Time To Fix The Mistakes: Chapter 4 - Endings Are Easy (Part 2)

May 18, 2010 00:36

ZeldaQueen: More of Harry being a horrible little ass! Just what we've always wanted!

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 4: Endings Are Easy (Part 2)


June 17 - 18, 1978

Harry apparated back to one of his safe houses where he'd already prepared for the next step.

ZeldaQueen: Huh, Harry's a dancer. Who woulda thunk it?

Two press releases were already winging their way to two hundred organizations and individuals: "Voldemort Killed with Five Death Eaters; Bodies, on Pikes, on Display in Diagon Alley." "Suspected War Victims to Reenter Wizarding World Following Voldemort's Death; Ceremony at Noon Outside Tintagel."

ZeldaQueen: So I'm to assume that it was Harry who sent those, correct? Again, why are they being run? And why would anyone take them seriously? The second one at least - what evidence can he give that won't show who he is? And won't a ton of random people showing up after they were apparently dead make folks kind of... I don't know, suspicious? Like I said, he basically kidnapped them and didn't let their friends or family know better.

Also, spoilers folks - this is the last we hear of the defeat of Voldemort directly. That's it, that passing sentence about how he and Crouch Jr. were left nailed to pikes outside of Diagon Alley. No mention of any panic or fear or suspicion, nope. Everything pertaining to Dumbledore from here on out is relating to either the capturing or killing of Death Eaters and blaming the Ministry for being corrupt and incompetent. In other words, Dumbledore and the Ministry are being treated as worse threats than the wizarding equivalent of Hitler. How very, very perceptive

Harry began the process of notifying the forty-one families he'd hidden that Voldemort was dead. He wore an appropriate glamour:

ZeldaQueen: A red silk shirt, gold sequined pants, and a big hat with a large purple feather in it. He then sat down at the piano and played "Crocodile Rock"

brown haired, scarred, a prominent jaw, oversized cheek bones, gray eyes. He looked nothing like a Potter.

ZeldaQueen: Because of course those forty-one families would know the features of a family who will not rise to the same level of prominence and not yet had the son who they would theoretically recognize

Most broke into tears at the news.

ZeldaQueen: Anger that they were locked up for so long? Fear? Confusion? Worry for their friends or family? Nah

Harry had been sure to supply the families with the Daily Prophet for the last few months, after one family requested it through Kepler the House Elf, and any other news sources he could find to ensure their temporary exile wouldn't leave them too far behind in current events. They knew what kind of havoc Voldemort was reported to have caused.

ZeldaQueen: Well I'd imagine that they'd have some idea, seeing as they were abducted because they were marked for death

He made his final stop at the home of his grandparents. For the first time ever, Harry would get to speak with them. Timelines no longer mattered.

ZeldaQueen: Why? Harry still wasn't born, he can still screw up his own existence.

Blah, he's just using that as an excuse to blatantly do what he wants even more

"Sir, Madam, the war is over," Harry said after he was admitted.

ZeldaQueen: To St. Mungos for his insanity

"Who won?" His grandfather was taking no chances.

ZeldaQueen: Who does he think? "Oh no sir, Voldemort won. I'm just letting you out after two years of imprisonment so that you can be killed like pigs"

"Voldemort and five senior Death Eaters were killed very early this morning.

ZeldaQueen: Of course no questions are asked about htis

My employer asked me to let you know. There will be a ceremony to reunite you with the wizarding world…"

ZeldaQueen: Wow, Harry really thinks highly of his works, doesn't he? No Harry, every little thing you do doesn't get a lot of pomp and ceremony

"Who is your employer?"

ZeldaQueen: Henry Q. Wagonsinger

Harry just smiled. "An individual who cared very much that people survive the war…"


"While some might consider this being locked up, my boy,

ZeldaQueen: Because it is!

I came to appreciate the effort.

ZeldaQueen: So what, he didn't appreciate it at first? Which implies that he was locked up against his will?


But I can't say I won't be glad to leave this place. I've had a few letters from my son, but I want to see him again, you know… He's graduating in a couple of days. I guess we'll get to attend in person, rather than just in spirit."

ZeldaQueen: That's right author, just keep slathering mindless praise over your angsty whinebucket

Harry just nodded.

"Ma'am, is there anything you need?"

ZeldaQueen: (Mrs. Potter) "Yes, a baseball bat so I can whallop you. Keep me locked up against my will, will you?"

"Just to go home…"

"Excuse me," Harry said, "your Manor was destroyed in the attack. I thought you knew…"

ZeldaQueen: (Mrs. Potter) "What are you smoking, boy? We don't have a manor"

Also, "manor" isn't a proper noun

His grandmother just nodded. "I did. Home is where my family is. A pile of stones is easily rebuilt."

ZeldaQueen: Aw, Chicken Soup for the Wizard's Soul

"I see."

Harry turned to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Is there nothing we can explain about who has cared for us the past year?"

ZeldaQueen: Well that's a weird sentence. I think DW would have done better to just say "Is there nothing we can be told"

Harry turned back around to face his grandfather. "It was a private individual, sir. People may try to spin stories about the government doing this - or people may try to claim credit for themselves. But, know this: the individual who has done this for you and the other rescued families will never come forward to take credit. Remember that."

ZeldaQueen: Yes Harry, we know that you're incapable of going for more than two seconds without stroking your ego and dissing the Ministry. Please shut up now

His grandmother smiled. "Thank you again. I don't suppose you can tell us your name?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm afraid not, ma'am."

ZeldaQueen: Don't feel badly, ma'am. You're just a plaything used to make Harry feel good and ensure that he gets his ego pumped and isn't slighted on his past self's entitlement

Harry then walked out of the cottage and into the waiting firestorm his actions had caused.

ZeldaQueen: Namely that they alerted the PPC, who arrived and torched his out-of-character rear


June 21, 1978

Harry Potter attended the graduation ceremony of his parents, James Potter and Lily Evans. He used another glamour this time: strawberry blonde hair, a moustache to hide the features of his face, and unchanged green eyes.

ZeldaQueen: ... So he looks like this?

ZeldaQueen: What a great disguise!

He could be a distant relative to the Weasleys or an unknown Muggleborn wizard or anything at all.

ZeldaQueen: Or a whiny twerp who gatecrashes

The first round of articles was out, many not even written by Harry. The Daily Prophet was apparently feeling unrestrained after so many years of obeying the whims of the Ministry.

ZeldaQueen: Actually it's because they're shameless jerks who jump on any bandwagon to make money. But of course Harry's looking at them favorably because they're writing stuff he wants

The image of Barty Crouch's son on a pike next to Voldemort had made the front page of the Prophet and would become an iconic image.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, in much the same way the Freddy Kruger and Jason Vorhees and Ash Williams with a chainsaw all have

Barty Crouch Sr. had been forced to resign.

ZeldaQueen: Eh what? Sorry? In the books, it was kind of the opposite. Crouch was quite willing to chuck his own son into Azkaban while most of the wizarding world felt sorry for the kid, despite the fact that he was caught torturing the Longbottoms. I find it hard to believe that Crouch wouldn't condemn Barty in this this timeline. Also, I still find it hard to believe that something like that would be enough evidence to get Crouch to resign. Wouldn't people think that he was Imperiused into being a Death Eater? Anyway, all they know is that someone killed Voldemort and killed Barty and stuck the two onto pikes together. What evidence is there in that that Barty actually committed any crimes? For all the world knows, a new Dark Lord murdered them both and stuck them together for fun. Or to trick them. Or just to make a statement - "Hey look! I killed the son of a man dedicated to law and order and the most feared wizard of all time! Neither side is safe, bow to me!"

...Actually, that kind of is what this version of Harry is doing. Gack!

The Irish pamphlet and expose on Bagnold, Fudge, and others had already backed all of them into a corner.

ZeldaQueen: Because a pamphlet run in Ireland with an anonymous source would put that much pressure on the most powerful members of the Ministry of Magic. Um DW, did you miss how much evidence and pressure it took to get Fudge to resign between books five and six? Answer - a lot more than this!

Cornelius Fudge was rumored to have hung himself this morning now that copies of his bank records had been made public and his corruption was known. Neither Bagnold nor any of the others would ever hold Ministerial office again.

ZeldaQueen: Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit

The coming week would be even more tumultuous. The Dumbledore book would be coming out on Monday in America and the rumors would fly quickly to Britain…

ZeldaQueen: My word, news travels fast over a random book published by an anonymous person with very little solid evidence to back the thing up.

plus the articles on the abuses of the Aurors and the covering up done by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement would be out on Thursday.

ZeldaQueen: Of course none of the publishers actually reject the stuff. DW, you do know that not everything people submit gets published, don't you? Especially stuff from anonymous, possibly shady, people who are making crazy claims

Of course, after the known bumblers and incompetents were gone, Harry's job would only get harder. He'd have to sit in judgment of a number of people who'd never held power in the first timeline. What might they do?

ZeldaQueen: Oh you arrogant - "sit in judgment"??? What, do you honestly think that you're God Almighty now? I think you do, and you're trying to shape the future into your own image! God, you make me sick!

Would Dolores Umbridge still entrench herself there - even with her powerful grandfather, Callus, dead and exposed as a Death Eater? Would Arthur Weasley, Amelia Bones, and Amos Diggory make the same kinds of contributions? Would an unmarred Moody remain a 'Ministry malcontent'? Would that vile woman Tatiana Edgecombe still try to turn the Floo office into a home for blood purists? Would Kingsley Shacklebolt even enter Ministry service this time around (the man had another two years of Hogwarts to complete first).

ZeldaQueen: Would Harry ever stop raping the laws of time and space for his own amusement? Would canon ever resume? Would any of us actually give a shit?

Harry's head snapped

ZeldaQueen: And he died, hooray!

up when the ceremony held in the Quidditch pitch finally got underway.

ZeldaQueen: Balls

He listened as Dumbledore and the present Head of the Board of Governors - a wizard named Tiberius Ogden - gave brief speeches that garnered lots of applause, especially the bits about the ending of the civil war. Minerva began calling out the names of the graduates, but she had a tough time keeping everyone serious during such a jubilant time.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, yes, Harry is awesome. Kiss his feet and throw rose petals in his path now

"Evans, Lily." Harry watched his mother walk to Professor Dumbledore and accept her Hogwarts Diploma. She shook the hand of Governor Ogden, smiled for the photographer, and gracefully returned to her seat. Harry looked in the audience. He saw someone who looked a bit like his Aunt Petunia had - was that his maternal grandmother? He didn't see anyone who looked like a young Petunia. She'd probably refused to attend out of jealousy and spite.

ZeldaQueen: Of course, any of the depth of Petunia's character shown in the final book shall be ignored here. Nevermind the fact that she once deeply cared for her sister and lost that out of jealousy and is shown to still care enough for her nephew to want to protect him to any degree. Nope, she didn't like Lily and Harry and is thus an Evil Bitch

"Potter, James." Here the cheering came from all over before James even stood up. Wormtail was clapping (Harry still hadn't decided what to do with him…as the vile betrayer wouldn't be given the same chance to betray his parents this time around).

ZeldaQueen: How about you just leave him alone? Wormtail committed the betrayal out of fear, but the fact that he was in Gryffindor and the fact that Rowling said that he and Ron share a number of traits would imply that he does have the ability to be a good person. Given that you seem incapable of understand complex concepts beyond "black" and "white" though, I'm sure that you'll do something horrible anyway and think that it's too good for him

James' parents were cheering. Sirius was almost jumping up and down. His father made his way from his seat. He had the goofiest expression on his face as he accepted his diploma from Dumbledore. About the time James was in front of the camera, a giant poof of smoke erupted near Dumbledore and the man's tasteful, sedate formal robes became a garish mixture of orange and purple.

ZeldaQueen: Isn't that how Dumbledore always dresses? The guy wears bright purple robes for everyday use, he does not dress tastefully or sedately

The entire audience burst into laughter at the Marauders' last official prank at Hogwarts.

James returned to his seat amidst the laughter. Even the normally dour McGonagall couldn't keep the smile from her face.

ZeldaQueen: It's so cutesy, I want to kill someone

Harry watched the rest of the ceremony with a content smile on his face. As he had never gone through the ceremony - with his nominal seventh year of school a giant mess where many people died and the school partially leveled in the attacking

ZeldaQueen: Yes, how dare he miss graduation because a lot of people died and the school was knocked down. Never mind the fact that he killed Voldemort and saved a ton of other people

- it was wonderful to witness.

After Dumbledore dismissed everyone, Harry watched as James, Sirius, Lily, Remus, and Peter congregated together. Lily's parents were introduced probably for the first time to James'.

ZeldaQueen: Poor guys, don't know they'll be spawning this little asshat

Harry Potter felt a bit sad that he would never really get to know his parents, his godfather, his grandparents from both sides. But he had begun this mission for one reason: vengeance. That objective plus a happy life weren't able to co-exist.

ZeldaQueen: You don't say?

Harry quickly left the grounds before any of the Marauders could be bothered to open their Map and see the name of Harry Potter on it. He wondered if Filch already had it in his possession…

ZeldaQueen: Well he ought to, since he sure as heck can't confiscate stuff after they graduate. And what makes Harry think that they'd bother to open the map by that point, when they'd surely memorized everything and would have no need to check for incoming people? And as if they could see his one name in a crowd

It didn't matter as there was always more work to do.

ZeldaQueen: Like continue to torment Dumbledore


June 29, 1978

Harry had been busy in the week since his parents' graduation from Hogwarts. The book on Dumbledore had barely made the rounds before Dumbledore lost his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot in a no confidence vote.

ZeldaQueen: WHY? It makes. no. SENSE!!!

He still had a seat on the body, as did all holders of an Order of Merlin, but he no longer determined its agenda or sidestepped the rules as if he owned them.

ZeldaQueen: Well that's a good thing, because canon Dumbledore didn't do any of that either

That was the good news. One the flip side, the Aurors were so disorganized with the chaos in their ranks that no one was moving to round up the still-free Death Eaters.

ZeldaQueen: Of course Harry is so saintly that he'll do it himself and perfectly

The articles that had been coming out on the Auror problems had seven of them on suspension and the overall department without its top three layers of leadership. The Minister for Magic, Reynaldo Helfgott, had just made Alastor Moody Interim Head Auror after giving the man a public veritaserum hearing: Alastor, thankfully, had come out clean of lying, taking bribes, and killing innocents and wounded Death Eaters.

ZeldaQueen: Even though veritaserum can be fooled, especially by someone like Moody (who almost certainly trained himself to resist the stuff), hence why it is not used in trials for evidence

But Moody still had to come up to speed. He had an entire department to check for traitors, violent thugs, and every other kind of problem - and he had to do it all publicly to reinstill confidence in the Aurors. He was focused internally for now. Harry decided to give him some persuasion to work on the remaining Death Eaters.

ZeldaQueen: What, is he going to break his knuckles?

Harry sat waiting for a meeting to start in the woods outside the Lestrange Manor. He'd been keeping tabs on the known Death Eaters from the prior timeline. He'd only caught a hint of this meeting the day prior from one of the listening charms he'd set in Knockturn Alley.

ZeldaQueen: How utterly, utterly convenient

Apparently the remnants of the Death Eaters were trying to decide what to do - flee from Britain before the Aurors captured them, claim bewitchment and use money to stay out of Azkaban, attempt to reorganize around a new leader, or just hope for the best.

ZeldaQueen: (Death Eaters) "Hey, maybe canon will be restored and we'll go back to being imprisoned or dead before this violent version of Harry Potter catches us!"

Harry set up listening charms nearby. Each one was tied to a crystal Harry had on him. He was going to make an audio record of this 'meeting' which would fall into Auror hands, along with the more permanent results he intended to ensure.

ZeldaQueen: So Harry's a wind chime. A paranoid one

Rodolphus Lestrange, a young bachelor still,

ZeldaQueen: Um no, I think he was married by then. Although probably for the better, as I shudder to think of what this version of Harry would do to Bellatrix. I doubt even she'd deserve the dumbing down and humiliating death he'd give

strode into the clearing first. After all, it was his recently inherited home. He waited silently for a few minutes before Augustus Rookwood showed up.

"About time," Rodolphus said. "I was beginning to think Avery, Flint, and you weren't going to show…"

ZeldaQueen: And cue the Death Eaters stupidly giving names and secret data for no reason, despite being paranoid and secretive and trying to hide

Rookwood shook his head. "Avery and Flint aren't coming. They've apparently made up their minds. They'll wait for the Aurors and claim the Imperius defense, along with Goyle and Crabbe and a few others…"

"The bloody cowards…"

"What about Bole?"

Rookwood shrugged. "Haven't heard from him or Pucey or Corner. Rowle has already left the country. Gibbon has been completely ignoring all my messages, so I have no idea what he's planning…"

ZeldaQueen: A daring rescue of canon. Brave guy

Another man stalked out of the forest. "Gibbon has changed his name and gone into hiding."

ZeldaQueen: Still smart

Rookwood turned to look at the new arrival, while Lestrange just nodded his head.

"Welcome Vindicus. That's bad news for Gibbon, then. They'll find him eventually and he'll look all the more guilty for it," said Rodolphus.

Rookwood looked at the new person, too. "Bulstrode, did you use proper precautions? You led those fools from the Order of the Phoenix to a meeting once before…"

"I took the precautions, Rookwood…"

ZeldaQueen: Let the dumbing down of the Death Eaters continue

"Is no one else coming," Rodolphus asked.

ZeldaQueen: You forgot your question mark

Both of his listeners shrugged. Bulstrode held up his hand and pointed to his fingers. "I know Nott has put his Manor into a state of readiness to seal up if he's arrested. Rosier buried his father and is just waiting for the Aurors to come. I think he's preparing to testify…"

"Merlin," Rookwood exclaimed. "If he does, no one will be able to claim Imperius…"

ZeldaQueen: I still don't get why they're doing this. I doubt the Death Eaters would care about one another, unless they're escaping to find Voldemort. In the previous timeline though, he sort of vanished so there was the chance he was still alive. Here, he's really dead. So why are they even bothering to compare notes instead of just running? It's stupid!

Rodolphus looked amused. "I don't think anyone should be able to claim it. Sure Mulciber used it on a number of Ministry types to get us records of where the Mudbloods lived…but none of them were even supporters which is why they were selected, you see… The best one was Arthur Weasley under the curse hauling out records of which wizards had registered owning muggle televisions that ran off magic instead of ekel…instead of whatever."

Harry had to swallow deeply to keep from calling out. Had the numerous spies and saboteurs inside the Ministry all been reasonably innocent Imperius victims?


It sort of made sense…

ZeldaQueen: "Sort of made sense"? "SORT OF MADE SENSE"??? My god DW, how dumb are you? Harry already knows this! He learned in the first timeline that the Death Eaters Imperiused Ministry Officials if they could! He even suggested that this was the case with Fudge! And he knew that it was the case with Pious Thickney! So why is this surprising him now of all times?

but Arthur. Harry felt rage for the poor man.

"Jugson," Rodolphus asked.

"Never liked him. Don't know much about him," Bulstrode said. Rookwood just shook his head.

"What about the idiots who were freed from the Ministry?" Bulstrode asked.

ZeldaQueen: (Rookwood) "Oh they're not canon. Don't worry about them"

"Barton Scrimgeour? He's back under arrest. His own brother brought him in. Saved Rufus from being suspended as he's not terribly clean in the Auror investigation. Bastard used the Cruciatus on me a year ago before I managed to escape from a raid gone wrong.

ZeldaQueen: So it's alright for Harry to do spells like that on Death Eaters, but it's wrong for Rufus Scrimgeour to do so to a violent bastard. Right

Hierophant Umbridge has already claimed Imperius and his toad of a sister is helping him mount a defense. I can't believe the Magical Creatures department would hire a woman who looks like she does… Sure, have a bit of fluff, but make sure it's attractive, right?"

ZeldaQueen: Okay, DW? We get it, you don't like Scrimgeour or Umbridge. Making copies of them in the form of same-sex siblings and having them be Death Eaters isn't fooling anyone in the slightest

"Her dead father got her the job," Rookwood said. "She'll likely be gone if anyone with half a brain does a clean up…"

Rodolphus sighed. "All our power. All our contacts. It's all gone. The best and brightest minds of three generations are dead or likely to be imprisoned…"

ZeldaQueen: The Lestranges wouldn't lament about that. They were cruel and dedicated only to Voldemort

Bulstrode chuckled. "I wouldn't call Umbridge or Jugson or Travers very bright…"

Rookwood smiled. "But that Lockhart fellow, Talmadge, he certainly had some convincing stories to his name…and then there were the Yaxleys, brilliant and cruel."

ZeldaQueen: Same with Lockheart - brother who told a lot of convincing lies? Yeah, you're not fooling me

"What are the Yaxleys doing?"

"They've decided not to claim Imperius and not to flee…They even refused to help the Karkaroffs and the other foreign fighters in their efforts to leave. I think Reginald Yaxley said, 'Burn with us or burn without us. Your soul is already judged.'"

ZeldaQueen: *snorts*

Even Rodolphus seemed impressed at that. "People with backbone."

"And the other supporters? Runcorn in Magical Transportation; Hopkirk in the Misuse of Underage Magic Office; Kentleworth in Games and Sports; and that wizard with that revolting mole in the Wizengamot Office?"

None of them knew…

ZeldaQueen: Jesus Christ, will you stop with the infodumps already? This is freaking boring!

But Harry finally had enough for his recording crystals. He was preparing to launch his attack until he heard something very curious.

"What about the Dark Lord's wife?"

ZeldaQueen: Excuse me?

Harry stopped. Voldemort had taken a wife?

ZeldaQueen: I'm sorry, EXCUSE ME???

Did the evil man have children? The very notion began giving Harry waking nightmares.

"I heard Daphnis Kantor killed herself the day after the Dark Lord died…"

"The child died, too, then?"

Rookwood just shook his head. "It would have been the Dark Heir. They were sure the baby would have been a boy."

ZeldaQueen: Okay, okay, let's just pause here for a bit of a rant. DW? My dear? I don't believe that you read the books at all. No, don't lie to me, I don't believe it. Because I find it impossible to believe that anyone could have read the books and missed such huge traits to the characters.

The problem with the above there? VOLDEMORT WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD A WIFE OR CHILDREN!!! NEVER! And do you know why? Well, there's a reason, a very good reason, which Rowling gives us quite clearly back in the sixth book - VOLDEMORT. DOES NOT. LOVE!!! Seriously, it's one of his key traits! He is completely incapable of feeling love or understanding it! That's why he continues to screw up in regards to love sacrifices, that's why he doesn't trust his followers, that's why he failed to realize the true power behind Lily's sacrifice or using her blood. It's also one of the reasons that he and Harry are foils - because Harry very much can understand love, and it is love for his friends that drives him and keeps him alive. How on earth anyone can miss all of that is beyond me.

Now I'm sure some people would say "Well it doesn't say there that he loved her. Perhaps he just wanted her so that he could have an heir". It's not the first time anyone considered Voldemort doing something like that. I once read a discussion as to whether or not Tom Riddle slept with any women, not out of love certainly, but for the feeling of control or to manipulate her. So it's not entirely unbelievable that he would use a woman for such a purpose. After all, he seemed to throw Bellatrix just enough bones for her to follow him around (though most of that was also in her own head). Here's the problem with the "he just wants an heir" argument - why would he want an heir? Voldemort's plan was to be immortal. He wanted to never die. So why on earth would he see any reason to need an heir? He'd never need replacement and only see a child as a potential source of rivalry for power. And there's certainly no way that he'd have a baby because he just wanted one.

So fail, DW, fail long and hard

Harry let out a silent sigh of relief. He then began to wonder why none of this had ever come out before.

ZeldaQueen: Because it NEVER HAPPENED!

Harry had never heard the name Daphnis Kantor before tonight or the possibility of a child. Had Daphnis died in the original timeline before giving birth? Or had she snuck away with her child to a different part of the world… Even with as much research as Harry had done, he still learned new and disturbing things everyday.

ZeldaQueen: You know, if Harry were canon this would be setting off a lot of question marks, what with the whole "Voldemort can't feel love" thing and all...

Harry decided to let the men talk for a bit longer. He didn't want any more surprises to stay hidden.

When it appeared the meeting with breaking up, Harry moved to act. He cast the Imperius Curse on Vindicus Bulstrode and had him say a few words. "In case I didn't mention it, gents, I'm going to pick up the pieces and rid the world of all the cowards…"

ZeldaQueen: What?

Then the Harry-controlled Bulstrode cast Avada Kedavra at Rodolphus and a bludgeoner at Rookwood. Rodolphus Lestrange dropped to the ground dead. The enraged Roodwood shot Bulstrode with the Avada Kedavra curse just as Bulstrode set Rookwood on fire.

ZeldaQueen: So he orchestrated three murders, two via Unforgivable Curses and one via immolation. How lovely

It was a tiny miracle of timing - and all recorded for posterity.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, I'm sure the public will appreciate the murderous, violent Aurors being replaced with a murderous, violent vigilante that they've never heard of before

All the names of the surviving followers. The tactics they'd used. The plans they'd laid to escape punishment, including detailed analysis of the Imperius defense. And then a double cross from inside the group.

Harry broke the listening charms, but stuck two of the crystals inside Rodolphus Lestrange's robes. The Aurors would find the bodies, along with the recording crystals, soon enough.

ZeldaQueen: And of course, no suspicion whatsoever is raised

Harry would judge them by what they did with the information.

ZeldaQueen: Because heaven forbid they question the validity of two random recording devices left in a suspiciously murdered body, which had plenty of time to be tampered with


August 3, 1978

Harry spread

ZeldaQueen: - eagle

out the Daily Prophet (Double Edition) in front of him. It was quite a bit of reporting.

"Voldemort Supporters Arrested Within the Ministry; Eight in Holding Cells."

ZeldaQueen: How does one hold a cell? Aren't those things really tiny?

"Nineteen Former Death Eaters Swept Up in Raids."

ZeldaQueen: (Daily Prophet) "Giant Brooms Required"

"Ministry Sets Rules for Public Trials; Veritaserum For All Witnesses."

ZeldaQueen: Even though Rowling clearly stated that it's unreliable

"Ministry of Magic Appeals to France, Bulgaria, and Russia for Extradition of Dozens of Suspected Death Eaters."

"Negotiations with Gringotts Continue Over Use of Death Eater Funds as Reparations to Victims."

ZeldaQueen: So Harry gets angry at the Ministry for not being able to fork over money and land possibly lost forever to orphans who may or may not be lost themselves, but is perfectly fine with taking Death Eater money to pay for stuff? Huh

"Dumbledore to Face Inquiry Over Actions as Chief Warlock."

"Bartemius Crouch Arrested for Massive Ministry Coverups."

ZeldaQueen: Maybe it's Maybelline

Harry liked the news he was reading.

ZeldaQueen: Because it's what he wanted, nevermind the double standards

It all pointed to thinks

ZeldaQueen: Seems like fewer people are thinking, if you ask me

getting better in Britain. But, as Moody had always said, practice Constant Vigilance.

It was possible the Ministry would go too far and accuse the innocent of crimes they hadn't committed. Harry would read the trial transcripts and continue probing the minds of people he encountered from time to time.

ZeldaQueen: Mindrape is fun!

It was possible that the Ministry would slip back into the corrupt morass it had previously found itself within. That too would be monitored.

ZeldaQueen: Harry Potter is watching you!

But, most of all, Harry feared Dumbledore running roughshod over the Ministry. The man, even in his current circumstances, could turn to more than persuasion to retake a position of importance…the man could use compulsions, or trusting potions, or even the Imperius Curse for outright control.

ZeldaQueen: Just shut up! Where is there any evidence of Dumbledore doing anything like this in canon? If he did, why didn't he do it in the fifth book, when he canonically was losing his powers and position?

Dumbledore was now the main obstacle, as Harry saw it, to a better Britain.

ZeldaQueen: So the fate of an entire nation rests on a wizard who Harry just happens to have a grudge against. Methinks Harry is overestimating how much power and influence Dumbledore has, especially since he stated in book seven that he avoids positions of power for fear of abusing it

But he was giving the old wizard the benefit of the doubt. He had a seat on the Wizengamot and the Headmastership of Hogwarts…if that contented him, Harry would leave him along so long as he stopped mucking around where he wasn't needed.

ZeldaQueen: In other words, do what Harry says and no one gets hurt

That wasn't to say that Harry didn't keep up his spying on the old man.

ZeldaQueen: So Harry won't leave the goat in peace but pitches a hissy fit when he thinks that Dumbledore was constantly monitoring and controlling his life. Lovely

He kept listening charms in many places and on many different items of clothing. Harry had tagged Dumbledore several different times when he'd seen the man out in public.

ZeldaQueen: Harry Potter goes fascist

He pulled out a recording crystal and tapped it with his wand.

ZeldaQueen: Now I'm starting to think that "recording crystal" is some sort of sexual euphemism

"Thank you for coming to tea, Elphias…" Harry recognized the name: Elphias Doge, an old friend of Dumbledore's.

"Of course, old friend. I was very saddened that the Order seemed to have crumbled as it did…"

"Yes, that book from America had its effect."

ZeldaQueen: Why would that have any effect on the Order? The war was over and that was the primary purpose. Does DW think that the Order was hanging around for the sixteen or so years that Voldemort was in hiding?

Anyway, the Order was brought together by a desire to stop Voldemort, not serve Dumbledore. Were they really such fuckers that they'd drop the organization and let the world go to pot because of a vaguely incriminating book about Dumbledore that ought to not hold that much water? (Especially since he is apparently willing to use mind control and all...)

"Why haven't you refuted the charges, Albus?"

Dumbledore was quiet for a few moments. "Because most of the allegations are true…"

"You can't be serious…"

"Unfortunately, I did know and befriend Gellert in our younger years. And I did make some decisions that turned out to have questionable merit regarding the estates of certain orphaned children in recent years…"

ZeldaQueen: No you didn't! That's the author putting words in your mouth! Fight it, Dumbledore!

"You allowed the Ministry to steal from children…without respecting the wills left by their parents?"

Albus said nothing, but Harry assumed the man had nodded.

"I've been your friend a long time, Albus, but I don't…I just don't understand how you could do these things…and not tell me at least. I'd have tried to talk you out of some of it…or at least given you some sort of comfort…"

ZeldaQueen: I don't even understand the motivation behind this. Okay, so Dumbledore is apparently the sort of guy who'd steal from orphans. So why is he doing this? Is he taking the money for himself? Is he using it to repair hospitals? Doesn't he have enough money himself to donate if it's for charity? So far, all I have is that he's doing it for the sake of being cruel

"Embarrassment, I suppose, kept me from speaking of it. I didn't like the even think about what happened with Gellert…I know Aberforth still hates me for it to some extent, after all it cost us both our sister."

"But the laws…and disregarding wills…and giving the Ministry that kind of power…"

ZeldaQueen: Still no explanation. I guess that would be too taxing for DW

"It's all been reversed. The past, my friend, is best left in the past."

"Right now, very few think that. You're going to have some hard times ahead of you, Albus."

ZeldaQueen: (Dodge) "The author hates you and is sending a Jerk Sue Harry to kill you. Be careful, Albus"

"I know. I'll weather it."

Doge was quiet for a few moments. "I hope so, but I wouldn't expect it. Pull back and stay out of politics, Albus. Whoever knows all this about you seems not to have decided to destroy you, just rap you on the nose and tell you to behave.

ZeldaQueen: "Decided not to destroy" my ass. I don't call dumping all of a person's dirty little secrets onto the carpet a "rap on the nose". Sending Dumbledore a letter would fit that more, in my mind

I don't know what would happen if you didn't take the warning."

ZeldaQueen: Harry will damn him to hell. Don't worry though, he deserves it and it's for the Greater Good

"I'm an old man, Elphias, and I've seen many things. I'll survive…"

ZeldaQueen: (Dumbledore) "I've got all my life to life and I've got all my love to give. I won't just lay down and die, oh no not I!"

"That doesn't sound like someone planning to drop out of politics, Albus."

ZeldaQueen: So wait, since when has Dumbledore been so political, anyway?

"I'm not. I'll lay low for a while, but I won't let the world careen around willy-nilly…"

ZeldaQueen: Sounds like a good idea. Unlike A Certain Somebody *looks at Harry*

"You know my counsel, old friend. I pray you listen to it."

"Thank you, Elphias. More tea?"

Harry listened to the rest of the crystal but the two old men just talked about their other old friends and old memories. At the least, it was proof that Dumbledore had done what the book had accused him of - and that Dumbledore wasn't withdrawing.

ZeldaQueen: Okay, so Harry apparently thinks that Dumbledore is willing to brainwash and enslave people to have his way and keep power, yet right here we see that he's quite alright with admitting to what is true. If he's so Evil, why on earth isn't he denying this right and left and stopping the publications of the books? And doesn't that count for anything towards redeeming Dumbledore's character in Harry's eyes?

Harry would keep a very close eye on his former Headmaster. He'd had his single warning. He would not get a second one.

ZeldaQueen: Fuck you, you sinister rat

Onward to: Chapter 5: The Birth Of Hope (Part 1)

Back to: Chapter 4: Endings Are Easy (Part 1)

Back to: Table of Contents

suethor: disobediencewriter, chapter 4, endings are easy, time to fix the mistakes, part 2, fandom: harry potter

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