Hunter X Hunter Episode 3

Oct 16, 2011 17:31

Lol, at this rate, my journal will become HxH journal, but I just can't contain my excitement (the latest manga chapter doesn't help~ lol!)

So, as expected, a more faithful adaptation compared to the original least in Tompa and Killua department. I'm glad they kept Killua immunity to poison intact. I always thought the bomb entrance of Killua is stupid as hell, since Killua has never used bombs in manga =P

Still, they didn't keep the steak...Why both anime got rid of the steak? TT^TT It's an unnecessary detail but I love that part lol~ (I dream of eating steak in a never-ending elevator...)

And my biggest fear out of them all...the dumbing down of violence. Ugh...Hisoka doesn't look scary at all in this adaptation. And as expected the voice just fails in comparison. But changing blood into flower.............Are they out of their mind? Orz

At least I'm happy to see Killua (even if I prefer the original VA since it's more unique, but the new one is not bad.)

Episode Rating: B+
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