Child of Grace: Chapter 20 - True Or False (Part 2)

Jul 15, 2010 01:20

ZeldaQueen: Okay, break's over! Let's finish this...chapter

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 20: True Or False (Part 2)

That night, Holly did something she had been dreading since just after break. She ghosted through Dimitri Dolohov's thoughts.

Link: I wouldn't want to shift through the perverted fantasies of a teenage guy either

ZeldaQueen: You are a teenage guy!

Link: Exactly! I know what I'm talking about!

ZeldaQueen: ...

Surprisingly, it was easier than she had anticipated. With all the practice she had been putting in with Blaise and Draco, Holly had become somewhat skilled and competent with her gift.

ZeldaQueen: "Somewhat" Pfft

Link: Eh, what did you expect? The only reason she wasn't an instant expert is so the Suethor can pad the plot

She simply sat down in the corner of the nearly empty Common Room, Blaise at her side. Dimitri was the only other person there, and he was working on an assignment for McGonagall. Green eyes drifted shut, and she reached out slowly, following the flow of the third-year's thoughts. She travelled

ZeldaQueen: One "l", darling

from the surface, which was filled with Transfiguration figures, and waded in deep. Holly paused as she reached the recesses, and Dimitri began to scratch at his forehead.

Link: Okay, this is starting to get creepy...

ZeldaQueen: I know. Is it just me, or do you get the impression she's thinking "bow chicka bow wow"?

Instantly, she lightened her mental touch, and he stopped, returning to his homework. Daunted, Holly turned back and gaped at the arrangement of Dolohov's mind. It wasn't anything like Blaise or Draco's.


Blaise's mindscape resembled a library, reflecting his love of reading, though it wasn't like any library she had ever been in before. For one,

Link: It was full of porn

it was huge, covering kilometres, and it was outdoors. The books, shelves, etc. all sat outside in the middle of a lush meadow, protected by a short wall that encircled the entire area.

ZeldaQueen: Well that's utterly impractical. The water damage alone must horrible

For another, all of the furniture was natural, seeming as though the flowers had simply grown into the appropriate shapes.

Link: Oh lovely! We're cribbing from Thumbelina!

Each book was a thought, and each bookshelf grouped them together into sections. Blaise's mind was very organised and in a way that was very compatible with her own thought processes as her own mind was much like his. All Holly had to do for a deep scan was to first climb over the short wall, locate his mental catalogue, find the appropriate book, and waltz over to the section.

ZeldaQueen: This has got to be the dumbest physical description of someone's mind that I've ever seen!

Link: Now, now, we never hear how many books are in this library. I'm guessing about twelve

On the other hand, Draco's mind was a potions lab, not a very surprising thing.

ZeldaQueen: Scratch that - this is the dumbest description I've ever heard

Link: So...Malfoy is now Doctor Insano?

However, it also was different from real labs as it was located at the top of a tower, and his thoughts were the various peculiar objects on the shelves.

ZeldaQueen: Different from "real" labs, eh? What about the ones that go straight up to the top of a tower for a bit of electricity?

Link: What sort of "peculiar objects" were his thoughts, I wonder?

It, too, was organised, but Holly had a slightly harder time with him due to their mental differences.

ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "He saw himself as alive...and I saw him as DEAD!"

Dimitri's mind was like neither; his mindscape was a large house.

Link: Welcome to This Old Mental House

Shaking her mental head, Holly tested the door, and finding it bolted, she picked the two locks and entered.

ZeldaQueen: Ah yes, nothing compares mindrape to breaking in and entering

She began to rifle through his thoughts, the various objects in the rooms, leaving one as soon as she realised it wasn't what she wanted and moving on.

Link: So those aren't the droids she was looking for?

ZeldaQueen: I'm just disturbed by how casually she's shifting through his private thoughts! And she had the gall to be pissy when Ron and Neville tried Polyjuice Potion?

Minutes passed, and she became frustrated.

Link: Yes, why doesn't the guy just let you look through his thoughts as you please? The nerve!

Idly, Holly wished that she could just find the blasted thing and get on with it. Unexpectedly, her attention was instantly drawn to a room down the hall. She followed the impulse, finding exactly what she wanted.

Link: Wow, even someone's subconscious caters to the Sue

ZeldaQueen: And of course, she gets her way after getting pissy. That's right, kids! Just throw a tantrum and all will be made clear!

The previous attacks had happened fifty years before.

ZeldaQueen: Um, yeah, they probably were also recorded elsewhere! Like a newspaper? Maybe? Save them all of this trouble?

In the outside world, Holly Potter smiled.

Link: What else is she doing? I kind of get the image of her sitting and staring blankly while drooling a little

Blaise looked highly impressed, glancing at his watch. She'd been gone less than an hour. Evidently, all their practice was paying off.

ZeldaQueen: All praise the Sue!

He slowly watched her come back to herself, offering her a helping hand up. The two wandered deeper into the dorms, away from Dimitri and towards their friends. They now had new information to share. However, it wasn't until a few days later that they were actually able to put it to good use.

ZeldaQueen: *sputters* What?!? That was all they went for? To find out how long ago the Chamber was opened? They wasted all of that time for that??? I...WHAT FUCKING IDIOTS!

Link: *to viewers* I get the feeling she's upset

Tom Riddle was the only person outside of the mixed Slytherin and Ravenclaw group who had any inkling of what they were doing, mostly due to the fact that Holly, Blaise, et al kept him informed.

ZeldaQueen: Which, ironically enough, is pretty much what Ginny did in canon. Given the amount of disdain the author has shown for Ginny thus far... *cough*

Of course, he was probably one of the few who had any idea of what was truly happening at Hogwarts School, but what he dreaded, what he feared, could not possibly be occurring.

It simply wasn't possible, but it was the only explanation.

Link: They were out of character in a fanfiction run by a Mary Sue

The Basilisk couldn't be going through the school.

ZeldaQueen: I'm sorry, what is this bullshit?

It couldn't be attacking people because he had sealed it away in the Chamber. And sure as Circe, he hadn't let it out again.

ZeldaQueen: Again, what.

Link: Save it for the end

ZeldaQueen: But I wanna explode now!

Link: Go out with a bang! C'mon! The fireworks ar epretty!

ZeldaQueen: Fine

That left only one suspect.


ZeldaQueen: Be quiet

Parseltongue was an exceptionally rare gift, and the odds of another Parselmouth at the school were astronomical.

ZeldaQueen: And given the canon reason why Harry was a Parselmouth to begin with, yeah

However, he didn't want to believe that Holly was guilty either,

Link: Because she's a Sue

but it was the only explanation that made any sense.

Link: Woah now, wait a second! I'm all for arresting the Sue or whatever, but why is she the only option here? It's not Riddle?

ZeldaQueen: *coldly* Nope

Link: So...he's not the one possessing Ginny?

ZeldaQueen: Nope. I shall scream loudly about it at the end

She had been nothing but amicable to him, opening up to him and befriending him when he was just a shadow of his former self. She had trusted him with the knowledge of her childhood, revealing more to him than she had ever told anyone else, including Blaise. Even now, she trusted him enough to tell him of everything they had discovered, never knowing that he was holding out on them. Holly… and his other new friends had been very good to him, and he was a book, for Merlin's sake!

And a liar.

ZeldaQueen: Yes! A shred of canon! He's a liar and a sociopath and he's going to suck Holly dry of energy and kill her!

On a more logical level, there was the fact that, as good as Holly was, she was still a second-year. It had taken him to his fifth-year to find the entrance to the Chamber, and that had only been after extensive research. Even with luck on her side, the likelihood of her finding it so quickly was very small; she would have had just over a year.

Link: Isn't she also telepathic? How does he know she isn't mindraping him for the location?

ZeldaQueen: You know, it's probably very telling about the quality of the fanfic, when the Sue seems likely to be tricking and preying on Voldemort

Then, there was the fact that, while not a new discovery, her Parseltongue was something she was only now becoming comfortable with. This meant that she probably wouldn't trust the ability enough to use it on such a large scale.

ZeldaQueen: "Large scale"? Pfft. Puns aside, what? You don't train to use Parseltongue, canon Harry did it automatically!

Her unease was probably the reason she hadn't told him of it yet, not that he could blame her given attitudes about the gift. He wouldn't have even known if he hadn't overheard her during their extra Defence lesson or when she conjured the serpent to speak with him.

Link: it just me or is this version of Tom Riddle soppy?

ZeldaQueen: *strained* Yes, yes he is. In her ultimate attempt for Slytherin sympathy, the Suethor just made it that Tom Riddle was not the one controlling the Basilisk. That he locked it away and certainly would never let it out again. Because of course a boy who becomes a genocidal wizarding Hitler would never let a monster loose to kill Muggle-borns

Link: Shoot me now

ZeldaQueen: You're still under M.A.R.Y.S.U.E. contract

Link: Fuck

And no matter the evidence supporting her or against her, he still wasn't certain; he couldn't be, so he hadn't said anything. Tom had remained silent about his knowledge, not even alluding to the fact that he knew of the earlier attacks. He had been involved in them, after all, even if he hadn't meant to kill that girl.

Link: *spit take, even though he wasn't drinking anything* WHAT???

ZeldaQueen: Yes folks, you read that right. Not only was Riddle not behind this attack, he didn't even mean to kill anyone the first time. A boy who murdered his uncle and father and grandfather and grandmother, just because they all slighted him through his mother, would feel guilty about killing a girl

Even that wasn't the only reason he remained silent. For one, Tom was very much aware of how much the Gryffindors' betrayal had hurt Holly, and he didn't want to do that to her as well. He knew what Holly was like; she treated her friends as though they were the most precious thing in the world, and with her upbringing, it was almost a given. And he didn't want to shatter her perceptions about either Hagrid or himself.

Link: Goddesses, I don't want to know what "perceptions" about Hagrid will be shattered

ZeldaQueen: And again, more hiding of valuable information to spare the Sue's feelings. Seriously, if he had told them this at the beginning, they wouldn't have wasted so much time!

Yet, there was still another lingering reason, too. Put simply, Tom was terrified of her reaction.

Link: Holy fuck, Voldemort is scared of the Sue!

She was his friend, his first real friend, and he didn't want her to think hideous things of him.


Tom was afraid of her response to his sins, his betrayal of Hagrid, and all the deceit. He feared the horror she would undoubtedly feel when she realised just who and what he really was.

Link: A genocidal maniac who is completely unable to comprehend love?

ZeldaQueen: No, not here apparently

So he buried the past, praying that nothing more than remnants would ever come to light. But as all things are wont to do, the truth finally surfaced. At least in part.

Link: He was trapped in a fanfiction

His diary cover, which had been shut for once, opened and words appeared.

Hello, Tom. It's me, Holly. Blaise, Luna, and Draco are here, too. The script paused before continuing quickly, Do you remember how I mentioned Dimitri Dolohov?

Tom did remember, though he wondered how they would get the information out of the boy.

ZeldaQueen: So wait, he doesn't know about her telepathy?

Well, we finally managed to learn that the attacks first occurred fifty years ago… the same time you were at Hogwarts.

It wasn't quite an accusation, but to Tom's guilty soul it might as well have been.

ZeldaQueen: *rips at hair*

Link: You know, after My Inner Life, I've become rather sensitive to character assassination. Want me to go after the Suethor when we're done with this?

ZeldaQueen: Only if I'm allowed to come along, with a mace

Link: Well, if pepper spray is your weapon of choice...

ZeldaQueen: No, a mace, a huge ball with spikes

Link: Oh. Splendid!

Yes… I know, he finally admitted it.

A moment passed.


If Tom had been able to, he would have gritted his teeth. I was involved, Holly. How else do you think I got my special award to the school?

His moment was quickly approaching. He could tell her the truth, facing complete rejection and being undoubtedly destroyed. Or he could spread the same lies he had given to Dippet, blame Hagrid for everything.

Why didn't you tell us?

The implicit question was: Why didn't you tell me?

ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "After all, I'm completely entitled to being told each and every little thing!"

Tom faltered, indecision coursing through him. He had two options; which should he choose?

Link: Door Number One

Nervousness built in him, fear tickling through also. Tom tried to write the truth, but it wouldn't come. He couldn't do it; he couldn't tell her the truth. She would absolutely hate him.

ZeldaQueen: God, I hate this! You could argue that canon Voldemort was as stupid as a James Bond villain, but at least he was deliciously horrible! This doppleganger is soppy!

It couldn't possibly be the same person, Holly, the one they punished.

If he had been able to do so, Tom would have curled into a ball and died on the spot.

Link: I can help you with that, if you want

I didn't even really believe him guilty in the first place. Tom honestly added the last part, trying to give her some form of hope and praying that she would stop pressing him for answers. I'm sorry, Holly.


If only she knew what he was apologising for.

Link: Being out of character, I'd imagine

ZeldaQueen: Yes, I suppose that would even shame Voldemort

There was nothing for a moment before writing hastily appeared, but it was from Blaise.

Why not? Why didn't you believe?

Tom cringed. He's not that type of person, not really, he answered candidly, wishing he could take it all back and just tell them what had really happened.

It was Draco's writing this time. Then why was he blamed?

Tom didn't answer.

ZeldaQueen: Right, I'm going to kill the bastard. Anyone have a Basilisk fang?

Link: Sorry, I left it in my other tunic


The diary-wizard teetered with the truth again, but he was in far too deep. She would certainly hate him now; they all would. He could only keep feeding lies.

ZeldaQueen: *breaks down weeping at how they killed Voldemort's character*

He was the only suspect. The evidence pointed to him.

Who was it? It was Holly again. Please, tell me.

Tom was filled with so much shame; he had only felt like this once before, when he had turned in an innocent boy.


The writing came out in a guilty whisper.

ZeldaQueen: I'll stop crying just long enough to ask how one can tell a tone of voice from writing?

Rubeus Hagrid.

It was Hagrid? Holly seemed to be desperately hoping that she had misread.

Link: Um, no, you stupid twat! Didn't you hear Tom Piddle there whimpering about how he didn't think it was?

It was too late.


Tom could practically hear her shoulders slump and her heart break, and he proceeded to destroy it even more by slowly telling her about the young girl's death, Hagrid's pet, and the boy's expulsion. Yet, he never once mentioned that he had all but framed Hagrid, turning him in for a crime he hadn't committed.

And in that moment, Tom Riddle truly hated himself. Even more so than he usually did.

ZeldaQueen: FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!

Link: Wow


Link: Wow

ZeldaQueen: How can she justify this? How? And she was using Deathly Hallows as canon! She knows about Voldemort's past! She knows his mother chose to die rather than be there for him! That he grew up in an orphanage without enough care! That he hung bunnies from the rafters after arguing with students! And he still becomes Voldemort! How does she justify that? What, is this going to be like that stupid Harmonian version of Half-Blood Prince, where he only becomes evil after being told Mommy didn't love him?

Link: You realize, of course, that this will only be sillier?

ZeldaQueen: Indeed

The next few days, Holly was almost ill with disbelief.

ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "This is all just a fanfiction? I'm not a believable, likable character? No!"

It couldn't be Hagrid; it couldn't possibly be the man who she had tea with, who had given her the beautiful album, who was her friend.

It couldn't be, but apparently, it was.

Link: And has Miss Holly shown very much emotional involvement in Hagrid thus far?

ZeldaQueen: I think that this is just the author's attempt to outdo canon. "Oh look, Holly feels far more sorry for Hagrid's plight than Harry did!!!"

And Holly had no idea what to do about it. Neither did anyone else. They didn't want to be like the Gryffindor trio and spy on their friend; they didn't want to be suspicious of him in the first place.


Link: Wow, that was damned blatant

However, it wasn't like they could just ask him either; Draco had clearly stated that wouldn't go over well. They didn't have any option but to wait and see… and pray that it was someone else. Anyone else!

Link: So they're just going to sit around and let more people get attacked. Lovely

ZeldaQueen: You know, while canon Harry did have to hang around and not do anything, that was because he couldn't do anything. For example, he couldn't confront Hagrid right away, but he also didn't say "Opps, can't ask him, I'll just sit around and do nothing"

So they looked for evidence elsewhere, but the only other possible lead they had was the secret corridor. They had finally managed to get into it, only to discover that their little passageway lead into another far longer corridor, one with dozens of other connecting hallways.

It was an entire network of hidden passageways!

Link: Yippee?

Apparently, the Chamber wasn't Salazar Slytherin's only secret.

ZeldaQueen: No. DUH!

And all of them were dust and debris free, cleaned by magic.

ZeldaQueen: Because everything Slytherin-related is awesome

It would be impossible to tell if anyone else used them unless they were actually caught in the act, a tough thing considering the fact that the passages were so extensive that the Slytherins didn't even know where most of them led. They simply didn't have the time or resources to explore them all, especially since Holly was the only one who could currently open the entrance.

ZeldaQueen: And they couldn't set up alarms in the corridors? Somehow record her hissing for others to use? The last book does in fact prove that it would work. Maybe show Dumbledore???

They grudgingly admitted defeat, not totally giving up their explorations but knowing that there was still the slim possibility that they had been on to something. They only had one option left now, one they refused to use.


Weeks went by, and Holly refused all of Hagrid's invitations to tea, stating that she was too busy. But Draco, Blaise, and Luna didn't buy that. They knew the real reason she refused to go. She was too afraid of accidentally hearing the giant's thoughts and discovering he really was guilty.

Link: I guess just not reading his mind is out of the question?

February flew by followed by March.

ZeldaQueen: A year passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer, summer changed back into winter, and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn

Draco, finally having enough of Lockhart, took to questioning the dandy on every little detail in his books, hoping to catch him in a mistake. It was actually rather amusing to see the ponce start and stutter, attempting to defend himself and his works, while a smirking Draco looked on.

Link: You know, I actually feel sorry for Lockhart here. That's quite an accomplishment

ZeldaQueen: I know. And Suethor, stop calling him "dandy" and "ponce", it's weird!

The boy quickly ensnared Holly in his plot against the man, mostly to distract her and keep her from brooding.

Link: Aw, how sweet! They're cheering her up by getting her to stress out a teacher!

Milli and Theo soon joined in with glee, occasionally causing magical mischief when the teacher's back was turned or when he was distracted by the other two. It wasn't unusual for several of his pictures to be destroyed or for his books to suspiciously catch fire during any particular lesson. On one notable occasion, they had managed to mutate his chair so that it would snap at his bottom every time he sat down.

ZeldaQueen: I...they...that's just cruel! They don't like the guy and they're using that as an excuse to cause him harm and destroy his possessions? Gah!

The second-years signed up for their new classes after Beltane, the magical equivalent of Easter.

Link: Please, Suethor, don't make up your own non-canon holidays. My Inner Life was enough

Both Draco and Blaise decided to take Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures. Holly, too, was going to do the same until Tom gave her an interesting bit of information: students who signed up for four or more classes were usually forced to drop it down to three so that their schedule would work out. However, a select few, such as Tom himself, were given another option. That of a Time Turner, a device that would allow them to relive hours.


Hearing this, Holly was immediately intrigued as were Draco and Blaise. They could put a Time Turner to excellent use for things other than class. They would have more time to research, explore the passageways, and do a thousand others things.

Link: And abuse the laws of time and space, hello!

ZeldaQueen: That's yet another fanfiction peeve of mine - how a Sue inevitably gets a hold of a Time Turner and starts abusing it right and left to get what they want. And no consequences either! Never mind the fact that Hermione was a special case!

After much debate, it was decided that all three of them couldn't sign up for that many classes; it would be rather suspicious. However, Holly was widely known for her thirst of knowledge, so she could probably get away with it. Plus,

Link: She was a Sue and always got her way

she was the most likely to be given the option of a Time Turner. She was the bloody Girl-Who-Lived! The Ministry wouldn't provide the same privilege to the son of a Death Eater or one of a supposed Black Widow.

ZeldaQueen: Um, no. The Ministry is not allowed to discriminate like that

Yet, Holly ran into an unexpected problem. She needed to take four classes as there was no way she was going to take all five. Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures were all fine. The green-eyed girl had wanted to take them in the first place, but there was a problem with the final two options. Sure as Siobhan, she couldn't take Muggle Studies; she was Muggle-raised!

Link: So? Ought to be an easy class for her then

Someone like Hermione could probably pull that one off but not Holly.

Link: Again, why? Wouldn't that be like a native Spanish-speaker moving to the United States and taking Spanish as a second language?

As for Divination, it was reportedly run by a batty crack-pot, who wasn't even a real Seer and loved to predict student's untimely and horrible deaths.

ZeldaQueen: And she is instantly disdainful. Are we surprised? No, we are not

Holly couldn't really see herself enjoying the class under those circumstances, and the chance that her telepathy could be revealed was very high. Seeing and telepathy were related Mind Arts, and there was the possibility that they would be magically tested for them in Divination. Yet, the allure of a Time Turner was strong, strong enough to override the Slytherin's unease, so she finally signed up for Divination.

ZeldaQueen: And, we're going to be subjected to more of the Sue laughing and mocking a teacher. Hooray

As spring arrived, Holly continued to sense the elusive presence around her, still seeing the red-gold flutter out of the corner of her eye.

Link: Do you suppose she's setting up something against Gryffindor? Red-gold and all

But actually centring in on it was difficult at best. It was like trying to grab at wisps of smoke, something exceptionally hard and all but impossible to do.

April quickly faded into May.

ZeldaQueen: Insert Monty Python joke again

No new attacks occurred, and the Slytherins still refused to question Hagrid about his part in them.

Link: Lazy bastards

The red-gold presence hung about once again, though it seemed to come around a little less often.

ZeldaQueen: What do you want to bet this turns out to be vitally important later?

They continued their reign of terror against the dandy with Holly and Draco tag-teaming him. The two now harassed the ponce during every lesson, oftentimes leaving a stuttering Lockhart in their wake after the bell had rung. It wasn't an unusual sight to see him pouring over not only his own books but additional Defence texts, trying to get his facts straight.

ZeldaQueen: I am disgusted! Just because Lockhart is a fraud doesn't mean it's right to continue to torment him! I might add that canon Harry was considerate enough to just ignore the guy

Gavin and his long-time girlfriend, Jackie Jordan, broke up. She complained that he no longer spent time with her, which he didn't as he was too busy with the Chamber mystery.

Link: Well thank you, Suethor. I'm a better person for knowing this

Cassius Debello, who had all but avoided them after the Duelling Club, decided to start harassing Luna again. He was secretly but severely hexed by Milli for his efforts and soon thought the better of it.

ZeldaQueen: So far as I can tell, that bit served no purpose but to make me mutter "bitch" under my breath. Bitch

Finally, exams were quickly approaching as were the final Quidditch games.

Link: Well, that year went fast

The night before Gryffindor's match against Hufflepuff, Ron and Neville's things managed to be ransacked. It was a fact that Holly learned from the twins the next morning before they headed to the pitch. Nothing was apparently taken, or at least nothing the two would admit to losing, but the idea itself disturbed everyone in the House. Only a Gryffindor could have entered the dorm unobserved; one of their own Housemates was responsible.

ZeldaQueen: So if nothing was stolen, why not just figure that someone was being a jerk and looking through someone else's possessions? That sort of stuff happens when you room with other folks

That afternoon, Holly and her friends chatted with each other in the stands, waiting for the match to start. However, just as the players were coming onto the field, McGonagall rushed out onto the pitch, her hat askew. A large purple megaphone was in her hand.

"This match has been cancelled." She ignored the hisses, boos, protests, and a furious Oliver Wood. "All students are to make their way back to the House Common Rooms, where their Heads of House will give them further information. As quickly as you can, please!"

The Transfiguration professor waved over both Neville and Ron as the pitch was cleared. Hermione was nowhere in sight. Holly knew it couldn't possibly be good.

ZeldaQueen: I swear to God, if the little bitch tries to act humble and sympathetic, I'll turn her inside out

Less than an hour later, she knew she was right. There had been another attack, a double attack. Hermione and a Ravenclaw Prefect, Penelope Clearwater, were now laying in the Hospital Wing, Petrified like the other victims. They had been discovered in the library by Ginny Weasley when she had gone fetch the other Gryffindor for the Quidditch match.


It was difficult to tell which one had been attacked first since they were both Muggleborns, but most of the professors seemed to think that it was Hermione since she was known to frequent the library in the morning hours; the unfortunate sixth-year had probably happened upon the scene by accident.

ZeldaQueen: I'm sorry, what? They weren't attacked at the same time? That was sort of important, you know

Nothing more suspicious than a very out of place book was discovered with them, but the text in itself was an oddity. It was about Parselmouths.


ZeldaQueen: What do you want to bet it provides a very clear and easy reference to Basilisks or something?

Understandably, this information made Holly very nervous. Was it possible that Hermione had figured her out? Or was it simply related to the fact that Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth? Could Slytherin's monster be a snake? But what kind of serpent Petrified people instead of killing them?

Link: (Sue) "Aren't I intelligent? I certainly don't just know how canon goes!"

ZeldaQueen: What the hell? Hermione and Penelope were turned to stone and Holly's first thought is that her little secret got out? Well that's selfish!

They needed an answer, and there was only one possible person who could provide it.


Link: Oh, so now they're going to visit him! Idiots

AN: Yes, this does mean that Tom actually feels guilty for framing Hagrid. I am not going for the "Tom is completely evil from birth" plot.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, it was blatantly clear! And it SUCKS! HORRIBLY, HORRIBLY SUCKS BRASS MONKEY BALLS!

Personally, I believe in an equal mix of nature and nurture, and this story will reflect that.

Link: And isn't that how Rowling also wrote it?

ZeldaQueen: Yes! She herself said, and I quote, "[Voldemort's inability to understand love is] a symbolic way of showing that he came from a loveless union - but of course, everything would have changed if Merope had survived and raised him herself and loved him. The enchantment under which Tom Riddle fathered Voldemort is important because it shows coercion, and there can’t be many more prejudicial ways to enter the world than as the result of such a union". So, there you have it. Nature, through the fact that he was born from a loveless union, with a father who was brainwashed. Nurture, through the fact that his mother chose to die rather than love and raise him, leaving him to be cared for in a loveless orphanage. The guy was doomed from the start

Also, I wouldn't go blaming him just yet. Remember that he isn't possessing anyone, which means that Holly really isn't responsible. There is more going on than you think.

Link: Why would we be blaming him? The Suethor all but stuck a Post-It Note up saying "HE DIDN'T DO IT!"

ZeldaQueen: Let me guess - the guilty party will come totally out of left field, leaving Tom to be innocent and fall in love with Holly

Oh, the fact that Hermione and Penelope were not found with the mirror is very important. Also, I would like to point out that at this point Hermione does not know about the Basilisk. She couldn't possibly know since she based the idea off of the voices Harry heard, ones which Holly hasn't and wouldn't have told the other girl about anyway.

ZeldaQueen: Okay, can't wait to see where this is going. Although, if she doesn't know about the Basilisk, I'm wondering why she's looking up Parselmouths

Link: Why the Hell is the Suethor holding our hands here? Shouldn't she be expressing this all in the actual damned story?

ZeldaQueen: Eh, her fans are as dumb as she is

To everyone who reviewed: Thanks

Link: No thanks

Chapter Twenty-One: In the Forest of the Night

Ever Hopeful,


ZeldaQueen: Is a terrible writer

Link: Right, will you untie me now?

ZeldaQueen: Promise you won't run away?

Link: Sure, sure, just do it!

ZeldaQueen: Alright, I know you keep your promises. Let me just get this knot...

Link: I'm free! Later, sucker! *WHAM*

ZeldaQueen: Of course, I'm nobody's fool. That's why I disabled the automatic door

Link: I'm in pain

Onward to: Chapter 21: In The Forest Of The Night (Part 1)

Back to: Chapter 20: True Or False (Part 1)

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suethor: lady azar de tameran, chapter 20, fic: child of grace, truth or dare, guest sporker: link, part 2

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