Oct 28, 2004 09:42
It might just be me, but it seems like things are changing. Now, I know these things shouldnt really count for anything, but it is the small thiings that bother me. Like this morning. Every morning, when people come in they sit down and we all talk. This morning, me and adrick were the only ones sitting. Greg, Kelby, Jared, Brian, and alex had there own convo going. John, Eric, and Jess were just standing around. It was so weird and somewhat awkward. Also, in my 1st hour, Emily announced why i wasnt at school yesterday, TO THE WHOLE CLASS, Who at first, laughed about it and then for strange odd reason, they were nice to me. A group of prepy guyz who act imature and play pranks on people and CALLS ME SAFETY WOMAN, (which really bothers me), they were all being nice. Even when I lost our team 3 or 4 points in volley ball. Last hour, we had preschool play day. There was only like 5 kids there. Mrs. Medahl forced us to play. It was sad because I did the same thing I use to do when I was 5 or 6. Play by myself. I found a spider man thingy and I was in my glory. lol. I did play a little basketball with Conner. (4 yearold boy) But that was only for 5 min. Hopefully, Gong to mock trial thing, will make me feel better. I had an interesting talk with Eric last night. He was trying to help me figure out why I sat on my stairs for like 14 hours straight. But of course I think Erics theories about what goes on through my head are FLAWED. (no offense man). You see, this is what he conluded, He thinks that the reason I sat on my stairs was because I didnt really agree my decision on tuesday, and that i was trying to "avoid" it. Now, this was when I decided, "I need to call kelby" Kelby can tell me whats wrong. Kelby has this way of knowing EXACTLY whats going on and what needs to be done. Its Freaky. Well, I suppose my ranting should be done for the day. Oh, and if any of you think that something im thinking about doing or might do, might be a mistake, TELL ME BEFORE I DO IT. thanks.