{fic} The love began in a small café chapter 7/10

Jun 23, 2009 19:18

Hi minna,

Today i bring you a new chapter, chapter 7. As you can see in the title of the post it is the 7th chapter out of 10. Yes there will only be 10 chapters. I was thinking how long i should make the story and i realized that 10 is a really good number, not too short and not too long. And of course i dont want to make the story too boring.
In the next few days i will be a little bit busy so i wont have too much time to write, and on Saturday my parents are coming to visit me and then i wont have much time either. Anyway i will try my best to update as soon as possible.

Sorry for the long post, next time just skip my babbling. XD

Thanks for always reading and enjoy this chap.



Ps: This chap comes ith some extras. XD

Chapter 7

They woke up the next morning, or what you can call it because they went to bed around 3 am. Koki was the first one who woke up. He opened his eyes and he saw his most beloved person in front of him, still sleeping in his embrace. He was really happy to see him and couldn’t avoid having a small smile and he gave a small peck on the younger ones lips. He didn’t want to wake the other; he just wanted to look at him. Kame looked so peaceful and beautiful in his sleep like an angel. He didn’t wanted to leave the other, but he wanted to take a picture of him, thank god on of his cameras was lying near the bed he took and made a picture of him. Few minutes after Kame started to wake up, he opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Koki smiling at him. He felt embarrassed he didn’t know how long he was watching and he couldn’t avoid not blushing.

“Ohayo sweety” said Koki and placed a small kiss on Kames lips.


They looked in each others eyes without saying a word. Koki broke the silence.

“What time is it? 10 am? Oh god we slept quite long didn’t we?”

“Un seems like it.” Kame chuckled a little bit.

“Ok, its time for breakfast. What do you want to eat?”

“You mean early lunch? I don’t know maybe omelette. Can you even cook?”

“Oi that was mean. Of course I can cook. Just wait and see. I will make a really good breakfast or lunch. You call it what you want.”

Koki stood up from the bed grabbed some clothes and gave some to Kame, and went to the kitchen. Kame got dressed and started to look around. Koki was busy with making the food, and he didn’t allow him to help, so he took the time to look around.

The apartment was quite big; most of it was used as an atelier, where Koki was busy organizing or taking inside photo shoots, as Kame could tell from the lights standing in the living room. There where photos lying everywhere and Kame had to be careful not to step on them so his tour was mostly just looking. Shortly after his visual tour he sat down at the counter and looked how Koki was preparing they meal. He found some pictures on the counter as well, they were everywhere. He started look at them. They were beautifully taken. Some of them were just pictures of scenery but in a few some models were walking between some trees or at a river bank. Then he spotted some pictures in which old couples were sitting in a park or something like that. He also saw some most probably magazine photos because the model was posing in some nice clothes.

He looked up and watched Kokis back and then looked at the pictures. He couldn’t believe that these were taken by Koki. But when he was looking at the pictures he could feel the warmth in them. He just loved those pictures.

Koki turned around and saw that Kame was looking at his pictures.

“Sorry they are everywhere. I am still sorting out. You can just put them aside.”

“They are really nice. I love the way you take the pictures. I love these.”

Kame showed him the pictures.


“Oh with the sakura trees. I take a photo each time I see them.”

“Yeah they are really nice, and I like the way you are taking the pictures.”

“Come on you must be hungry you can look at the pictures later. Let’s eat.”

“Un. So what did the great cook make?”

Kame looked at the plate Koki was handing him. Koki made omurice and put some salad next to it. The plate was decorated very nicely.

“I hope it taste as good as it looks”

“Hey don’t be mean will ya, if you don’t want it I can eat both.” As he said that he was slowly pulling the plate away. Kame grabbed it.

“No, I want to eat it, I want to taste your cooking and I am hungry too.”

“Good boy. So let’s eat.”

Koki sat down at the counter and both of them started to eat. Kame was still looking at some pictures which were in front of him. Koki was observing him. He looked so mesmerized by the pictures he didn’t want to disturb him. He couldn’t avoid having a smile, he was happy that Kame was looking at his pictures and that he liked them. He didn’t allow a lot of people to see his pictures, which he was sorting out. He only wanted to show his best work, with which he was satisfied but he didn’t mind Kame. He wanted to see his works.

Kame sometimes asked when and where he took the pictures and Koki was answering each time. Kame was amazed that he knew each picture was taken. He was amazed by Kokis talent.

They spend the whole day in the atelier. Kame looking at pictures and Koki would tell everything about them. They would laugh when they saw funny pictures, like when Jin wanted to reach for something which fell into a pound but he ended up in it. Koki only took the picture by accident but he was happy that he did.

They had a nice time, learning more about each other. Telling stories which happened to them before they met. The only thing which broke they happy time was when Kames phone rang and Maru was asking him to come to the hotel, because it would be time for them to leave. Maru sounded really apologist on the phone, he didn’t wanted to ruin they day but they had to leave because everyone has to work tomorrow.

It was a bitter goodbye for both of them, but they had to separate at least till Koki would come back to Tokyo.

The next 2 weeks passed my really quickly. Kame was working in the café, it became really busy. Koki was taking his pictures under the pressure of Akuma aka Akanishi.

Koki was supposed to come back to Tokyo around 8pm. Kame was hurrying to close the café and go to fetch Koki at the station. He just arrived in time, 5 minutes till the train arrives. He was so looking forward to see Koki again. After he left Yokohama the contact became less again, both of them were busy with work, but still they tried to talk as much as possible. When Kame left Yokohama Koki gave him the photos he liked and now they are decorating the café or his own apartment. He likes to watch those photos.

A big crowd came from the Peron but Kame could spot Koki very easily and he waved at him. Koki broke into a big smile when he saw Kame. They didn’t care about the others they hugged each other. The hug was quite long.

“Hey, would you stop that, you are in public; please try to bear with it till you get home.” Said Jin who just came from the crowd and stopped just about a meter behind them.

“Akuma” said Koki and Kame in union.

“Who do you call Akuma. Don’t forget that it’s thanks to this Akuma that you could spend two days together. Remenber? Does something ring a bell.”

“Yeah we are sorry Akuma-sama” Said Koki and both of them gave a big bow.

Jin rolled his eyes. “See you guys then. I have to go to my Hime.”

“Awww. Someone is really cute here.” Teased Koki but he only earned a smack on his head.

“Yeah sure, Jya”


“Matta ne.”

Also Koki and Kame made they way out of the station. They decided to go to Kokis place because he had to drop his equipment off. They had a nice dinner together and watched some TV, but both of them were tired from work and travelling so they went to bed and slept in each others embrace.



The time passed by really quickly, day by day they were busy with work, and they spend as much time as they could with each other. Time passed and it became the day of there 6 months anniversary. Kame had to work till late that time. When he was off from work he rushed to meet Koki, he was soo late. When he arrived at the park they wanted to meet Koki was waiting for him.

“Gomen. Did you wait long?”

“No, its ok, lets go.”


Koki took Kame to a really nice restaurant and they had dinner. It was not a fancy place but the atmosphere was really nice and they could enjoy they time together. After the dinner Koki took Kame to his place, saying that he forgot something. He told Kame to wait at the door he would be back in 2 minutes. But Kame was waiting for more than 15 minutes and Koki didn’t come, he decided that he would go and check.

“Koki is everything ok? Where are..” He could finished he was shocked. When he entered the living room the whole room was in candle light and Koki was standing in the middle of the room with a big bucket of roses in his hands.

Kame just stood there and looked at his lover, who was looking at him, eyes filled with love and with a gentle smile on his face. Kame stepped closer and then he realized that on the wall there were pictures of them. Koki took them each time they went somewhere. Pictures from Yokohama, when they were in the café, or when they were having dinner with friends. Each picture showed one memory they shared together. Kame couldn’t help but shed tears. He was so happy. He couldn’t say a word; he just looked at his lover who now moved closer, wiping away his tears and giving him the roses.

“Kazu. I love you. I love so much that I just can’t spend one moment without you. If we are far away I just think about you. I never felt this way to someone before. You are my one and only. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The pictures on the wall are only a few but I want to have more pictures, I want to have more memories with you. I want to be with you till I die. I love you Kazu and that will never change. “

“Koki..” Kames voice broke now he was really crying; he couldn’t help it, after a speech like that.  Koki wiped his tears away and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

“I love you. I really do, and I will still love when I will be an old jii-chan.”

“I love you too Koki, more then I can ever express.”

They were looking at each other, Koki put the flower aside and he hugged Kame. They broke the hug to look at each other and kiss. It was a gentle kiss, but full with love for each other. They didn’t move from they place, they stood just there. Looking at each other, hugging and kissing. Nothing more nothing less. Both of them were the happiest persons on the earth at that moment. The whole night they were in each others embrace. They sat on the couch which was placed now at one side of the room. Kame was mesmerized by the pictures; he couldn’t believe that Koki did all this just for him. He fell in love with him again.

This was a really nice and happy time for them but at that moment they didn’t know what kind of hardship is waiting for them in the future.

p:kamenashi kazuya/tanaka koki, * multichaptered, pairing: kokame, r:pg-13, ! fanfiction

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