Just a quickie here - I swear as soon as everything calms down a bit I'll start updating normally again.
1) I got my grades today! As and Bs, like I thought. I made my goal of passing Spanish II with a B. Now I can forget everything I ever knew about that blasted language.
kaitefanch gave me a $15 iTunes card, so I downloaded some MJ stuff I'd been missing. I have no idea what he's saying half the time, but his stuff is just so much fun I don't care.
3) Graduation was pretty fun. I hung out with
kaitefanch and everyone, but I ended up having to bail on the movies. Oh, well.
4) We saw X3! I liked it, for the most part, but of course my comic-book-geek side was pissed off by some stuff. Oh well.
5) Oh, and my uncle Daniel died. No big deal, except that we had to cancel our trip to the lake this weekend and I had to sit through the viewing and funeral. That was weird. I hadn't had any headaches for a while and they came back yesterday and today, along with much queasiness, probably from the embalming fluid. Ick.