Jan 16, 2011 17:12
Ugh. Unholy headache of doom. I have lots to do today, but right now I just want to veg and watch Bones (I <3 Netflix, best decision ever to get it and curb Mike's movie buying habit) I need to go buy Joanie a bitthday cake today, but I think that's going to wait until after Mike gets home. If I strike out I'll just get moving early tomorrow and get her one in the morning.
I realized I haven't said anything here about our new cat. Still not quite sure if we're going to keep her. She's 6 months old and her name is Nike. She's grey with a white blaze on her chest, and white feet. She's freaking adorable, just a handful. I think she might have seperation anxiety. She climbs everything, and so far has broken a small glass bowl, and four dessert glasses. She tortures Corra by chasing her everywhere. I don't have the time to stay on top of her, and see what she's getting into every 5 minutes, and Mike certainly doesn't have the patience. I'm hoping she mellows out in the coming week, otherwise she'll have to find a new home. I'm noticing some improvements already, so we'll see how it goes.
I started classes again last week. So far they seem pretty good. My Intro to Law class is interesting. This week the regular professor had a previous committment, so the class was taught by the Legal Studies program head. He gave me hope. I'd been having my doubts about the program, despite it being recommended by a Paralegal Association. To me, it just felt like the professors were handing out A's. I'd been concerned that I wouldn't be taken seriously with the degree I earn through this program. But, the department head told us that paralegals graduating from Bay Path are highly sought after, and have better research skills than 3rd year law school students. The starting salary isn't too shabby either, and paralegals are in high demand during the recession as they can do most things that lawyers can at a cheaper price. So, I have renewed hope at the direction I'm going in.
My government class is also pretty awesome. The professor is an orphan from Trinidad, went to school in England, and had 3 degrees by the time he was 18. He's worked for the U.N., owns a lobbyist consultation company, and is all around a pretty impressive person. After he teaches for a couple of year at Yale (starting this summer I think) he's planning on going back to Trinidad to run for president. He's arrogant, but that's probably how he got where he is today. The building we're in is a pain in the ass - at the very outskirts of campus away from everything else. It's actually a house that they used to have a preschool in until it was closed last year because the building wasn't up to code for a preschool. The heating in it sucks, and the door is always locked, despite being programmed to unlock at 8AM. We're crammed into a small room with chairs that have grippers on them. The room is also carpeted, so it's impossible for me to move the chair once I'm sitting in it. I really hope the room gets changed soon.