[fic] Cyborg Gabriel 8/?

Jul 24, 2011 09:02

Title: Cyborg Gabriel 8/?
Fandom: Supernatural.
Rating: PG-13ish.
Warnings: Description of injuries/broken metal/a bit of violence.
Pairings/Characters: Gabriel, Castiel, Sam, Dean. <-- Only listing the main characters as otherwise this'll get far too long as this goes on.
Word Count: 3,098 words, with 24,452 total so far.
Summary: Archangel Class Cyborgs are terrifying in combat, and practically unknowable off the battlefield. Castiel's an experimental unit with an unusual design, and he's caught Gabriel's interest.
Note: I refer you all to the first part of this cyborg story for notes and whatnot.

This is the chapter where Lucifer looked at my plot, laughed at it, and made his own changes. I adjusted, wrote on, and as I was bringing the chapter to a close, he looked around and changed things AGAIN. Hopefully I won't take too long before I work out what I'm doing now. :P

Warning! This is still a WIP and while more is coming within a day or two, you should read this at your own risk. If you're cool with that, then, read on!


Sam honestly can't explain it. There's a cold seeping from god-knows-where in Lucifer, and it makes it frankly dangerous to work on repairing him. Metal gets cold enough to be brittle, and his flesh -

"You might not survive this," Sam tells Lucifer as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "Can you tell me anything about this cold? Can I stop it? Control it?"

Lucifer's laugh is something Sam hates hearing. He's heard it twice, and no. He does not like it.

"You can't stop it," Lucifer rasps. "I can't control it. Michael's the only one who can truly stop it, and that's - " He stops himself and his mouth closes with an audible click. Sam stares at him for a moment, and he goes on. "Raphael could have helped, but I have had enough. Tell me about yourself, Sam Winchester."

The abrupt change in topic startles Sam, but he recovers quickly.

"No." Sam wipes his hands off with a rag and prepares himself for another go at touching too-cold flesh. "You have had too much of what, Lucifer?"

He doesn't meet Lucifer's eyes, instead selecting his tools. Maybe he can rescue the flesh, and maybe he can prolong Lucifer's existence...though his thoughts do keep straying back to Gabriel's words.

Lucifer's life isn't at stake here, but it's the vessel...if he's remembering right. It might be dangerous to ask about it, yet...

"You're not cold because of anything that happened on this mission, are you?" Sam asks, finally.

He meets Lucifer's narrowed eyes and holds his gaze. He doesn't want to guess at the emotions there, and he doesn't want to think about what he might be giving away in his own gaze. He wants to say something more, something defiant. Which feels wrong, because Lucifer isn't...he can trust Lucifer, can't he? Trust him as far as he can trust Gabriel, or Raphael, or any of them. Right?

"No demon did this to me," Lucifer says finally.

Sam thought so. He looks away. He doesn't want to think about the problems inherent in trying to cure this. 'Michael can undo this', Lucifer said that, or something to the effect of that. Sam has to wonder: does that mean Michael did it? Does that mean Michael is the reason why Lucifer is cold, cold enough to ruin metal and skin and more?

Sam shivers, and pulls his gloves back on. He needs to work.

"Tell me about yourself, Sam Winchester." Lucifer repeats this. Sam turns back around and decides to indulge this much.

"I'm trying to figure out if I can undo that cold," Sam tells him honestly. "I'm probably going to spend all night thinking about it, and what it means. What on earth do you want to know about me?"

"Anything." Lucifer says. "Everything. I need to know you, Sam."

"Why?" Sam says, not missing the 'need'. "Why do you need to know me?"

"I doubt you would understand."

"Don't pull that now," Sam snaps, and bends to the task of trying to peel back skin from metal without damaging either. "I know what you are."

"Truly." Lucifer says, and his voice is amused. "What am I, then?"

Sam snorts softly. He won't betray Gabriel that easily, and he won't betray the extent of his knowledge that easily, either. Even if Gabriel was lying...even if the story he fed them was wrong in any way, Sam has to trust it. It makes too much sense not to trust it. Even if...

"You know what you are. I'm telling you I know that. Now. Do I need to make an emergency call to Michael? Would he help?"

"He is coming already," Lucifer says. "But not to help me. There is a demon here, and I suspect he will stay beyond that business when he sees the mark on your forehead."

Sam can't help the reflex even as he stops himself from putting his gloved fingers on his forehead.

"Is it visible to everyone, or just you angels?"

"Only the archangels," Lucifer says. "I doubt the fledgling has had a chance to learn how to look yet."


There is another click as Lucifer closes his mouth abruptly.

Sam is forced to give up on the organ. He can't save it. Not with the cold. He pulls his hands free and disposes of the gloves before washing his hands in warm water - water that was lukewarm when it was brought in, and now feels like boiling soup. Sam hisses in pain.

"You are meant to help me."

"To repair you," Sam says. "Patch you up if you're wounded." He doesn't think about how he can't, not this time.

"Yes." Lucifer is watching him, and Sam wants to look away, is desperate not to stare into those eyes, but this is Lucifer and he cannot. "This body is failing. It will be irretrievable soon. I need another vessel."

Sam stops. Oh - oh, he gets it now.

"I will do anything in my power for you, Sam." Lucifer whispers. "You know what I am. Know that this...metal shell is a pale imitation of everything you are."

Sam understands the boon Gabriel has granted him, now. Did he know this was coming? No, he can not spend time wondering about that now. Here is Lucifer, and Sam knows they can read minds, and he knows - no, he can only guess, but he is certain that he is right - he knows Lucifer means to tempt him into...into what? Consent?

"Do you need consent?" Sam asks, but that's it, he knows it's true already, otherwise Lucifer wouldn't have said a word about how he would help him.

"Three letters," Lucifer says. "One word. I give you the world wrapped in a bow."

"I don't want the world." Sam says, shakily.

Lucifer smiles then, or smirks, rather - Lucifer smirks, and a chill runs down Sam's spine.

Sam takes a step back, and this - he stops, freezes in place.

There is the sound of complaining metal, and then Lucifer is sitting up, and there is an echo to his voice that was nothing to do with his voicebox. He is bright silver and white and he is cold and he wants Sam.

"I am Lucifer, the Morning Star, the Light Bringer, and I will have my true vessel. Give me your consent, Sam Winchester." Lucifer speaks as he stands, wings spread impossibly wide - he has no wings, they were broken and left on the roof - and he is whole and -

There is absolutely no way for Sam to say no, and he cannot run.

The word is pulled from his lips against his will - and yet he says it of his own free will, he knows what he is doing when he says yes. An image of Castiel flashes in his mind, a question he never found the answers for, and oh, curse his curiosity. He wants to know. There's no better way to learn than first-hand experience.


Lucifer smiles, and there is the sound of a loud crack, and dust falls from his forehead and - light.

As light overwhelms his senses, as he fades under its brilliance, he sees Gabriel appearing abruptly, and he sees the broken metal form of Lucifer, light gone from its eyes and he sees -


This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Gabriel stands frozen as Lucifer curls his fingers and tests the fit of his new vessel.

Gabriel was supposed to feel the blessing he placed on Sam break, and he was supposed to stop whatever would happen after that.

Sam wasn't supposed to say -

"Gabriel," Lucifer says. "That was yours, then?"

"It was," Gabriel admits, reluctant as he is to do so. There's no point in hiding it, however, and Lucifer detests lies.

It is decidedly uncomfortable to realize that Lucifer's vastly more powerful than any of them when he's wearing human skin. Oh, the world of difference a proper vessel makes...

"Interesting," Lucifer says. "It explains why he claimed to know what I am. I assume Michael and Raphael remain ignorant of your meddling?"

"Weeeeelll," Gabriel stalls, unsure of how to go about this. He doesn't want to get Lucifer angry at him, as he wants to stay on Lucifer's good side, and he also really doesn't want to earn Michael and Raphael's ire, so...

Ah, saved by the bell! Raphael appears between them, and Gabriel likes that Raphael's severely annoyed expression is directed at Lucifer, not him.

"This wasn't what you were expecting when I denied your healing, I know," Lucifer gives a little shrug and sigh. "Raphael, please refrain from being difficult. Michael is coming, we all know that. You don't need to be unpleasant."

"There was no good reason for you to take a vessel," Raphael says finally. "You don't need to fight Michael. The world isn't set to end."

"You don't actually expect to destroy the Fallen with those artificial shells, do you?" Lucifer asks. "I've personally faced off against Sammael before."

"You have." Raphael says flatly. "Despite our explicit instructions not to engage in combat with them."

"Yes," Lucifer says, and stretches out his arms. "Sammael is quite possibly strong enough to injure me, even with this new vessel. I'm certain he could and would destroy the rest of you without expending too much of his energy. My point is, Raphael, we must discard this foolish charade and take up our true vessels before it is too late."

"I will not deviate from Michael's orders."

"I will," Lucifer says. "And, it seems, so will Gabriel."

"Gabriel is not the focus of this conversation."

"You'll reprimand him later, then." Lucifer shakes his head. "Foolish. With Gabriel's help, inadvertant or not, I have been able to retrieve my vessel, and I know the location of Michael's vessel."

It doesn't take a genius to figure it out, and Raphael has the name on his lips: "Dean Winchester. I am aware."

"We're getting off-topic," Gabriel says. "The point is: with Lucifer vesseled now, we can drop the Castiel project and gain some decisive victories against the demons and the Fallen."

"No, we cannot." Raphael makes an irritated noise. "Castiel's existence has little to do with the demons. I would advise you to take your own advice and stop wasting energy on him and get on with destroying the demons."

"You will have to introduce me to him," Lucifer says to Raphael, and there's that irritated noise again.

"As you are? Absolutely not."

"Hm. Let's test that, shall we?" Lucifer says with a smirk, and oho, Gabriel can see the advantages of the situation now. Lucifer vanishes with the sound of wings - something Gabriel has been missing since this business began - and when Raphael looks at him Gabriel just shrugs.

"You're the one who's upset, so you go stop." Gabriel says, and laughs the second Raphael's gone.

Sure, Lucifer's dangerous now, but he was always dangerous, and Gabriel's used to playing with fire by now.


The wind is not gentle today. Castiel has to fight with it to maintain altitude, and his companion angel on this patrol is struggling just as much, if not more.

Fortunately, there aren't many demons out today, and Castiel can extend a wing to the other angel. It stabilizes their flight, and yet - Castiel can't help but think that he feels lonely on this flight. The other angel is silent, and despite how badly it ended, he can't help but think of Gabriel's excessive banter.

For all it confused him, it had been nice to have a companion. He shakes his head abruptly and scans the treetops below, reminding himself to be vigilant.

Which doesn't help at all when there is an attack from above.

Castiel automatically snaps his wing back in mere seconds before the other angel is crashed into from above, and rolls to the side, quickly scanning the sky before refocusing his attention on the attacker. Whatever it is, it's human-shaped, and - wings? Castiel draws his gun, but not quickly enough: whatever it is, it is fast, and it has flown up into his chest in a mockery of a hug before the world twists around him.

He hears wings, and then - a different expanse of sky. Ocean beneath him. His attacker is executing a complicated maneuver with its wings so that it hovers across from him, and now -

"Sam?" Castiel asks, and oh no no no. The demons have laid their hands upon his weakness and for all that he can tell that it isn't Sam, what with the wings and the amused expression, he cannot raise his gun and actually fire.

"Castiel," says the faux-Sam, and Castiel doesn't answer, quickly debating his options. He can cut and run, he can attempt to subdue the enemy -

"I am no demon," says the faux-Sam. "Raphael should be embarrassed. Perhaps it would help if I had retained the shell, hmm?"

Castiel makes his choice and lunges at the enemy, but not before his wrist is caught and the faux-Sam is tsking in disapproval.

"We haven't met. Castiel. I am," his lips twist here, "WCA zero-zero-beta, to use that repulsive naming scheme. I suspect Michael thought it up himself. You will call me Lucifer if you know what's good for you."

Castiel stops, staring. Because...a demon wouldn't lie about that. Wouldn't know what to lie about. And it is true, Castiel can't feel the taint on him, but Sam's visage had -

He feels like hitting himself. Raphael's words: 'if the question is, can they do it, the answer is always yes'. Of course Lucifer could wear Sam's face if he so wished. The question now, Castiel thinks, is why.

"Lucifer," Castiel says finally. It might be dangerous to ask. He doesn't care. "Why are you wearing Sam Winchester's face?"

"Because Sam Winchester is my true vessel and that metal shell finally broke. I discarded it, accepted Sam's consent, and if all goes well I will return him in good time."

Confusion, annoyance: why must every archangel he meet leave him dumbfounded and feeling like an ignorant child? He doesn't let it show, or tries not to. Lucifer's lips still twist in amusement.

"I came to speak with you," Lucifer says, and now that Castiel knows what to look for, he can see that yes, it is Sam Winchester. There are motions that indicate metal under the skin, even if they are faint and difficult to detect, and Lucifer is showing none of those.

There is the problem that of course Lucifer might be able to hide those signs if he wanted to. The only way Castiel can be sure is -

"Castiel. I detest lies." Lucifer says. "Keep that in mind when you speak with me."

Castiel pauses. If that's true, then he can trust Lucifer's word. And if it's not...

"Raphael will be here shortly," Lucifer says. "He will inform you that this is true. Unfortunately, I need to leave before then, as he is quite displeased with me."

"Is...there a disagreement going on?" Castiel asks. He's not sure he wants to know, and he's sure he doesn't want to be involved.

"Yes." Lucifer says simply. "I should inform you. If you want to speak with Dean Winchester I recommend doing it soon, as Michael will soon be upon us and I suspect he will want his vessel just in case I decide to get violent."

"Wait - " Castiel says, but Lucifer is gone. There are numerous questions whirling in his mind, and the moment Raphael appears, Castiel turns to him and asks the first question that comes to mind. "Raphael, does Lucifer lie?"

"No," Raphael says, and, "Where did he go?"

"He just left," Castiel says, and he has more questions, especially now that he has that one answered, but Raphael is gone again.

The wind kicks up again, the moment Raphael is gone, and Castiel shivers with the chill. He smells salt, and the sea, and knows that he is probably miles from land and even further from Facility Alpha, and he cannot teleport like the archangels can.

He has a long way to fly.


Sam is cold. It is as simple as that. He is cold, he cannot move, and yet - he cannot say he regrets his decision.

Lucifer whispers to him, gives him commentary when he speaks, and Sam is gaining an understanding of things that he suspects man was not meant to know.

He feels everything, too - the crunch of metal as Lucifer slams into a lesser angel, the warmth of Castiel's skin, the ever-present cold -

Why are we fleeing from Raphael now? Sam thinks, and wonder of wonders: Lucifer answers him.

I don't want to fight him yet.

Here Sam is so close to Lucifer that he can hear how the 'yet' is tacked on as an afterthought, and he can feel the sudden flare of protectiveness that arcs through Lucifer.

You're close to them. The archangels, I mean.

Before this war I had not spoken with any of them in over two thousand years. Lucifer says dryly, then whispers a yes.

Sam's first instinct is to ask why, and how, but he can still feel the feelings Lucifer has towards his family and he gets it. It's why he murmurs Dean to himself, and it's why -

Why he doesn't understand the sudden bitter laughter from Lucifer.

What? Why are you laughing? Sam asks, and Lucifer runs a hand over his face.

Because this is a cruel world, Sam Winchester. Because I know who Michael's true vessel is, and if this comes to blow...

Sam connects the dots. Sam doesn't like the picture.

Dean, Sam whispers. Oh, god. Would either one of us die if we fought?

It will do you no good to call out to Him, Sam. And the answer to that question? If Michael wins a victory, he will slay me. I doubt he will preserve you. But you have more pressing problems at hand: I intend to journey to Hell, now.

You WHAT?! Sam yelps, but it is too late for him to talk Lucifer out of it. He can already feel Lucifer folding his wings and readying himself, and he can feel reality warp around him.

The last thing he sees through Lucifer's eyes before they are gone is the ocean and Raphael appearing too late to stop them.


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spn fic, spn:sam, spn:lucifer, spn:dean, fic, cyborg verse, spn:gabriel, spn:castiel

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