Feb 04, 2011 10:46
It's a hard winter, and we're only just beginning February. We've all just about reached our breaking points in the office. I'm one of the only ones who hasn't succumbed to some illness or another - the bosses and a service tech have had a nasty, lingering, head cold. Another service tech thinks he has strep throat, and is still working, although right now he's napping in the back. The third tech is out with some freakish bladder/kidney infection he got from a bronchial infection, and is at home with catheter until he can see a urologist on Monday. All this makes me want to invest in a face mask and walk around with a can of lysol. The bosses' house is leaking like a sieve, there's even water coming in light fixtures. So is one of the oil drivers'. He just came in late from dealing with it. The bosses have to get the entire back side of their humongous house taken off and replaced (windows, siding, insulation, everything).
People are calling the office non-stop. We can't get to a good portion of our customers because the cities and towns can't keep up with the amount of snow we've been getting, and we can't get down a lot of the side streets with the big oil trucks. Not to mention the amount of people who honestly expect these guys to haul a heavy hose through 6-foot snow drifts, or to dig around for 20 minutes trying to find the fill pipes.
Every drive in is a hair-raising experience of dodging pot holes, and dodging cars trying to blindly dart out of driveways and side streets. I have now altered my commute home so as to avoid any blind turns, and have added about another 15 minutes to my already long-ass drive. I get home and all I want to do is enter into a comatose state, but alas, I have papers to write.
I'm about ready for Spring.