My apologies for raising interest in the subject and then not resolving it; several people have now asked after me, knowing I had started hiccuping, but not knowing if they stopped. I do appreciate all your advice and concern. Basically, once they went away, I was hesitant to announce it right away, in case they came back, and then "right away" sort of slipped my mind.
The hiccups went away at 01:30 on the morning of Wednesday, May 14. At that time, the method for dispatching them was induced gagging, like most of the 7 nights before. For some reason, this time, they did not come back.
I never resorted to psychotropic drugs, and the Doc was understanding about it when we actually met again face-to-face. We stayed with the muscle relaxant (which turns out to be primarily written for
IBS) and antacid, and he cracked my back and neck. The back-cracking took 10 years off my back, so that was great, but I can't say for sure if the drugs did anything, but it at least seems like they made the hiccups less powerful, so that I was able to hiccup through my nose without my throat slamming shut and it just sounded like I had a bad post-nasal drip and refused to blow my nose. Even the Doc at one point said, "and I guess you've also got post-nasal drip now?"
"Uh, no.. that's just a hiccup without the excruciating pain."
So, Wednesday a week after they started, they vanished just as mysteriously. For the next couple of days, I cautiously moved back toward my usual diet. During the hiccups, I had stopped eating anything spicy, but being a Texan, I really don't know how to feed myself without spicy food so that couldn't last. Now I'm back to my normal (but smaller) diet and life, but 8 lbs lighter. I hoping to make it 20 or 25 lbs before I'm done.