Nov 30, 2006 13:43
I was going to talk about orgasms, but today on a way to work something more important hit me and I decided to put off the orgasm talk.
Every man should be happy or at least content with his job and since I hate my job, am going to leave and already started looking for another one, which unfortunately might take up to few months, i need to be content in interim. I started thinking that made me realize something - all this time i was unhappy, because I was trying to do something I'm not very good at, or better yet, suck at.
A lot of jobs have natural progression from doing thing A, gaining experience, moving to do thing B, then maybe thing C. I never thought that sometimes it is better to do thing B well, than to move to thing C and be inadequate at it. This it what happened to me - I was trying to jump over my head.
It doesn't prove that I'm too stupid, or uneducated to perform my duties at job C, but I'd rather be awesome at job B, right?
So, the decision is made: I will go back to performing job B and have people bowing to me in awe and have excellent work record, then see those constant frowns and back-stabbing talk. Reiterating I will leave this company no matter what, but I will have more self respect, will enjoy my time at work more, will be less stressful. However you look at it, I will be better, and this is what actually matters.
P.S.I want to thank everybody for your wonderful emotional support. I needed it.