
Jun 05, 2007 10:12

Welcome to my new fannish lj. I didn't intend to alienate everyone I know in RL by posting exclusively Stargate Atlantis-related stuff on my old lj, but I did!

I will use this mainly to post things on communities and stuff, I think, but if/when I have any new fics, vids, ep reviews, etc., I'll put them here. Then I will put them on merples.com (currently under construction), which domain I am sharing with yolsaffbridge. I will also be moving all my old stuff over to that domain. ("All my old stuff" consists of 1.5 fics, 1 vid, and a handful of approx. 150-word, barely coherent epi reviews. Oh, and a bunch of drawings of Blair Sandburg and Anthony Andrews (not together).)

Those paying very close attention will realize that I am the same person as laura_redcloud. Luckily, nobody is paying that close attention.


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