I vote pro-iPod.

Nov 07, 2006 09:28

Whoa, whoa, stop the presses, I have another SID song to fangirl over: "Ajisai". Man alive, has this thing worked its way into my brain and won't let go. Of course, its no secret, and I don't deny, that I love it because it could totally freaking be on Laruku's next album. XD It's scary how Laruku-rashii this song is: high, moving bass line; angsty, yet well-written, vocal line; drum line that I can't describe except to say it's Yuki-ish. It's like 80% "TRUST", 20% "Shinjitsu to Gensou to", and a dash of "Kuchizuke".

I am totally loving this band more and more every minute. I put "Renai" into my car player on Friday, and it hasn't left since. I don't see it leaving soon, either, except maybe to be replaced by "Hoshi no Miyako". Which reminds me, I, um, NEED to listen to their new album tomorrow. >> I'm totally excited now.

Mao's voice is actually pretty damn good, the more I hear it. I don't like his weak vibrato, and his tone is suspect on a few occasions, but overall he's impressive. He can do everything from a whispery growl to a scream, his pitch is pretty spot-on most of the time, and he has a really great sense of phrasing. Plus, I loves me a vocalist who can pour his soul into every line. ;D

Oh, this band was so, so, SO influenced by Laruku, whether they admit it or not. It's becoming blatantly obvious. As I sit and really listen closely to each of their songs, I all of a sudden get flashes of "The Rain Leaves a Scar" or "The Silver Shining", or "The Fourth Avenue Cafe", as I mentioned earlier. But its funny, because some are so clearly reminiscent, and others are night-and-day different, with jazzy, bluesy elements that aren't Laruku's style. Strange and interesting. Anyway, as I get into my third or fourth listen, I'm realizing that there's something inherently appealing about all their songs; it may only be one element, like a chord progression or a cool guitar part, but something that keeps me coming back. Well, those are my impressions thus far, anyway; let's see if it holds up with the rest of their stuff.

But let's be clear on something (she said to herself): these guys are not Laruku, and are not going to be moving into my top spot anytime soon. Even now as they're new to me and I get excited about them, I can already tell their stuff isn't going to have the same "hundreds of times over and it's still awesome" replay value as Laruku, nor does their music have the same mind-boggling compositional brilliance of Laruku. I think I'm just excited to have found a band that holds ANY interest for me (more than just a few songs) outside of Laruku. A good, solid, second place. XD

But, *ahem*, enough of that. Just wanted to make things known. XD

Ahhh, it was so very good to see that new promo picture of them yesterday on the WOWOW site. :333 Just to know they were all in the same place, recently, for the band...I mean, obviously they're rehearsing and stuff, but it was just a very good feeling. *sigh* <3

That being said, the scraggly mullet needs to GO. Big time. I have tolerated just about all of his stupid hairdos over the years, but this one is just icky-poo blech no. And what can we say about poor Yuki's hair? T_T

I'm jazzed they're going to show the concert on TV in December, so we'll all get to see those rare songs...except this means I'm going to have the same mad rush to the computer before Christmas that I did last year with the MS Super Live; like I don't have a million other things to do. Dad: "Why do you keep running up to your room every 10 minutes?" Me: "Nothing, I just have one more gift left to download, er, wrap..."

Today's election day. I suppose I should have more to say about it, but I don't. Except that it means the blessed end of all the mud being slung all over my TV.
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