Betrayed: Chapter 7

May 02, 2011 21:18

ZeldaQueen: In which we see that the Cast ladies really need to leave the minority analogies to Marvel

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 7

ZeldaQueen: Zoey and Neferet go into the teachers' dining area. We get some description of how it's tasteful and pretty, and it actually is kind of nice. Neferet asks if Zoey minds eating out on the balcony area, and Zoey says no, because vampires don't feel the cold.

Oh, really? Pray tell, how does that fit in with the junk DNA thing? Does your body function at a higher temperature? I don't seem to recall that ever being noted.

Anyway, they sit down and their orders are taken. We are once again reminded that yes, Zoey loves non-diet brown pop (because that's so important to remind us of), and we get the implication that Neferet can "hear" bits of what's going through Zoey's head.

Wait. I thought that the High Priestess was just really intuitive. Can she actually read minds? How does that work? Hello? Any answers?

No, there are no answers. Instead, Zoey laughs and relaxes because Neferet is acting like her old self again. No idea what that is supposed to be, since we have such little idea of her character. Zoey's mind turns into a sieve as she tells us "Yes, she'd sounded scary as hell when I overheard her with Aphrodite, but Neferet was a powerful Priestess, and as Stevie Rae kept reminding me, Aphrodite was a selfish bully who deserved to be in trouble. Hell! She'd probably been gossiping about me".

First of all, what does Neferet's status as a priestess have on the situation? If anything, that makes her scene with Aphrodite worse, because she's scaring and bullying someone who's much less powerful than her.

Second of all, why is "priestess" capitalized? It's not being used as a proper noun. This isn't Winnie the Pooh, Cast ladies. You can't just capitalize random letters because you think it looks cool.

Third of all, Aphrodite really can't ever win with these people, can she? Zoey saw her being bullied and crying and spares about two seconds of pity before going right back to "Oh, she's evil so she deserves anything she gets!" It reminds me disturbingly of An American Crime, specifically how Gertrude tells the neighborhood kids that the girl in her care, Sylvia Liken, is a whore and a bad child and thus it is perfectly fine to beat her, starve her, tie her up, and burn cigarettes on her skin.

Fourth of all, she honestly thinks Aphrodite was trying to tell Neferet about Zoey and Blake. After she was crying and going on about her visions and whether or not Nyx had taken that power away. Dear lord, Zoey is stupid.

Neferet brings up the missing kid, and guesses that he and Zoey were friends. Zoey's all hero-worshippy, because this is just a prime example of how High Priestesses know everything! Zoey says that no, they weren't friends, but that they sort of were at the same parties together. Wow, isn't that just a great show of how much Neferet knows? Almost as good as the guy at the carnival who guesses your weight and age! Oh...and then we get this

"Humans believe that adult vampyres are all psychic. The truth is that though many of us do have a gift for precognition or clairvoyance, the vast majority of our people have simply learned to listen to their intuition-which is something most humans have been frightened out of doing"

ZeldaQueen: Frightened out of following intuition? What are you smoking? Tests, directions, what to make for dinner, people go with intuition all of the time! Just because we don't have convenient Sue Senses of Deus Ex Machina feelings doesn't mean we're ignoring them! It just means we all aren't Mary Sues!

And yes, it goes on. Neferet starts beating the faux feminist drum, going on about how "I'm sure you remember from your history classes what has historically happened to humans, especially female humans, when they pay too much attention to their intuition and begin `hearing voices in their head' or even foreseeing the future". Yes, I'm aware of the bed-rest cures and the beliefs that women were frail flowers who went mad easily. But there were plenty of cases of men who said they heard voices and saw the future and were considered mad! That modifier was just unnecessary!

And oh look, apparently the implication is that all people do get Deus Ex Machina feelings and just are too darned scared to follow them. I mean, it's always Sue-per powers that cause folks to hear voices and see visions and not, I don't know, controlled substances or schizophrenia or something. Yes, I know there were cases where people genuinely couldn't say if they were explainable or not, but given how all it takes is one misfiring of the brain to see or hear things, that's kind of a bold statement to make!

Neferet goes on to say that "They even attacked holy people, like their Joan of Arc", which makes me once again question how the spiritual world works here. Thus far, all we've seen evidence of is that Nyx is around. Joan of Arc was a saint, which means that she was supposed to be receiving divine instruction from the Christian god. If she really was holy, that would imply that He did exist. And if not, the implication was...that Nyx was also God? Or...something? We honestly are giving nothing to go off of here.

*sigh* I do wish that the Cast ladies would just explain this universe!

So yeah, Neferet goes on about how vampires are so awesomesauce and did keep their ability to use their Deus Ex Machina feelings and how that's what saved them in the Days of Yore, when those Big, Bad Humans came after them. And I'm sure the ability to control the elements, ability to inspire arousal via blood drinking, ability to withstand the cold, and ability to perfectly see in the dark helped. Oh, those poor, put-upon vampires. How did they survive?

Zoey gets all upset and is "not liking to think about how tough it must have been to be a vampyre a hundred or so years ago". Given how they're apparently the most famous people on the planet now, I wouldn't sweat it. Neferet sort of says the same thing, but also adds that there was also a time in the past when vampires were revered. When? All we hear about is how humans are so evil and try to kill them all or vilify them! Oh, and we're told how Neferet's eyes start flashing at this, and Zoey deliberately looks away and tries to ignore it. Idiot.

Neferet calms down and tells Zoey to be sure to listen to her instincts. This? Very, very stupid of her. We're going to see in a bit, but Neferet basically gave Zoey the perfect reason to justify poking around the Evil Plans and do whatever she wants. The trick with Aphrodite, saying her power is screwy? That's actually clever, because it discredits a potential weak point in the plan and ensures that people won't take that warning seriously. She's pretty much doing the opposite with Zoey. Does she think that Zoey's intuition will naturally side with her or something?

Incidentally, Zoey immediately forgets Neferet's scary rant about how vampires used to be revered and how humans suck. Instead, she worries that Neferet will tap her intuition and find out how she feels about Blake. I hope a teacher does find out, and cans his sorry ass. Creepy bastard.

But that leads us to those...erm sweeping reforms of Zoey's. Neferet asks about them and Zoey, to cover her ass out of fear that Neferet will figure out about Blake, brings up how she overheard the conversation with Aphrodite. Oh well done Zoey! Just tell the woman you have suspicions about how you saw her being out of character! That's just as smart as the FBI agent spilling the Big Bad's uncovered plan right to the Big Bad in The Minority Report!

Neferet lays on the charm and goes on about what a pity it was that she didn't catch on sooner to what a bad egg Aphrodite is, now how much did Zoey say she overheard? Zoey gets a creepy Deus Ex Machina feeling from this question, so she lies and says she didn't hear much. And she still doesn't get it. IDIOT!

Neferet tells Zoey that Nyx has totally taken away her gift to Aphrodite, so she now has false visions. As...opposed to no visions at all. Really, how does that make sense? Zoey, without intending to say it aloud, comments on how she feels sorry for Aphrodite. Oh, really? Neferet says that she's telling Zoey this so that she knows that the visions are all totally fake and that Aphrodite might act a little more unhinged than usual because of this, so keep that in mind and don't listen to a word she says.

Like I said, that? That's smart. Aphrodite is in a position to find out what Neferet's up to and warn people. Because she has a gift from Nyx, people normally will listen to her. By pretending that Aphrodite is getting false visions and thus is going nutty, Neferet can both discredit said visions, and then say "See? Told you she's crazy!" when Aphrodite starts getting desperate to convince people.

Zoey's Deus Ex Machina feeling kicks in, but she dismisses it and moves on to telling Neferet about her plans. Oy. Neferet is impressed, and agrees to put Zoey and her friends on the council because "you and your four friends have more than proven your worth and are already an excellent working Council".

Ah yes, I clearly remember that project they did, wait. Actually, it was that motion they passed where...hang on a minute. Perhaps it was those sweeping reforms to...

Ehm, Cast ladies? Exactly what has Zoey and her friends done to make Neferet think they're such a great "council"?

Whatever! She also agrees with the choice of nominating Erik, since he gets along well with the fledglings and has good prospects. Uh huh. Neferet also gets all ZOMG FREAKED OUT over the idea to include one of Aphrodite's old friends, and tries to convince Zoey that none of Aphrodite's friends care about her anymore. Zoey sticks to her guns and suggests that some of them hold more affection to Aphrodite than they let on.

Neferet says that she's set up for a Full Moon ritual on Sunday and...wait. What day is it again? We started on a Thursday and one day at the most has passed and...oh fuck it. The good news is that Sunday is also when Erik comes back. I miss that guy.

Zoey gets all nervous about this, because she figures she's going to be the "main attraction in a freak show". Neferet tells Zoey that she will announce all of her plans at this ritual and get everyone to submit nominations for the last open spot on the council. After all of the nominations are in, she and Zoey will choose the best ones. Zoey protests, saying that she wants everyone in the faculty and student body to have a say, and Neferet basically goes all cold and scary and says that they will be having the final choice.

Zoey freaks out and decides to change the subject. But there's nothing up with Neferet, oh no! Instead, she brings up an idea that's actually pretty good - that the Dark Daughters are to be involved with a human charity organization. Neferet instantly starts hemming and hawing about how that's such a bad idea, because humans are Evil and "They shun
us. They abhor us. They are afraid of us". Uh huh. That's why they sign fat contracts so you can be famous rock stars and actors and writers. Oh, and I'm sure the fact that you look down your nose at them and don't bother to let them see that you're not dangerous helps.

Zoey actually picks up on that last one and tells Neferet that the township doesn't really know them and that if they act like a part of Tulsa, they'll be treated thusly. Neferet actually has the balls to compare the treatment of vampires in the community to the Greenwood Riots of 1920.

*stares* Yes, the situations are totally comparable, aren't they? I mean, the way vampires aren't being lynched and have a nice, comfortable school to stay in and get a top-notch education, all while paving to way to getting positions of wealth and prestige upon graduation, the way they have make-up to cover their Marks and go around completely unnoticed if they like, and the way they are carefully monitored and taught how to keep their future bloodlust in check. Yes, that's just like the conditions the black people in Tulsa had to deal with.

Cast ladies. Please. Stop. NOW.

*blinks* Wow. That...okay. I'm good now. So Zoey sticks to her guns and insists that it's not 1920, and besides her Deus Ex Machina tells her that it's the right thing to do. I'm sure that's why this is the first time we've heard about this particular plan, and the last time we ever will hear about it. Neferet asks about what charity she had in mind and Zoey says "I've decided to contact Street Cats-the cat rescue charity".



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book 2, suethor: kristin cast, chapter 7, fic: betrayed, series: house of night, suethor: pc cast

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