{fic} {multi-chaptered} undercover - chapter 7

Oct 04, 2011 19:44

Title: Undercover

Fandom: BEAST/B2ST
Rating: R
Genre: AU-ish? OC, Angst
Pairing: BEAST/OC, DooJoon/OC (main)

Chapter 7
The next morning you woke up with red eyes, it took you about an hour to reduce the swelling. You got dressed in a black dress, and a bolero on top, to cover your shoulders. You let your hair out yet again, light make-up and only lip balm. ( Black dress )

When you were ready you walked out into the rose-garden. You walked along the bushes, searching for that particular one. You had a scissor in your right hand, given by Jordan to you at the balcony to the garden. After a 5 Minute walk you stopped in front of a bush that was filled with white roses. You leaned lower, smelling the beautiful flowers. You reached out cutting down the first flower. You cut a few more one by one, gathering them in your arms. When you were done with the roses you walked over to the Lilies, cutting down a few of those too. With all the flowers in your hand you walked back to the house.

It was that time that you saw DooJoon, who was watching you, as you had those flowers in your hand, and that black dress on. You saw so many emotions in his eyes: love, care, worry and sadness.

You put down the flowers on a table and started to arrange them in a pretty bouquet. DooJoon walked behind you and hugged your from behind, but only a for a few seconds, before anyone would see you (not even the boys knew about the two of you yet).

“Good Morning babe.” He whispered in your ear. “Who are these pretty flowers for?” He asked taking one rose in his hand.

“Good Morning.” You said. “For my father.” You said taking the rose from his hand, with a sad smile and putting it in the bouquet. You finished it with a black ribbon on it.

“Why black?” DooJoon asked but was interrupted by Jay.

“Ra, the car is ready.” You turned around and walked a few steps towards him but halfway turned back to DooJoon.

“I won’t be back, before you leave for your schedule and I have a meeting in the evening, so I think we will only see each other late at night or tomorrow morning.” Your voice sounded colder than you intended to. When you realized that you tried to apologize but Jay’s hand on you shoulder stopped you.

“We need to leave now, or we will be late for the meeting after.” You only nodded turning away from DooJoon.


Your little brother was everything that you had, after your father left you in this world. Your life crumbled down and you did not know what to do, but when you saw Gi Seung you realized that there is still someone who needs you in this life and you have to take care of him.

You put your own pain away, closed your hearth and build walls around you, so nothing can hurt you. Nothing can come close enough to hurt you.


The two of you did well till 5 years ago. Till that faithful day, the Anniversary of your father’s death. That day you got betrayed by the only person, that was still close to you and who left a long scar along your left hip.

“Good-bye Ra-Ra noona.”


You don’t know what happened in the meeting room before you stepped in but you had a slight idea, because the moment you walked in silence filled the room and all 6 pair of eyes were staring at you, gaping slowly questioning if it was true. One pair of eyes looked away (and that was what hurt the most).

“I will explain.” You spoke and everyone stopped speaking by the sound of your voice. You walked in front of the desk and Nigel and Jay took their places on your side.

“I won’t say I am sorry because from the beginning till now, this was a plan to keep you safe. All the things I did and all the things I said where done, so neither of you get hurt. But unfortunate events made me step in front of you and explain, making you aware of the dangers that are surrounding all of you.” (Your voice sounded cold and mechanical, even though your heart was hurting and bleeding by the words you spoke)

“We all came here as a request, that was given to us, more than a year ago. It was the request made by President Hong and your management. We took this assignment, because we saw that our skills and powers are needed here.”

“Assigment?” Came a whisper and you knew it was JunHyung. “WE ARE JUST AN ASSIGMENT FOR YOU?” He stood up and shouted in your face.

“SIT DOWN YONG JUNHYUNG!” You raised your voice at him and he sat down, slight fear visible in his eyes. “None of you will talk till I finish. Is that clear?” You spoke with such authority (something they haven’t seen so far, in you - a side that you kept hidden from all of them) that they didn’t dare to do otherwise.

“Why would we want to listen to someone who lied and deceived us?” An all to familiar voice spoke and you locked eyes with the only person in the room, that you wished would understand you, and let you explain (explain more than just the circumstances of the assignment) , but knew he wouldn’t want to see again, after all this is over - his eyes showed everything and your heart broke again.

“Because I am here to save your life, from someone who wishes to kill you at your upcoming concert, in front of all your precious fans, friends and family. I am here to help you, even if now everything seems as a lie and you wish to never see me again.”

Without further words, DooJoon sat down and motioned for you to speak. You saw fear in his eyes; he knew that this is not a joke anymore.

“A year ago, a letter was send to Cube with a warning and information that should not have been known by anymore; by further information my team and I saw that this was not a simple joke by any of your fans or some empty words. After a short preparation Jay and Nigel came here as your new bodyguards and I took the position of your new make-up artist and coordi. The last member of my Team Kazuya stayed in the back, like he usually does, supporting us with his technology.

“Your team…tsk…” Came from JunHyung.

“Yes, my team, I have been working with them since I turned 17. I have been leading them since then. I started my training at age 11. You have no idea what I have been through and how many people I have killed to save only a handful of others.” You glared at JunHyung, and he looked down, ashamed and the others widened their eyes, when they registered your words.

The following hour you continued to explain how you took your place and how you and the others kept them safe, till now. The only thing you left out was how you fell in love; how your walls crumbled down, because of one man, one person who won’t ever want to see you again, for lying and betraying him.


The visit to the graveyard hit you hard like each year. You walked along the grey stones with the flowers in your arms. Your steps were slow, almost not moving, you did want to see your father but at the same time not. Surrounded by knee high bushes was a grey gravestone. As you spotted something lying in front of it, you caught your breath.
There lay black roses, with a white ribbon. Your eyes watered but your heart filled with anger and you reached for those flowers, ripping them apart.

“How dare he…” You said, breathless after ripping each and every flower to tiny pieces. You felt arms around your frame and you let your tears fall. Jay held you from behind, till you calmed down again. When you tapped his hand lightly, he let you go; you put your own bouquet in the place of the other. You looked at the engraved words on the stone, your fingers brushing along each letter.

“How have you been father?” You asked. “I hope you are well…” You chocked on the words. “I have been doing…okay…the past years…” You looked up at the blue sky, taking a long breath. “I have something to confess to you. I think I broke the only Rule that you told me not to break by all price.” You looked at your fathers name again. “I think I fell in love…the walls that I build around my heart, after you left just crumbled down, with a brush of his fingers. I never felt this way before…I fell in love with him…His name is Yoon DooJoon…” This time silent tears where running along your cheeks. “But I promise I won’t fail. I won’t let my heart take over my mind, when it’s needed. I won’t ever let him get hurt by others. If I have to I will step away, if I have to I will hurt him myself…” You felt Jay’s hand on your shoulder.

“I promise that when the time arrives, I will step aside, even if it hurts, even if he will hate me. I will do everything to save his life, even if it means my own heartbreak, his heartbreak. I would rather hurt his heart than see him dying.” Jay squeezed your shoulder and you reached up to squeeze his hand.

“I don’t want to see anyone who is dear to me die again. I saw my real parents die in front of my eyes, I saw you dying in my arms. If I have to I will take all the bullets for my Team and those 6 boys. I can promise you that. I am willing to give my life for them.” After you where done with your speech, you got up, and bowed before the grave one last time. You turned around to leave and just then a strong breeze came, taking the pieces of the black flowers with him. You watched as the petals went up the sky, surrounding you and Jay as they dances away. You clenched your fist and your eyes turned cold. You left the graveyard without looking back.


You came back to the mansion really late; your meeting was longer than you thought it would be. You changed on the way so you wore a suit, with your hair held together in a ponytail. Jordan offered you some dinner but you dismissed him with a wave of your hand and a sad smile. He bowed and let you retreat to your room. As soon as you entered your room, you took of your clothes, letting them lay scattered all over the floor. You went straight under the shower. You don’t know how long you stood there under the burning hot water, but when you stepped out of the glass shower the whole bathroom was filled with fog. You slipped into some underwear, black laced French panties and black laced bra. ( Underwear )

You dried your hair a little but for the rest, you let it air dry.

Since your father died a door was made between his office and your room, so you walked clothed only your underwear into the office. You sat down at the desk opening your laptop and typing down your daily report. After an hour you were done and send it to your boss, attaching your Teams reports too.

It was nearly 3 a.m when you got up from the desk, walking back to your room. Because you were still not sleepy, you put a satin robe around you and walked out on your own balcony. You sat down on the stone railing and looked at the dark garden in front of you, which was only illuminated by the moonlight. A slight breeze was running through your now dry hair. Because you didn’t dry it, it was all curly, falling over your shoulders and back. You started humming a song, enjoying the peaceful night before hearing the sound of a door opening, you turned towards the sound and met with a pair of brown orbs. He looked at you, eyes traveling up from your legs till your eyes. Most of your legs where exposed, your underwear barely covered by the robe (you were just lazy to bind it right around your frame) not leaving much for the other to imagine, clearly showing him what is under.
Your lips stretched into an amused smile and you hopped down from your place. DooJoon didn’t wait longer and jumped over to your balcony. (The two balconies where only separated by a railing, so there was no worry that he would fall down)
As if the two of you made a silent agreement he reached out, pulling you in his arms, against his body. The two of you leaned in for a gentle kiss that still left you breathless when you pulled away.

“You are tempting me.” DooJoon whispered in your ear and you let out a chuckle. You looked up at him and kissed his lips, biting down on his lower lip. DooJoon let out a low groan.

“Don’t or I won’t be able to keep my control.” He looked at you, lust evident in his orbs.

The two of you have been together for a while and aside from some hot make-out session in the dark or somewhere hidden, nothing happened. And those sessions left the two of you more frustrated than satisfied.

“Than don’t.”

m:yong junhyung, m:yang hyunseung, m:son dongwoon, * multichaptered, m:yoon doojoon, fanfiction, m:lee kikwang, m:yang yoseob, group: b2st, r:r

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