Her Embrace--Bleach

Dec 20, 2007 15:41

Title: Her Embrace
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Hitsugaya Toushiro, Matsumoto Rangiku
Rating: PG for breasts
Disclaimer: Kubo gave me the idea, but he didn't approve this. SORRY.
Summary: Even Hitsugaya will eventually grow up.
Notes: Written for my favorite Hitsu, uzis, in honor of Hitsugaya's birthday. FLUFF, not pairing.

When they first run into each other (literally), Hitsugaya's face fits neatly between the roundest, fullest parts of Matsumoto's breasts. She stifles a giggle as he is nestled there for a split second before the shock wears off. Her smug grin follows him for an instant until she tugs him back and carries on with the matter at hand.

He enters the academy, graduates with honors, and becomes a captain soon thereafter. Now, his nose is only a bit higher. It's still difficult to breathe when his body is held by her unrelenting arms and his nose is embraced by her ample chest. He mumbles out a muffled complaint and she squeezes him tighter, smirking, before letting him stalk off to do his work (as well as hers).

After a few decades, Matsumoto notices that his nose has cleared the cleft of her bosom, grazing her breastbone as his chin rests atop her breasts. She squeezes him a little tighter, because now that he's against a flat surface he's decided to resist. It never works. He walks away rubbing his nose, suppressing a glare.

When his nose settles in the ring of her necklace, she makes a delighted "ooh!" sound, but refuses to tell him why. Her arms rest lower on his body than they used to, and she secretly thinks that it gives her more leverage for the embrace. He soon learns to turn his head when she comes up to him with her arms open, but is still often surprised by slow, stealthy approaches.

Decades pass. Matsumoto's breasts press annoyingly against Hitsugaya's chest, and they are both forced to think of it more as a hug than a squish. For a moment, Hitsugaya thinks it might make Matsumoto just a little sad. When he looks up at her, she smiles softly and forces his head down, tucking it under her chin and giving a little affectionate sway.

Shortly thereafter--in shinigami reckoning, anyway--his forehead is even with her lips. When she hugs him, they're full and warm, not drawn tightly in the melancholy way he'd grown accustomed to. He thinks the look in her eyes could be mistaken for pride, but shrugs it off. His arms never wrap around her to return the embrace, but he tries not to cross them. It's more uncomfortable, really, for his arms to touch her breasts instead of his face. On especially cold days, he swears her lips graze his forehead.

Hitsugaya eventually grows even with Matsumoto's height. His nose becomes strong and proud, his jaw a little chiseled, his cheeks still round but not plump. In his eyes, the fire of ice still shines, and sometimes he'll catch their reflection in her eyes just before the hug. Occasionally she tries to tackle him, but after the first few times he readies himself whenever she enters the room and stops getting knocked over by it. She only pouts about it once, and he thinks it's fake.

One day, she discovers that her neck is a bit stiff from always looking up at her captain. She covers her glee very well, but softens her hugs just slightly. He is a man now, after all, she thinks. He learns how to shift his body so the pressure against her chest isn't uncomfortable. Sometimes she even jerks his head down to her shoulder and pats his back like a child.

He thinks, eventually, that it might be funny for her to get a taste of her own medicine. He walks up behind her, startling her, and wraps his arms around her waist. It's very light, almost impersonal, but once she relaxes, she giggles helplessly. He withdraws his arms and stalks off.

Matsumoto disappears for three days.

On the fourth day, Hitsugaya notices that from about mid-afternoon he is unable to find anyone he needs to talk to. Work seems to have come to a standstill. He searches high and low, and eventually ends up at the academy. There's a light shuffling from the large lecture stage, and he peeks in the door.

A shadow moves, and he follows it with his eyes, hand on his sword. A voice suddenly calls out his name, and he whirls around. The lights come up, and the entirety of the 13 divisions are there. There are banners of congratulations strewn about, and when he reads more carefully he sees that they say "congratulations on your manhood." (He knows precisely who was behind the innuendo.)

In the center of them all, clapping politely and beaming, is his vice-captain. He takes a step toward her, and she toward him. He rolls his eyes and opens his arms, and she approaches, pace quickening with each step. They embrace, and he hides a smile while mentally making a checklist of all the extra work he's going to give her.

As Hitsugaya tries to hold his grumpy façade, the rest of the shinigami approach. Soon, he is engulfed in a mass hug, given to him by everyone who has come to respect and appreciate him over the years.

hitsumatsu, fluff, bleach

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