Okay, so this is what happened last night. So retarded I felt like sharing it.
So zes and
evil_citrusdecided to have some late night cereals. (got to love the Post: Maple Pecan Crunch)
After getting a nice bowl each, they sat down and began eating
evil_citrus choked.
She cough and wheezed and after awhile she seemed alright.
Moments later...
Zes choked.
She cough and wheezed and after awhile she too, seemed alright.
evil_citrus: these cereal don't care who it is, it just want to kill anyone.
Zes: Yea, its the Cereal Killer.
-A pause-
evil_citrus: Sometimes I can't stand you and your stupid puns.
That lead to us laughing and choking on cereals again.
Might not be really funny for you all to read, but it was really funny at that point of time. The idiocrazy of the sisters xD