Updates From The Realm: Several Things

Dec 08, 2012 23:59

Time for another round of announcements, ladies and gentlemen!

First of all, I apologize for having been MIA for so long. Again. I do have an excuse, though. Finals were rolling by, and they're my last ones ever. Yep! By the time next week is out, I'm finally graduating from college! I'll be running the Realm with a Bachlor of Arts, a-yep!

*ahem* Sorry. On to the interesting stuff!

A whole bunch of you turned in your sporkings for the City of Ashes chapters. That's fantastic! That being said, it's time for Round Two of the sporking turn-ins. The next deadline to check in will be December 20th. Again, it's fine if your sporking isn't totally finished. It's the holiday season, I know everyone's busy. If you're done, send it to me. If you're not, just check in with me and give a quick status update. If you do not check in, I might think you dropped out and reassign your chapter and all sorts of avoidable stickiness will be had. So let's not.

Please note that if you have changed your mind and want to drop out of the group sporking, it's totally alright. Just please let me know, so I'll know to reassign your chapter.

Other orders of business on the group sporking! First up, several chapters have opened up and need sporkers. If you are interested in checking out what's now available, feel free to look at the sign-up list. I also highly encourage sporkers with their own chapters to take a quick look at the list, especially any who have sent me their sporkings. should have updated the list to say whose sporkings I have received, but please have a look. If you have sent me your sporking and the list doesn't say you did, let me know. Odds are I got it and just forgot to mark off the list, but best to make sure everything got through.

Finally, some of you might recall how I once upon a time had plans to spork Chick Tracts. For many different reasons, I have given up on that. To put the Chick Tract table of contents I created to good use, I will be linking to all of albion_witch's Chick Tract sporkings from there. Enjoy!

And, I think that should be everything. Good luck to anyone in their finals weeks, and hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!

fic: city of ashes, suethor: jack chick, .the realm of literacy, .group recapping, sporking updates, .secretary announcements, .announcements from the realm

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