{fic} {multi-chaptered} undercover - chapter 6

Oct 04, 2011 19:30

Title: Undercover

Fandom: BEAST/B2ST
Rating: R
Genre: AU-ish? OC, Angst
Pairing: BEAST/OC, DooJoon/OC (main)

Chapter 6

You were standing in front of your closet for the past 2 hours, figuring out what to wear. You never had this kind of problem till now. In the end you decided for grey washed jeans, a white shirt and a light pink colored vest over it.Outfit here

You looked in the mirror, letting your hair out, slightly curly (just the way it usually is, not much trouble with your hair today). Black eye-liner and rosy lips made your look complete. You smiled at your reflection and reached for your bag, just when the bell rang, signaling that DooJoon is there. You looked at the clock 8.04 p.m. You let out a chuckle, knowing that DooJoon must have been here around 7.58 p.m but waited a little after 8 to ring your doorbell. You slipped into your boots, gathered a light jacket and opened the door.

DooJoon stood there in black jeans, that clung to his sporty legs (those famous thunder thighs) a white dress up shirt, a black vest, black jacket thrown over his shoulder (for later use). His hair was spiked up in a fohawk (just the way you liked his hair) and surprisingly he did not have any eye-liner on. You smiled and greeted him.

“You look beautiful.” He commented and you looked down to hide your blush and closed the door.

“Thank you.” You mumbled and when you looked up again, you had your mind in control again. “Where are we going?” You asked, the two of you taking the elevator, down to the garage where DooJoon parked his car.

“It’s a surprise. “ He winked at you and till you two got to the car he kept silent. Even though you were curious you did not press any further. At the car he opened the door for you but before you got in, the two of you looked at each other. He was standing on the other side of the door, his hand on it. He leaned closer to you, mischief glinting in his eyes. You raised a brow at that waiting what he wants to do. You knew him well enough by now that when he has that look on his face, DooJoon has something in mind.

And you were right, before you could even open your mouth to ask a question, he leaned in, closing the distance between your lips. It was a short peck on your lips. You felt your hearth beating like crazy, your eyes slightly wider than before, when he pulled away. He only smirked, ushering you inside the car. You took your place in the car, while he did the same. You wanted to reach for the seatbelt but he leaned over, grabbing it for you, your faces only a breath away. He was teasing and enjoyed it to the max. DooJoon put the belt over you and started the engine, driving off somewhere.

You took the long ride as a chance to calm yourself down, you knew that this day will be long and hard to handle if DooJoon keeps this up.

You knew you should push him away but since last night, when he kissed your cheek and the kiss just now…you just couldn’t. Something inside of you let him do these things to you.

The walls that you build around yourself over the year where taken down, one by one and by none other than BEAST’s Leader Yoon DooJoon.

You were lost in your thoughts and didn’t even realize that the car stopped. You only realized you were there when your door opened and DooJoon extended his hand to you, to help you out. You took it without much thinking and stepped out of the car. When you looked around you saw that the two of you where standing in the middle of a silent park. You didn’t spot anyone around and you wondered why, because this is a really pretty park and its night. Couples should be here walking around, hand-in-hand but other than the birds and the sound of the light breeze you didn’t hear anything.

“Where are we? I mean why aren’t here more people?” You asked looking at DooJoon and he only smiled at you. He took you by the hand, leading you inside the middle of the park.

“This park, kind of belongs to one of my friends and I asked him to close it for the evening, so we can be here alone.”

“But why? Why did you so much for me?” You couldn’t help but ask.

“Because I like you and wanted to make you happy. Smile a little, with all these work. I know that we are not easy to deal with and you help us all the time, not just with work but also in private. But still mainly because…” He stood in front of you, stopping you in front of a well. “because I like you, Park Hee Ra.” He confessed and just than the lights of the well went on, illuminating the place with pretty lights.

Your eyes widened at the sight but more of DooJoon’s words. You kept looking in his eyes and he in yours.

“I…I…” You didn’t know what to say. Your hearth was beating like crazy and the way DooJoon stepped closer to you, pulling you in an embrace you knew that the warmness you felt on your cheeks was not an illusion. You were blushing and this time around you couldn’t control it.

DooJoon put his hands on your hips pulling you closer to his body and slowly, like it would be some slow-motion leaned in. You slowly closed your eyes and when your lips met with his again, for the second time that day, your heart started to beat like crazy, you melted in his arms. His kiss was gentle and nothing rushing, nothing pushing but at the same time he was passionate, showing that he clearly means what he said before.

You don’t know how long you kissed, in those pretty lights, but when you pulled away, both of you were breathless.

“Go out with me.” He said. “Be my girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and without thinking (listening to your beating heart) you nodded.

DooJoon beamed, hugging you tight and even turning you around for a while. You put your hands around his neck and the two of laughed together.

That time you didn’t know what kind of consequences your decision would have.


The dinner went well, the boys like that fact that they didn’t have to eat the too greasy and salty food, that they had the last times and didn’t like at all. This time Jordan prepared Korean food for them, the ones they liked the best.

For the dinner you changed into a different dress a short dress with a mix of blue and light green. Green Dress here

All the boys especially YoSeob complimented you a lot. They said it was strange to see the usually jeans and more tomboy-ish make-up artist of theirs in dresses and wearing light and feminine clothing. You only laughed at their remarks. You knew that it must be strange to see you like this and that they don’t know the background to these dresses.

“My father used to love to see me in dresses and ask me to wear these at home.” You looked at your plate, while speaking, didn’t dare to look up, even though you felt all eyes on you. “He asked me to wear these when I am at home and still today, I do so.” You looked up with a sad and hurt smile on your face. You looked down again before slowly standing up from the table.

“Thank you, I am done.” You said to Jordan, even though half of your plate was still full. You weren’t hungry in the beginning. There was only one thing on your mind, the next day…

“Do you wish to have some coffee, milady?” Jordan asked as he reached for your plate. He knew why you didn’t eat much; usually you don’t eat before you visit your father.

“Yes, please but bring it to my room please. I would like to take a rest.” He bowed before leaving to make your coffee.

“I am sorry but I am still not quite okay, after the flight and tomorrow I have a long day before me.” You smiled at the boys, avoiding the worried eyes that were on you all evening.

“Please enjoy the food, till the end and if you need anything, ask Jordan, he will try his best to fulfill your wishes.” The boys nodded and bid you good night. You ruffled YoSeob’s hair who reached for your hand as you passed by.

“I am fine, just tired, don’t worry.” You said and left the room.

You walked up the stairs to your room, in peace and silence. As you walked along the corridor you saw those double doors at the end. With each step, you felt your breathing quicken and your eyes watering. You stopped shortly in front of the doors, looking up at them but before you lost your control, you quickly walked into your room and closed the door behind you. You leaned against the door and took a shaky but long breath.

“Get a grip of yourself.”


That night DooJoon tried to come into your room and ask how you were but as mean at it is, you ignored him, his knocks on the door. When the knocks stop you waited for a good 15 minutes and send him a message.

From: Hee Ra
To : DooJoonie
Mianhe but I don’t feel good today. After tomorrow I will be better. ^^ Night.

From: DooJoonie
To: Hee Ra
Ani, gwenchana. Just tell me if you need anything ok? You know that I am here for you right? Love you. Good Night babe.

You looked at the message and bit down on your lower lip. The tears that you have been holding in finally fell. You couldn’t hold it anymore. The fact that in a few hours you will visit your father and the fact that DooJoon wants to be there for you, without knowing anything, why you are like this. And also about the fact that you broke the 1st rule and that you want to say those words back, that you feel the same….

You looked at the message before going to the Saved Message folder, looking at the 2 Drafts that you had in your phone.

From: Hee Ra
To: DooJoonie
Saved on: 07/04 00:01

Happy Birthday DooJoon-ah. I want to say these words to you today….

From: Hee Ra
To: DooJoonie
Saved on: 07/04 23:59

I love you.

Two drafts that never got sent. You buried your face in the pillow, muffling your sobs.


“We should break up…It’s better for both of us.” You said looking in his eyes, he shook his head, stepping closer to you but you stepped back.

“The management is not happy, the fans are getting suspicious. I don’t want to stand in the way of your dream (I don’t want you to get hurt, because you are getting in much more danger by each day I spend with you, each day I love you)” You took a deep breath.

“Let’s break up. Let’s not see each other anymore.”

“Hee-Ra but I love you, please baby.” He reasoned and tried to reach out to you but you stepped further away. If he would touch you, you knew you could not take this step. You had to do this, it was better for all of you.

“I am sorry.” You said before walking away. You heard him calling your name for minutes, hours, days even when he was not there. You could not forget the sadness and hurt in his voice, how broken his voice sounded when you walked away.

It was better this way. You did make the best choice, it was better so. You where there for almost a year now and the assignment was slowly coming to an end…The threats where more serious by each day. You knew that the end was coming near. Even if it hurt you, even if you felt like being ripped apart, you had to do this. DooJoon was the reason; you needed to keep him safe and not just because it was your job to do so.


The time when you had to uncover yourself in front of the boys, arrived sooner than you thought it would. That one threat came and you knew that this can not be averted if the boys don’t know the whole truth.
You were sitting in your home-office, reading the warning again and again.

At the concert their lives will be taken.
Be ready, this time they won’t get away.

PS: Ra-Ra how are you going to save your lover? 
A simple note but it held much more meaning than those three sentences. The person behind all this knew everything and maybe more. You buried your hand in your hair.

“….please don’t tell me it’s you….”


m:yong junhyung, m:yang hyunseung, m:son dongwoon, * multichaptered, m:yoon doojoon, fanfiction, m:lee kikwang, m:yang yoseob, group: b2st, r:r

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