once each since that time :(
EDIT: BAAAHZ. Bloody pally officer(in loot council) seems to want to be the guild tankadin. So though he only have half a set of tanking gears he got the loot over me. I swear, he won't be able to tank gurtogg bloodboil with his half arena half tank set when I tanked that guy for the longest time in the 3 tank rotation this week @*&@
He's often not online to make things worst @*$@* 
damn guild founders and their special piority.
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