Song I'm digging right now: SID - Alibi ("aribai")
I DL'ed SID's discog ages ago, but this week finally burned "Hoshi no Miyako", and popped it into my car. This song is so, SO Fourth Avenue Cafe revamped, what with the brass section and syncopated piano. I think FAC is still the better-written song, speaking from a strictly techincal musical standpoint, but Alibi is pretty damn good on its own. I, uh, ashamedly admit I may like it a weensy bit better than FAC. <.<; (But to be fair, that was never one of my faves anyway, so it's not like it was that hard to dethrone.)
I'm actually kinda digging SID as a whole right now. They're not L'Arc, and they're never going to be L'Arc, but there are some striking similarities (not the least of which is that Aki, their bassist, bears more than a passing resemblance to hyde...this was absolutely not the reason I paid attention to SID in the first place, no sirree. >>). They use a lot of orchestration in their songs, and I've heard a couple instances where Aki is rocking one of those super-high, guitar-ish, tetsu-rashii bass lines ("Caramel" is another perfect example..."The Silver Shining", anyone?). Mao's voice ranges from nice to unbearably nasal (he pinches closed some notes here and there), but on the whole his tone is good and shows nice emotion. I'd be very interested to know if they admit to being inspired by Laruku, because I can definitely hear the influence in their style. Their music definitely isn't as fan-fricking-tastic and well-composed as Laruku, which continues to hold my interest after hundreds of listens, but they're refreshing because their stuff has more variety than most bands (*cough*, Ajikan, *cough*).
So this is my long-winded way of saying, they might move into second place at some point. XD But to review:
Here's Laruku --> _________
Here's everyone else --> _________
I need to hear more of their stuff before I can write about them in more detail, but I'm getting kinda psyched for their new album next week. I liked "Chapter 1" a lot. :3
Thus ends this post purely for the purposes of spamming my new icon. Thank you.