[fic] Cyborg Gabriel 1/?

Jun 30, 2011 10:48

Here's a bit of an experiment. If this goes well I might do it again.

Title: Cyborg Gabriel 1/?
Fandom: Supernatural.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Minor violence.
Pairings/Characters: Gabriel, Castiel, Sam.
Word Count: 2,533 words.
Summary: Archangel Class Cyborgs are terrifying in combat, and practically unknowable off the battlefield. Castiel's an experimental unit with an unusual design, and he's caught Gabriel's interest.
Note: The basic premise was Gabriel as a cyborg. I went from there, and after world-building with myself, _bluebells and synnerxx, I've got a plotbunny that's eating me.

Warning! This is a WIP and at the moment I have a vague idea of where the plot's going, I think the pairing is going to be Gabriel/Castiel (this might change), and beyond that? Who knows! More is coming, I just need to write it. And when it's all done I'll come back here and edit a proper title in and whatnot. (This also serves as motivation for me to finish this, as I really hate it when I write WIPs and horror of horrors, post them without finishing them.)

If you're cool with that, then, read on!


Smooth metal, stark white everywhere, the only splash of life - of color - the golden eyes. Golden eyes opening.

Instantly he pulls his hand back, stops touching the white. "I - " What can he say? He falters. He's never been this close to an archangel before.

Automatically his mind corrects him as he steps back. It's not an archangel, it's more properly known as an archangel-class cyborg, one of the originals, one of the most erratic - dangerous - ones.

Sam really shouldn't be here.

And before him, the archangel-class cyborg with the name of Gabriel is still immobile. The only hint that the cyborg is active is his eyes. Sam's being watched.

Sam clears his throat and tries again.

"S - Sorry. I'll go."

There's a brief noise, something like a whir, and then white fingers close around his wrist. Gabriel's touch is cool but rapidly warming up to room temperature, and Sam's mind really needs to stop taking in all of the little details when the archangel is right in front of him, leaning in, its golden gaze boring into Sam's eyes as if it could read his mind.

Sam can't remember if archangels can read minds, or if that was something added to the later models of cyborgs. He swallows again and doesn't dare to move.

Gabriel cocks his head and Sam has to blink, is that a smile on the archangel's face?

"Oh, this is interesting," and the archangel's voice is normal. No breathy sounds, none of the awkward phrasing characteristic of primitive models, in fact if Sam heard it without visual reference he would think he was talking to a human.

There's a brief squeaking sound, and Sam realizes that he made it. He admits it to himself, he is terrified. He's seen what archangel-class cyborgs can do first-hand, and none of the curiosity he has is helping with the fact that there is a weapon gripping his wrist and studying his face.

"I, um, I should go," Sam says, quickly. "I've got - stuff, work to do."

"Sure, go on," Gabriel says with something more dangerous than a smile on his face. "Something to keep in mind for next time, Sam Winchester: we don't sleep, or ever turn off."

He lets go of Sam, one finger at a time, and steps back. Sam backs out of the room, quick as he can, and the second the door swishes closed in front of him, Sam breaks into a run away from the room housing the archangel. He curses himself in his head, telling himself that what he just did was stupid, that he should have thought long and hard before sneaking in there -

Senior technician or not he feels very much like a chastised child when he gets outside.


Castiel is still human enough inside to feel trepidation when he receives his assignment, but he isn't human enough to show it. His hands do not tremble and he indicates that he received and will carry out this order without delay.

Not that he is leaving immediately. He has time enough to finish recharging, maintenance and to even replace his weaponry before he must be on the roof and ready to leave.

He reviews the orders once more.

EHU #00A "Castiel" -
Your orders are to accompany WCA #00C "Gabriel" on Flight Path 47. Be ready to leave by the fourth bell.

Castiel tells himself not to be nervous. It's another assignment, and they are all professional when it comes to business. He does not need to fear Gabriel.

Still, the time he has before he must go passes all too quickly and he is ascending the steps to the roof. He has a moment of disappointment that Gabriel isn't there already, and instead goes to the rails, looking out across the landscape. It's nothing more than a college in appearance, and he is surprised by that every time.

Castiel often wonders that because he was not made in the usual way, that if his human...heritage, for lack of a better word, colors his judgement in too extreme a fashion. He should not be startled by seeing that the layout of this facility resembles a college, and he should not be startled at the flash of not-memory that surges through him. And while he may wonder at this, he will record his thoughts and observations for his next report.

He checks the time. Gabriel suddenly seems a lot less intimidating, as he is two minutes late. It is never proper to arrive to assignments late. Unless, of course, Gabriel has a good reason, but - Castiel pushes down the unwanted surge of indignation, and annoyance.

Abruptly there are fingers tapping his shoulder and he whirls around.

It's Gabriel. Gleaming white and silver as always, looking as perfect as always, and those eerie golden eyes locked onto Castiel's own.

"Castiel, right?"

Castiel dips his chin in a nod, unsure of what to say now. He can't ask why Gabriel was late, he can't even think of such a thing. It explains why the archangels are given so much free reign.

"Ready to go?"

Gabriel still hasn't broken his stare, and Castiel is beginning to feel nerves again. He lets it show, just a little bit, in the tightness of his face. He reminds himself that he can't suppress all of his emotions, and is not expected to. (Wasn't built with the capability to, unlike some of his more robotic brethren.)

"Then come on, and don't look so nervous," Gabriel says, and slaps Castiel's shoulder. Castiel cannot help but straighten at it. "Loosen up, Path 47 is a breeze. Nice and uneventful, except when you're about to get bored."

And then, just as abruptly, Gabriel's wings are unfurling behind him with flashes of light as the silver catches in the sun, and he is taking off. Castiel hurries to follow him up into the air, his own wings silver behind him. (Usually they are black, toned with blue and speckled with white to match the night sky, but today they are silver, the better to fit in with the sunlight in the early morning.)

For a collection of minutes Castiel tails Gabriel, not yet ready to pull up alongside him and certainly unwilling to shoot past him with a burst of speed. Then Gabriel abruptly brakes in the air, his wings flapping a complicated figure-eight pattern as he hovers in place, perfectly motionless except for his wings. Castiel stops next to him, awed by the precision even though he is capable of a hover that is perfectly adequate for staying in one place. Gabriel shifts two inches to the left and looks at Castiel, meeting his eyes again, and does Gabriel know how unnerving his stare is? Castiel tries staring back this time with his own intent, and Gabriel laughs low and amused between them.

"I've been curious about you for a while, Castiel." Gabriel says, after a beat. "So I thought this would be a good opportunity to get to know you."

Castiel opens his mouth, and closes it. What does he say to that? Is he honored by the attention? Annoyed? What would be appropriate to say?

He settles for the most surprising of Gabriel's revelations.

"You had a hand in my assignment?" There's more to this question that Castiel doesn't voice, questions like You can influence the assignments? Isn't that forbidden? What authority do you have?

Gabriel cocks his head, studying him again.

Then he nods and smiles, wide and bright. "Yeah, alright, I'll let you in on the secret."

"What were you going to say if you hadn't made that decision?" Castiel can't help but ask.

Gabriel waves a hand. "You're not stupid enough to talk if I tell you not to share anything. So fly with me while we talk."

And Gabriel takes off at a leisurely pace, gesturing for Castiel to follow. Castiel does, looking out over the landscape as he does, glad to see that they are beyond the limits of home by now. It doesn't occur to him to marvel at how fast they can fly, or how far they can go in such a short time, but he feels relief at knowing that if there is a battle here, there are no innocents below to get hurt in the crossfire.

It's not long before he looks to Gabriel again, waiting for answers.

"I don't like that it has to remain confidential," Gabriel says, "But here's the truth. Archangels often get involved in the entire assignments process, and Michael in fact is orchestrating a large part of the movements of the army overall. Sure, we've got humans to work with who can veto plans if they have a good reason to, but for every general you hear praise for, there's most likely Michael or Lucifer working side by side with him."

Castiel opens his mouth a few times. It's...logical, it makes sense, and yet -

"Human prejudice, huh?" Gabriel says. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Population'd go a little nuts if they heard that. But there's the thing - how are they going to command us effectively if they don't know the best ways to use us?"

"I had no idea..." Castiel says.

"And now you do." Gabriel does a lazy roll in the air, a casual show of confidence before he pauses in front of Castiel, forcing him to stop. "When are we going to get the usual 'are you sure you're an archangel? you don't act like one' question?"

"I wasn't going to ask that," Castiel says. "I didn't know what to expect, and didn't want to make assumptions."

"You were a bundle of nerves when I showed up, kid."

Castiel stops another flare of irritation before it can show. "You're dangerous," he says instead.

"And so are you."

"I'm nowhere near your - "

"Ah, ah, stop that. We've got different purposes here, and different builds. You're dangerous in your way and I am in mine, and there's no reason to go debating that."

Castiel blinks at him, and Gabriel returns to the path, flying with purpose again.

"Should I expect the other archangels to behave as you do, if I meet them?" Castiel finally asks, catching up with Gabriel.

"Nah. I'm one of a kind, kiddo."

Castiel changes his mind about professionalism and thinking that Gabriel would have it. He almost remarks on this, finding it far too comfortable to speak with Gabriel, but Gabriel holds up a hand and continues flying, even if he does slow.

"Eleven o' clock, Castiel. Down there, in the river. I think they think that they're being cute and all hidden-like. Demons."

Castiel looks, and yes, there they are. Demons, and immature ones at that. "Cannon fodder," he says.

"That's about the size of it, which makes me suspicious. Keep an eye out while I take them out, okay?"

Gabriel waits just long enough for Castiel's nod, and then he is diving down, faster than Castiel cares to think about, and there is a large spray of water as Gabriel skewers the demon laid out on the bottom, and Castiel barely has a moment before Gabriel has taken another out - there are four of the weaklings total - and then Castiel sees the trap spring. It is a legion of demons, shaped into mockeries of ravens, crows and other winged creatures, and they are rising from the trees to swarm towards Gabriel.

Castiel almost shouts warning, but instead triggers the short-range radio inside of him and whispers warning to Gabriel.

Instead of orders, Castiel gets commentary back in return: Whenever I meet Naberius in person I am going to ask him what the hell he was thinking. Castiel, can you believe this insult?

Castiel doesn't even know what to say, instead flying higher and retrieving his gun from its holster, and takes aim, firing precise shots as quickly as possible so he can remove as many of these pests as possible.

The day numbers works on me, I will laugh myself to death, Gabriel complains from below. Castiel, you can stop that now, just get higher up so I don't accidentally hit you. And while we're at it, can we get these things to stop pooping on me? This is going to be a bitch to clean!

Castiel doesn't know what to say to any of that, but he heard an order, and so he ascends, getting higher. He thinks he knows what's going to happen, but - oh -

There is light, and fire, and the sky is scorched clean of the demonic taint.

Castiel is silent, awed. To think that Gabriel could do something like that as if he were barely breaking a sweat, to do it so casually -

It takes a while before he begins to descend.

And below, where there were once demons, there is now a forest ablaze and Gabriel already working to put it out.

Castiel, report in while I take care of this.

Castiel automatically begins the process of reporting in while he watches Gabriel - who traded the gore of demons for the soot from fire - work on snuffing out the fire. He flits from tree to tree, and Castiel can't quite see what he does before the fire is out, but he repeats it over and over, until there is no fire.

Then Gabriel is flying into the river before ascending up to Castiel. Castiel has to look away from the too-bright white that is a freshly-clean Gabriel, but he hears Gabriel's amused laughter as he arrives.

"And that's that. I doubt we'll have any more surprises like that, but I can take 'em if they do show up." Gabriel says.

"You put out the fire," Castiel says, and thinks that it's not the right thing to say. Too obvious, too much of a question.

"We win the war, wipe demons from existance, and then that forest is a home again," Gabriel says with a shrug. "No reason to wipe it out when I can put out the fire before it gets out of control."

"I see," Castiel says. Again, it's logical, sensible. But it makes him wonder. "Do the other archangels do that?"

"Why do you think I'm usually the one taking all of the patrols in this region?" Gabriel asks, then shakes his head. "Nevermind, you wouldn't know that. But keep that in mind."

Castiel nods, now quiet, and follows when Gabriel leads on. He doesn't get Gabriel, but then again that is a lot of what he expected out of archangels in general: dangerous, and unknowable.

He didn't expect Gabriel to be so friendly, however, and it's when he's musing over that thought that Gabriel abruptly turns and asks the question that Castiel's been dreading.

"Now that the problem of the day has been solved," Gabriel says, eyes glinting - Castiel can tell he knows what he's asking - "I can get down to business. Tell me all about yourself, Mr. Experimental Unit, and more importantly, tell me why you aren't already out there, doing the job you were created to do."


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cyborg verse, spn fic, spn:sam, spn:gabriel, wip, fic, spn:castiel

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