
Oct 20, 2007 20:36

Title: Strategy
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Kanjani8
Rating: G
Disclaimer: ...Ahahaha.
Summary: Kanjani8 gets together to discuss their ultimate strategy to win over every fangirl in the world.
Notes: Thanks for Utaban, Yasu. ^_^

"Okay, okay, settle down. Let's get started."

The seven men sat around a small table in one of the jimusho meeting rooms. The blond at the head of the table was gesturing to calm down his chatty companions.

"Alright. Any old business? Updates?"

Hina and Yoko pushed an open magazine forward.

"Operation Okinawa was a success," Hina stated with a smile. He tapped the picture of himself and Ohkura being rather close. The rest of the band nodded in approval.

Ryo smirked and flipped a page in another magazine featuring a certain kiss. "It's double their money, really," he quipped.

"Great!" Yasu seemed quite pleased. "Now, let's see... The schedule for next month. Shibuyan, it looks like you're scheduled with Nishikido until mid-month, then you're switching to me--what?" Yasu had looked up at Yoko briefly, who was making a rather serious face.

"Haven't you done enough?" Yoko was barely hiding a smile.

"What do you mean?" And Yasu looked confused.

"You two were at it for the whole tour!""

"The rest of us want a turn," Maru interjected.

Yoko pointed at Yasu accusingly. "It's favoritism!"

"It sort of is..." Ohkura stopped craning his neck to look at the magazines and joined the discussion. "I haven't had any page time with some of you lately."

"That's not my fault!" Yasu was adamant, and more than a little scandalized.

"I propose," said Yoko, leaning forward, "a change of leadership."

"What?!" Yasu continued to protest even as the others voiced their agreement.

Subaru adjusted his glasses. "Well who should do it?"

"Oi! Guys!" Yasu jumped out of his seat.

"Not Ryo." Hina looked thoughtful.

Ryo relaxed in his seat. "Seconded."

Yoko waved his hands dismissively. "I'm not doing it."

"Me either," Subaru added.

"Guys..." It was practically a whine. Maru reached over and patted Yasu on the shoulder, giving him an exaggerated look of sympathy.

"Probably Maruyama or Ohkura." Hina regarded them both carefully. They looked startled. "Well, you're a natural entertainer, Maru. And Ohkura, you've got a grip on sex appeal.

"I just make it up," they protested.

"No, no, it's good." Subaru flipped through the old magazine he had retrieved from his bag. "You've both got it."

"So how do we decide?" Ryo looked morbidly interested and highly amused as three of his friends protested the entire situation.

"Janken?" Yoko suggested.

"We can ask our advisors," Subaru said, pulling out his phone and scrolling to Tsuyoshi's e-mail address.

"No, that's not necessary," Hina announced. "We'll just do a test."

"A test?" Maru frowned.

"What kind of test?" Ohkura frowned as well, sticking his lip out for a pout just in case it would garner some sympathy.

"We'll just get you both to set up a scene and decide who's best."

They stared at Hina in disbelief for a few moments, hoping the determined look on his face would fade. When it didn't, Maru and Ohkura exchanged looks that seemed to say, "we're doing this for the good of the group."

"Alright." "Okay."

"You have... what do you think?"

"Ten minutes," Yoko suggested.

"That's enough," Hina agreed with a nod, having taken up the position as leader in this venture.

Meanwhile, Yasu looked on with a slight pout and his arms crossed.

Maru and Ohkura silently planned for their ten minutes. At the end of the given time frame, Yoko clapped his hands. "Let's go. Let's hear the ideas."

Maru went first. "On the next Janiben, we'll do love confessions to each other."

"...Haven't we done that?"

"We've done that somewhere."

"I think we have, yeah."

Maru frowned. "Okay, fine. Advice for group dates complete with demonstrations."

"...Better, but I still think we've done it."

"We can't have done everything stupid yet." Maru tapped his chin. "Wait! I've got it!"

The responding chorus: "What what?"

"Next time we do It's My Soul, we'll all kiss Subaru during his solo."

"...Now THAT is a good idea," Subaru said. Hina quickly leaned over and gave him a smack to the head.

After the vocal approval died down, Hina turned the attention to Ohkura. "Your turn."

"Ah..." Ohkura slouched in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. "It seems to me... We ought to see if An-An will let us do a nude photoshoot."

There was silence for a moment, then a chorus of "That's too much!" broke out from the members, and Hina delivered another well-aimed tsukkomi.

"Mostly naked?"

"Too much, too much!" Again, they erupted in animated disagreement.

"We'll all go to an onsen resort and let the rumor get out that we shared futons!" Yasu broke through the din.

Everything stopped. The entire group turned to look at him.

"I've got to admit, that's a good idea," said Hina after a long silence. There was another round of approval from the group.

"Why don't we just let him keep the job, then?" Ryo sounded less-than-bored, which was something when it came to these meetings.

"...I don't have a problem with that," Subaru responded. The rest of the group followed in kind.

Yasu, visibly relieved, put his hands on the calendar again. "Can we get back to business?"

While the rest of the group nodded, Ryo drawled, "I want Maruyama next month." Maru flashed him a wicked smile.

So, in a little office at Johnny's Jimusho, the seven men continued planning out their ultimate strategy into the late hours of the night.

kanjani8, johnny's entertainment

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