I have been tagged

Nov 30, 2006 14:27

Once tagged by this entry, the assignment's to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about you. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.

I've been tagged. Here it goes:

1. Often I end up doing something I'm really afraid of. Latest example - motorcycles.

2. I still secretly think I'm very cute, or since I'm not 18 anymore - handsome.

3. I have three-colored beard: black, brown and red.

4. The longest I've spent on the phone in one day: 14 hours. (I still remember that phone bill. Ouch!)

5. I got my first grey hair when I was 6.

6. I love trimming nails. My own that is.

And the six people I tag for this are: sistermoon65, thesociopath, mjtheanarchist, davesleepswcats, smokkee911 and xoraclex.

I would have tagged more, but rules are rules. ;)
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