{fic} The love began in a small café chapter 8/10

Jun 25, 2009 14:44

Hi minna,

YAY yes i have chapter 8, i was sooooooo bored during 9 hours of babysitting so i wrote the chapter, but it took my long to type it in, i wrote it on paper.

Lets only say that things are getting in motion, and that i cant garantee that it will be a happy ending. *dodges tomatoes...or stones??*

Sorry m(_ _)m

Anyway enjoy this chapter.


Ps: Two surprises are coming up in connection of the fic. XD Look forward to it.

Chapter 8

It’s been about 3 weeks since the anniversary. Since then things became more busy for both of them. Koki needed to go to Sendai only a few days after, he didn’t stay long only for 2 days to take the photos he needed to. He came back to Tokyo but shortly after that he left again. Koki started to become an asked photographer around Japan. More and more of his pictures appeared everywhere. But this mean less time for Kazuya. The only thing they could do was calling and messaging, but this contact became also less. Kazuya was too busy with the café, he wanted to renovate a few things and a lot more customers were coming. He even had to get a helper, Yamashita Tomohisa a very good friend of Jin. He was a great help for him, but still Kazuya became depressed as time went by. Hi missed Koki so much, but he himself didn’t have time. If they wanted to agree to meet, surely one of them was to busy and they schedule didn’t match at all.

Koki couldn’t concentrate on work. Sometimes he messed up, where he usually wouldn’t. Jin was really worried. Now that he became known around the country and Kokis dream started to get fulfilled he didn’t wanted that Koki would loose everything now. No he didn’t want that.

“Koki, daijoubu?” he asked after a photosession

“Un, shinpaishinaide, daijoubu”

“Koki you can’t lie to me. I am your best friend since we were kids and I worked with you together almost since then. I know you like I know myself. You can’t concentrate; you make mistakes you usually don’t do.”

Koki gave a bitter smile “I guess I really can’t lie to you.”

“Tell me what you feel Koki. Speak to me. I am your friend. I am here for you.”

“Un, tonight I will.”

“Ok, I will bring some drinks and snacks.”


Jin went to Kokis place and they had some drinks. As they were drinking Koki slowly but he opened up.

“Firstly I should say sorry to you, Gomen - he sipped in his beer - I know I made a little not kinda a lot of problems for you. I should separate private and work like you said to me at the start but I can’t. I can’t Jin.”


“I can’t get him out of my head during work. I miss him so much. Since our anniversary I haven’t seen him. I just want to see him, touch him, and hug him. I don’t want more. If we want to meet surely one of us is not available. I can’t take it anymore.”

Koki put his head on the table.

“I…just…cant…” said it between sobs and slowly he started to cry.

“Koki.” - Jin couldn’t say anything to him. He couldn’t find any comforting words. He could only stay there with him; he put one hand on his shoulder. He tried to calm the other but that was impossible. Jin knew that Koki was almost at his end.

Start of Flashback

Jin wanted to help them, maybe let them meet like in Yokohama, but he couldn’t, he tried to plan with Ueda, Yucchi and Junno, but when the 4 of them met to talk about it, in the end there was no answer. All of them knew that both were busy to even take a break. If they could do that the four of them wouldn’t sit here.

“What should we do?” asked Yucchi after a long silence

“What can we do?” asked Junno and he was trying to scan the faces of his friends.

“Most probably nothing” said Ueda and this costs him 6 eyes staring at him.

“I am sorry to say this, but I think this time we can’t really do anything. If they want to meet they would meet, you know to well how desperately they try to match they schedules. But it just doesn’t work, and then we can’t really do anything can we?” Ueda looked at Jin hoping to find agreement in his lover’s eyes.

Jin lowered his head and gave a big sigh.

“Yes, Hime is right - at the word Hime he gained a deathly glare but he continued - I work with Koki every day, we almost have the same schedule an I know its not easy to have time for love - he looked at Ueda who now was looking at him with gentle but sad eyes - but for him its different, I am only an assistant, he has more work to do then me. And now that he became more famous and he will get more attention, because he is good at his job, he has the talent and if that happens, it will become worse.”

“What do you mean” asked the 3 of them in union.

Jin gave a sigh.

“If this goes on like this and he gets more work and if he does great work, it can happen that the people overseas will take notice of him. If that happens and I think that it will happen, then… - he paused - I don’t know what will happen with the two of them.

End of flashback

3 more weeks passed since Koki break down and things didn’t get better, no it become worse if it is even possible.

Koki was non-stop away for days, without contacting Kazuya. He wanted to but couldn’t he was just too busy. With 5 projects going on at the same time he almost didn’t have time to eat or sleep, but thanks to Jin he could survive in some way. His body lived but from the inside he was dying.

Both of them felt miserable. Koki became a workaholic zombie and Kazuya was almost the same. Kazuya has been depressed all the time, hi missed Koki a lot and his pictures in the café or at his place didn’t really help him. He constantly was looking at them. He didn’t smile a lot anymore; he was only looking at the door or cell phone, hoping for some kind of sign. He hoped that Koki would enter the café with a big smile and behave like nothing happened but that was impossible because again he was on one of his trips.

Everyone recognized that something was wrong. After work even if he would finish earlier than usual he would go home and try to contact him, maybe he is free but after a while he was slowly giving up. No contact for days, no reply nothing.

One evening Yucchi and Junno decided to go to Kazuya’s apartment and have a nice evening with drinks and snacks. They wanted to cheer him up.

Kazuya was lying on the couch and watching Cartoon KAT-TUN. It was a funny show so sometimes he was watching. Today they visited a big family and helped them. Just when on of the guys was cleaning the stairs with his butt facing the camera, someone was ringing his doorbell.

“Who would that be? Koki? Never.” He had a bitter smile on his face. He opened the door and he found two of his friends standing there smiling and holding up some plastics bags.

“We brought some drinks”

‘…and some snacks” said Junno with a big smile.

“Lets have a nice evening” And before Kazuya could answer the already invited themselves and sat on the couch.

“Here you go” Yucchi handed him a can of beer.

“What were you watching? Oh Cartoon KAT-TUN? I love that show,” said Junno he was totally hyper.

“Oh, yeah today they are having some fun with a big family” - Kazuya gave up because he knew that his friends don’t intend to leave his flat in a short.

“Really? That’s sounds fun” said Yucchi looking at the TV and sipping on his beer

They were watching the show till the end, laughing and having drinks. They were enjoying the evening. Kazuya was really grateful to them, for wanting to cheer him up. Yes he was happy. He was a little bit drunk when he started.

“Thank you guys.”


“Thank you for coming over and spend time with me. I know why you are here. - He started to sob as he thought about Koki - Oh. Gomen. I didn’t intend to…”

“Its ok, we are here, we are your friends.”

“Arigatou” Kazuya was now crying more and more.

Junno hugged him. “It’s ok, cry as much as you want.”

“I…miss…him… so…much” he said between sobs.

“We know.” Yucchi was caressing his back, trying to calm him down.


“We know.” Junno hugged him tighter.

“I…want…to…see…him +sob+ be with him, I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much. I never loved someone this much. I can’t take it anymore.”

“Yes, we know” The boys couldn’t say anything which was comforting; they were just there for him. Hugging him, telling him that they are there, till Kazuya cried himself to sleep. They tugged him into bed, not leaving him, till they all woke up the next morning with a terrible headache.

Kazuya opened his eyes and he saw both his friends on his sides, he couldn’t avert a smile.

Both boys slowly woke up and all three sat up on the bed.

“I guess all of have a headache - Yucchi was caressing his head - good that its weekend.”

“Yeah” all three looked at each other and laughed.

“Ouch” said the 3 in sync

“I think we shouldn’t laugh too much.” Said Yucchi with a smile, the other two nodded and smiled at him.

“Thank you guys, hontouni arigatou.”

“Ok, enough of the sentimental speeches. Let’s have breakfast.”


“Who wants waffles?” asked Junno with raised hands and a big smile on his face.

Both Yucchi and Kazuya smiled at him.

They didn’t know that in a few weeks none of them will smile anymore. And that they friend who was finally smiling again wont be smiling. He won’t have that smile on his face which everyone loved, it would vanish and that only tears will be seen on that face.

They didn’t know that they life especially the life of they beloved friend would change drastically. That happiness would vanish from his life, only leaving pain and sorrow.
Ps: I thinks this kinda sucks, ARGH Sorry for this horrible chapter next time i will try my best. m(_ _)m

p:kamenashi kazuya/tanaka koki, * multichaptered, pairing: kokame, ! fanfiction

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