Oct 23, 2013 20:04
Wow, three years since I last wrote on this thing. O_o I have a lot of work to do with it involving going back and making the whole thing friends only, I suppose. So much has happened since I last updated.
My former boss was let go and we got a new one in. I participated in NaNoWriMo and became an Indie Author. My first book is available at amazon and B and N, just look up "Collide Kent" if you're interested. If not, no worries.
I had to put my beloved horse and best friend of 21 years down due to cancer a little under a month ago. I miss him terribly.
I'm hard at work on Book Two, but also taking a look back at one of my old Trigun works and am actually revising the first six chapters again and plan to write more on "Homecoming" for NaNo. That's my goal, anyway. I'm on a major nostalgia kick and have been rereading a lot of my old favorites that I can actually find, and missing the authors that I used to know. I've also found a few new folk that I'm following like crazy, because they're just awesome.
I've basically quit drawing, though I might pick it back up randomly here and there because I do like to keep busy.
Hope everyone is well. :)
blah blah blah,